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Information Management or How to Curb RSS

What is RSS, many of the readers know. As Wikipedia says -
a family of XML formats for describing news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc. Information from various sources, presented in the RSS format, can be collected, processed and presented to the user in a convenient way for him by special aggregator programs.

Most of all I like decoding Really Simple Syndication - a very simple acquisition of information . In this article, I will not go into the details and history of RSS, but will concentrate on using this powerful tool.

But still a bit of history

Previously, we had to “get” information on the Internet in various ways:

If we wanted to know the weather, we went to the site, found the necessary information, or subscribed to the mailing list. If we were interested in whether someone replied to the comment - again, we had to constantly go to the site. The user was isolated in the "information vacuum".

However, with the arrival of RSS, everything changed:

Today, the user is the center of an information system , which adds much more information management capabilities and saves a lot of time. On the other hand, RSS also increased the amount of information received. How to cope with them - now find out.

RSS aggregator (RSS-reader)

The most well-established way to use RSS - RSS-readers : Google Reader, Bloglines, NewsGator, etc. Today, the most common are just Internet applications, because they are free from the shortcomings of desktop programs. News feeds (feeds, feeds) on the Internet RSS-readers are always relevant - on whatever device you would not read them (although the same Snarfer can synchronize your RSS library, but only through Bloglines). The device can be your work and home computer, player, smartphone and any device that supports this format. The choice of RSS-reader is a matter of taste, but they, as they say, do not argue about them;)

Tips for beginners:
  1. Add feeds gradually ;
  2. It is not necessary to read ALL the news that they managed to read - they did . Anyway, if you subscribe to several sources of similar subjects, thanks to the effect of the echo-chamber you will not miss anything important. In short, do not be afraid of the "Read All" button;
  3. Allocate a certain time to read the news - for example, 15 minutes at the beginning of each hour. Reading feeds is akin to a drug;
  4. If you don’t have time, but really want to read, save the articles that interest you ;
  5. Remember to add tags and folders as the collection grows;
  6. Do not be afraid to delete news channels ;

IM and Twitter

It's no secret that sometimes you need to get the fastest news (bloggers, reporters). To do this, you can set up your Gtalk / ICQ / MSN or Twitter accounts to receive RSS. For IM services you can use:

Very carefully add feeds . With my 160 channels, I received news every second .

The most interesting blogs and news resources can be added to Twitter. Usually on the sites you can find out the nickname of the person registered on Twitter, by subscribing to which, the news will come immediately to you.

We filter

Over time, the library will grow so much that time will simply not be physically enough. This will help us RSS filters . The most famous:
AideRss - based on algorithms , selects the most important and discussed news.

FeedHub - learn based on your interests , you vote “for” or “against” and gradually should receive only those articles that interest you.

FeedHaus - based on your tag cloud get only relevant information.

Hyper powerful keyword filtering system - almost like Google Alerts - only with advanced features - Filtrbox . Are you wondering who is talking about you, where your site was mentioned or when your favorite band will arrive in your city? No problem - customize and enjoy.


No time to read? Well, several services will solve this problem. On the road or driving - it is great to pass the time and stay on the peak of awareness.


What if the site does not have an RSS feed ? Then come to the aid services such as

It is quite simple to configure them.

For more exotic purposes (for example, you are looking for a designer’s job and would like to receive updates from 10 sites and answers to your requests in one feed), Yahoo! Pipes and FeedInformer .

Want to get Google search results in RSS (maybe your site came out on top :)? feedmysearch.com

For fans

Snackr - with this application you will always keep abreast. After all, the news line is always on the screen.

Are watching

Suppose that by the nature of your activity you have to constantly monitor several sources . Services like Netvibes , Pageflakes , etc. are most suitable for you. On one page you can place several important sources and check, say, after 20 minutes. Here you can add feeds from your experiments.

Using some of the proposed methods (someone like that) can significantly increase productivity and forget about boredom.

Image credits: lifehacker.com, google.com, snackr.net

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/39915/

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