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About new models that save us a lifetime

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a big screen TV. Choose a washing machine, stereo, car and electric can opener. Choose a healthy stomach, teeth and medical insurance. Choose a property and pay your dues carefully. Choose your first home. Choose your friends. Choose resorts and chic suitcases. Choose a three-piece suit in the best company of the most expensive matter. On your day off, choose a sofa to fall apart and watch a dull show. Stuff the belly with all sorts of things. Choose rotting, in the end, and with shame, remember the scum that you laid to get out yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. But why do I need all this? I did not choose life, I chose something else ...

Today being a futurist visionary is quite convenient. Agree, it is nice to give long-term forecasts, analyze, make far-reaching conclusions, glorify inventors and engineers who are at the most advanced progress - while not guaranteeing anything concrete and not responding with a ruble for their own forecasts, at least in the form of a bet with the reader.

I will not hide, I myself love to read such articles, falling into the world of dreams of a great and beautiful future: without wars, hunger, envy and advertising. Stop, it seems, was wrong here. Not a single visionary seriously believes that the world will one day be able to get rid of such a flaw as advertising, so it looks like the cornerstone of all existing business models. Advertising is today the “womb” for almost all sales, and therefore money in the world, and it would be foolish to hope that one day the situation will change. Or not?

Even a cursory glance at the whole history of the development of mankind tells us that in the process of their development people gradually adapted themselves to several fundamentally opposite models of existence and consumption. It is not so much about the fifth, tenth, twenty-fifth technical revolution, but about mental shifts in consciousness, a change in the inner worldview, life values ​​and the vector of one's own desires. This is more than a revolution in technology; it is a shift in the internal assessments and behaviors of the whole society.
For example, 100 years ago, with general illiteracy, no one would have thought of communicating everywhere by writing a text. It was impossible to predict to any of the evangelicals of the era of Nicholas II that in just a hundred years, people would want to write text where it is possible to quickly and conveniently explain everything with words.

However, today already all the leading designers of Russia once and for all approved a new trend: henceforth, it is now easier to write a priori than to speak, see and hear. For example, a chat bot in cooking steaks is definitely considered a more convenient and usable solution than reading a cookbook or even watching video tutorials on YouTube.

Trend 2016-2017: in any strange situation - always do a chat.

And this shift in the mass consciousness always happens overnight, because just yesterday it seemed to you that talking live with a person is an extremely pleasant pastime, but suddenly a new day comes and there is a clear conviction that today communication with dead bots, serials and loneliness have become much more accurate and desirable description of the peak of universal comfort.

Similarly, describing the world of the future from today's positions, needs and value judgments - it will be impossible to predict the trends of the future. This situation most of all reminds me of any film about the future, in which people from the 25th century discuss human wars and take pictures of World War II as an example. Not the war of the Romans against the Parthians, not the capture of Ishmael by Kutuzov, not the battle for the galaxy Belt of Andromeda.

And wear jackets. And they speak English. And, of course, they do not implant in themselves 10 legs, 25 hands, 3 heads or a meter-long member. Immediately it becomes obvious that the writers' thinking is limited today and they are not even able to realistically assess the potential and level of thinking and associations of future generations. The framework of the present is like a horizon line. The clearest example of the total blindness of today's consciousness is in the video:

So, the associative type of thinking plays a cruel joke with humanity, immersing a possible FUTURE - into the system of values ​​that exists today (but guaranteed archaic in 20-30 years), emphasizing the still greater impact force of advertising, propaganda, PR and information flows on the ordinary human brain consumer.

Advertising on the streets, in games, in movies, even in the substitute for live chat chatting — the whole world is supposed to be one solid advertisement that wisely dispenses itself to its subjects, as before the leader of the tribe wisely distributed the shares of prey to their hunters according to their merits. We simply do not see any other way from our point of view. Is it so?


Let's assume that the value of advertising in any form and format: native, adaptive, corporate - will dramatically decrease over time, that is, ordinary people will get tired of it very quickly. Yes, they are already tired, they no longer want to be offered, imposed, crowded in front of their eyes, and forced every second: to choose, to choose, to choose ...

If a man of the past has to make a key choice in his life, influencing his entire fate, he only had a couple of times in his life, and then at the most extreme moments, today, literally every three seconds, we are offered to “change life for the better”, “ get out of the comfort zone ”, update your status, rank, image, habits and consumption pattern. Almost every 3 seconds, this happens, and no one person is biologically ready for such a pressure, and he will never be ready for such eternal stress, no matter what past data about him would be stored on his BigData servers.

