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Standing at the counter of an online store

Since I do not live in the capital. and about 2,000 km away from it, where it is possible not to see new products in local stores even six months later after their appearance in the open spaces of our Motherland. At a certain point, it was decided to no longer pull acquaintances and friends who had previously helped in the acquisition of new products in the computer industry, and start using online stores. By this time, I had a couple of bank cards and I began to master this complex process of buying through the Internet.

All my impressions will be described only from the "counter".
So for all my short life, I happened to encounter several examples:

1. Foreign online store.
2. Domestic sellers, for whom the distribution of products through the Internet is the only sales channel.

3. Russian stores of computer equipment, for which trading via the Internet is not the main sales channel.

Everyone had their own mistakes and blemishes, but first things first.

Story 1. "Sly Chinas"

My wife decided that it was enough for me to hang around for friends and comrades, the tavern-eatery presented me with a game console. Having played around for about a month with its setup and integration into the local network of my apartment, it was decided to purchase a mouse for it, and since in Russia we can only buy them at a triple price on the Moscow market, a large Chinese online store has become my choice.
Registration is completed, the goods are in stock, the feedback on the store is positive and I decide to pay for my purchase.
I'll run a little ahead: until you have paid for something, you are on a horse. Torment with questions, demand all sorts of refutations of all your suspicions and doubts. But as soon as the money has flowed from you to the seller, you change roles with it, now you may have to prove that the money was sent, the legality of the money, your identity and what is most unpleasant for your questions and requests, you will receive less and less answers.

The money went away (the bank informed about the cancellation), the order is confirmed, the goods are about to be shipped. At the designated time I look at the order page and see “Back ordered, ships once restocked” (shipments are not carried out, the goods are temporarily out). Well, I’m contacting tech support, in broken English I ask about delivery dates, to which I get the answer - “unknown”. Well, nothing I write about the refusal to purchase and the request to return the money. Answer: “OK, your order is canceled, but we don’t charge money before you send it to you.” But my SMS from the bank has come that exactly the amount of my order has been written off. I decide to understand, I write to them that I have other data and if the money was written off, I write an application to the Bank's Security Council, and it is the largest bank in Russia and it is possible that as a result all payments to your address will be blocked indefinitely.
I have in my head that the money is gone, but the clever Chinasis "smear" and do not want to give. All replies to my letters came at least the next day.
I'm going to the bank to take action. For a long time I explain to the operator a girl what I want from her, or rather I just need a certificate of a transaction with such and such a number of such and such a number. In response, only: “we issue an extract only once a month on the 25th day”. Realizing that I will not lag behind, she apparently contacts the technical department and for about an hour tries to explain my interests to them. After 2 hours, I received the answer that the money was not written off from the account, but only blocked and at the end of the month if the seller didn’t claim it, they would be returned to my card.
Well, in principle, this was my first experience. I consider it very positive, if only because it remained “at our own”.

History 2. "The Conquest of Space"

On the occasion of a successful deliverance from a kinescopic TV, bought from the first money earned in 16 years, a good LCD TV was purchased. And again the problem - cable TV on the big diagonal is simply impossible to watch. Well, to create problems for yourself and to solve them yourself is my vocation in life. A week later, a satellite dish appeared on the roof of the house - I got “NTV +” and caught fire on the satellite Internet. I read reviews, chose a receiver for my computer, but they are not in our “megalopolis” and when they will be unknown. Found them in a large Russian computer network.
I read the rules, conditions (order - arrival at the regional warehouse - payment upon receipt) and decided to order. The next day, a call from the manager: "We are very pleased that you ordered ... blah blah blah ... within 3 days your order will arrive and we will call you back." I am waiting for the second week, waiting for the second, I decide not to wait for the third one and call to find out the status of my order (alas, it is impossible to do this through the website). Manager: “And you know, we forgot to call you back and your order has long been in stock, come pay and get.” Really arrived and all without much delay received.

History 3. “Big computer in a big car”.

