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The modified theory of gravity in its own way explains the structure of the universe.

Professor Eric Verlinde (Erik Verlinde) from the University of Amsterdam has developed a new hypothesis of gravity. The scientist published his calculations the other day in several scientific journals. He proposed the main part of the hypothesis back in 2010. Its main message is that gravity is not a fundamental force of nature, rather, it is a random phenomenon.

According to Verlinde, gravity appears as a result of a change in the main bits of information stored in the structure of space and time itself. He argues that gravity is due to a certain difference in the density of entropy in the space between two bodies and in the surrounding space. Thus, he explains the attraction of two macroscopic bodies by the growth of total entropy with a decrease in the distance between the bodies. In other words, the system simply goes into a more likely macrostate.

In his article from 2010, the scientist showed how Newton's second law, which can explain the fall of apples from a tree or the stable orbit of an artificial satellite of the Earth, can be a particular manifestation of the interaction of these elementary blocks of matter. “Newton's laws do not work at the micro level, but they operate at the level of apples and planets. You can compare this to gas pressure. The gas molecules themselves do not create any pressure, but a certain amount of gas puts pressure, ”the scientist said in 2010. According to Verlinde, the behavior of stars in galaxies, which, according to many scientists, do not agree with generally accepted ideas about space-time, can be explained without introducing an additional factor, like dark matter.
Dark matter in astronomy and cosmology, as well as in theoretical physics, is a hypothetical form of matter that does not emit electromagnetic radiation and does not directly interact with it. This property of this form of substance makes impossible its direct observation. The conclusion about the existence of dark matter is made on the basis of numerous, consistent with each other, but indirect signs of the behavior of astrophysical objects and on the gravitational effects created by them. Clarification of the nature of dark matter will help solve the problem of hidden mass, which, in particular, lies in the anomalously high speed of rotation of the outer regions of galaxies.

The fact is that the outer regions of galaxies rotate much faster around their center than they should. Scientists have already calculated the speed of rotation of galaxies for quite some time if stars, planets, nebulae, that is, visible matter is all matter that exists in the Universe. In fact, something greatly enhances gravity, and therefore the outer regions of the galaxy rotate faster than they should. To denote this "something", scientists have suggested the possibility of the existence of invisible matter, which, however, has a significant impact on all objects in the visible part of the Universe. Moreover, according to calculations, dark matter should be several times larger than ordinary matter. More specifically, it is believed that 80% of the matter in our visible part of the Universe is dark matter.

The first to make accurate and reliable calculations that indicated the existence of dark matter were astronomers Vera Rubin of the Carnegie Institution and Kent Ford. The measurement results showed that most stars in spiral galaxies move in orbits at approximately the same angular velocity, which leads to the idea that the mass density in galaxies is the same for those regions where most stars are located and for those regions (at the edge of the disk) where the stars are few.

Despite the fact that the existence of dark matter is recognized by most scientists, there is no direct evidence of its existence. All this evidence is indirect.

According to Eric Verlinde, everything can be explained without adding mysterious matter to the modern model of the existence of the Universe, which cannot be detected. Verlinde says that his hypothesis has been tested, and she accurately predicts the speed of rotation of stars around the center of our galaxy, as well as the speed of rotation of the outer regions of other galaxies around a common center.

“The new vision of the theory of gravity is consistent with the observations of scientists. By and large, gravity simply does not behave on a large scale, as predicted by Einstein’s theory, ”Verlinde said.

At first glance, the basic principles of the Verlinde hypothesis are similar to the principles of other hypotheses, including MOND (modified Newtonian Dynamics). But in reality this is not the case: MOND simply modifies the generally accepted theory using its principles and principles. And the Dutchman's hypothesis works with new principles, the starting point here is different.

The hypothesis found a place for the holographic principle formulated by Verlinde’s teacher Gerard 't Hooft (received the Nobel Prize in 1999) and the scientist Leonard Susskind (Stanford University). According to this principle, all information in the Universe can be described as a giant imaginary sphere around it. The theory on the borders of the studied area of ​​space should contain, at most, one degree of freedom per Planck area. Verlinde argues that this theory does not take into account the fact that some of the information in our universe is not just a projection, it is quite real.

And this additional information is precisely the reason for the more rapid rotation of the outer regions of the galaxies in comparison with the calculated indices. Real information in our Universe is capable of explaining another additional factor — dark energy, which, as is now commonly believed, is the main cause of the unceasing expansion of the Universe. Moreover, as Nobel laureates Saul Perlmutter, Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess showed in 1998, the rate of expansion of the Universe is not constant, as previously thought, this rate is constantly increasing. The generally accepted theory says that the share of dark energy accounts for about 70% of the contents of the Universe, scientists are trying to find traces of it in the microwave background radiation.

The professor claims that now many physicists are working on revising the theory of gravity, and some progress in this field has already been made. According to the Dutch, science is on the verge of a revolution that can change people's ideas about the nature of space, time and gravity.


At the same time, many physicists continue to believe that dark energy and matter are real. So, Sesandri Nadathur from the University of Portsmouth (UK) last month published his work in the Astrophysical Journal Letters , where they talk about a new method of conducting very accurate observations of the largest galaxies in the visible part of the Universe and the empty spaces between them. Accuracy of measurements, scientists say, makes it possible to detect dark energy from the temperature of the light echo remaining from the time of the Big Bang. If dark energy exists, then the temperature of the “echo” photons that emanate from clusters of galaxies and “cosmic wastelands” should differ. These differences are very small, but now they can be found.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399121/

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