Initially, historically and, sorry, anatomically, all people need a higher status in their own tribe, and the ostentatious consumption of all other products is only a consequence of this initial reason. And here the usual rule comes into force: “It is much more efficient to work with the most generative cause than to painfully impose its surrogate derivatives on society”. I mean, to give a person his status, and hang up all the clothes and personal belongings in accordance with the image (character) that the consumer himself forms.

You will associate this behavior with a familiar situation from the pages of history, when in France of the 17th century the status of “nobleman” was chosen by everyone who could hold a sword, did not want to sow and plow, and especially did not want to live long and die old and sick. There, a one-time choice of status determined the whole fate of a person — his clothes and communication style, circle of friends and diet, the list of tasks to be performed and the register of women available. That's all, more no longer needed to leave the comfort zones and crave to change their destiny: do what you can - and get what you deserve.

Today, more and more people agree that the future belongs to subscription services. This is not only a daily diet, but also the consumption of spiritual food in the form of a subscription to films and TV shows - this is the choice of your image as a whole, the whole essence.

Suppose a typical hipster vegan, in order to preserve his social circle and strengthen his authority, receive all new likes and respects - he just has to look in a certain way, consume certain media content, absolutely definitely spend his leisure time and have a strictly defined profession.

Similar laws exist in any other society: Adidas pants and a cap of a certain style, food and favorite music, places of rest and work are also absolutely clearly formalized within this community. And to confuse the rules (concepts), appearing among friends in the image of the hipster-vegan taboo here from the example above, is to lower your social status forever and deprive yourself of any prospects for a prestigious consumption format in this circle.

There is no place for advertising here - having chosen your image, having formed your character, all that remains is to do what is “necessary”, trying to break as few informal rules as possible.


To keep afloat in the chosen society, and not to fall out of regularly changing trends, regular receipts of new goods and services are necessary. By no means in the form of advertising tips and possible recommendations, but in the form of the only possible chance not to fall behind in the race for the leaders.

Conclusion: the more recommendable advertising in the world - the more disoriented society and the loss of common goals and the common vector. And vice versa, the sooner the society will take up the position of a doctor who prescribes each his own unique medicine to preserve social and mental health (in the form of a list of consumption of mandatory goods and services) - the sooner the world will get rid of teen suicides and total confusion and helplessness.

Why am I so sure of this that I even decided to formulate my guesses in the form of an article?

For a long time analyzing the process of formation of male consciousness from adolescent in wild tribes, not yet spoiled by the impact of advertising, I came to the clear conclusion that the lack of choice among young people = the absence of suicide .

When every teenager clearly knows that he can only become a great warrior, go through strictly defined rituals and serve his tribe within the narrow acceptable limits of custom — he does not torture himself with spiritual throwings, internal protests and the search for his Self.

For him, I and the Super-I have already found the wise elders in the best way for the whole tribe. So, wild and uneducated people achieve an effect that is almost impossible in today's society - each individual is not useless in a team, but benefits to the maximum of his own abilities.


If you believe that history is always moving in a spiral, then my prediction is that at the next turn, civilization will refuse to sell and advertise as such, saving the over-employed person drowning in information flows from every second and searching for their own image. The user will receive clothes, food, staff and moral standards immediately, entirely and by subscription for the next 10-20-30 years.

Why am I bringing this all up? In essence, to the new standards of super-saving of finite resources. But the most finite and irreplaceable of all existing resources today is the time of human life. Alas.

And spend it on a choice, on purchases, on shopping. viewing advertising (which you can’t just close with a cross) is criminal now, and in 15 years it will be simply inhuman. While the user is bogged down in endless and meaningless monotonous operations and events, switching endless buttons, checkboxes, screens, partitions, and missing his own life through his fingers into the sand - it’s seriously talk about the existence of usability in the world.

Mr. Tinkov today is confident that the banks will soon die. But he does not agree on the fact that very soon the money (including cryptocurrencies), the shops, and the search on the websites will surely disappear - as too time-consuming operations. With a slightly more adequate distribution of food and housing, today we could get rid of all the hungry and homeless in the world forever; which means that in the near future everyone will understand that earning food and paying a mortgage cannot be the key goals and needs of a person, sometimes going to the detriment of the rest of humanity for the sake of satisfying their own imaginary need (and phobia).

Now it remains only to observe, who will be the first to be able to help suffering humanity, removing it from the information and advertising interface intoxication?

I also recommend reading: What is digital and what is the interface between the person and the object of his consumption

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399163/

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