"Ten" sold, bought a good American SUV. And I got an idea to install a full-core dual-core computer with a 10 "monitor with navigation and other computer technology advances. Having read specialized English-speaking and domestic Internet resources, all the necessary components were selected and purchased, except for the monitor and the power supply for the computer.
To transform 12V -> 220V -> 12V is irrational and simply unsafe.
I found this deficit on ebay and from a domestic private merchant, after reading reviews about ebay, I decided to support Russian business. Long correspondence by ICQ, e-mail and money through a savings bank sent to Moscow, a receipt sent. The next day, the call: "Good afternoon, the money arrived today your order will be sent by train, as discussed earlier." The next day, met the train received a parcel in the baggage car and came home happy. During the installation, I damaged the monitor, wrote to the seller about the malfunction, and received a stunned response: “If you think this is our fault, we will send the defective part free of charge.” But I know that these are my crooked hands to blame. As a result, I paid for the spare part and received it the next day.

History 3.5. "The hapless mouse"

Much water has flowed under the bridge and those mice from the first story appeared in Russia officially, but again only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in our city if they were, it was only with double winding. Greed made me check online trading again. After reading the specialized forums, I found who is engaged, so to speak, sales from the "first person". Again, communication via ICQ, e-mail, paid for the order.
By this time I had already acquired a decent Internet bank, the possibilities of which are no different from an Internet bank for legal entities.
The next day, the money was from the seller and he reported on the transfer of goods to the transport company (door to door). Two days and the courier is in my office with the right package. Well, everyone is happy, I'm sending, the seller is a new regular customer.

History 4. "Depth in the center of Moscow"

I went into netbook fashion, and why shouldn’t I buy an inexpensive and functional laptop, especially since I solved the housing problem and get attached to nothing in a big apartment. I chose MSI WIND 10 ", but again there is no problem, but ROVERBOOK is the same. And since the provider gave me a ROVERPC S6 communicator a little earlier, it was decided to discard the prejudices and buy the ROVER netbook. And where should I take it? Rover in Moscow. I’m knocking on ICQ to an online consultant, and so I want to buy. Answer: "Yes, please, everything is in stock, pay, we send money from door to door delivery." I thought it was cheaper than waiting for them to appear in our city ​​and decided to pay, having previously specified:
I: Can I pay via Internet bank?
Manager: No, only via savings bank on receipt.
Me: What's the difference?
Manager: Well, if you manage to pay by savings bank, please.
I: Well, I'll pay for it now, tomorrow you will have money. When will send?
Manager: We will send the money from you, on the same day.
Me: Well invoice.
Manager: First register on the site.
(after 20 minutes)
I: On your site registration does not work, gives: "Error request: ...."
Manager: Okay, let’s send me an e-mail now.
I received the invoice, paid for it, sent my data, received confirmation of receipt of the delivery address and so on. The next day I knock on the online consultants (ICQ) - silence, well, I think there is little earned. Another day passed, they said that they didn’t send anything, and if they didn’t send it, it means that the money did not reach (iron logic), then they asked for the phone of the accounting department, but in response:
“I don't know him.”
- Give the phone to someone who knows.
All ICQ connection is gone. Well, I think, okay, where ours did not disappear, he told the assistant to understand, gave all the data, in the end in half an hour: “The money is received, how it is sent - they will call you back right away. It’s just that they were surprised how this money from the physicist came to the account. ”On Sunday I remembered that there was no call and raised the assistant again. As a result: “They say they don’t work, call tomorrow” (although it’s written on the site that they work on Sunday).
Monday, a report from the assistant: “They did not send anything. When asked to return the money, they ask in surprise why we want to return the money. They promised to call them back before 5 pm or after they call them themselves. ”
After 5:00 pm, they answer: “This person isn’t, we don’t know anything. Call tomorrow.”
Always first read the reviews of the online store before you buy.

UPD: On Sunday I went to pick up the laptop from the delivery service, didn’t even ask for the documents, just told them the invoice number and that's it. Total almost 2 weeks from the moment of payment to the receipt of the goods, so keep gentlemen merchants.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/39899/

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