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IT digest of events of the end of May-June

Despite the cold May, summer promises to be hot. You can make sure of this if you familiarize yourself with the list of Russian IT events of the end of May and the first summer month. At the request of aveselov , we decided to compile a digest of diverse IT events. If you have in mind there are missed by us, but noteworthy options for a useful pastime, please write in the comments.

AngelHack 2017

When and where:
May 27-28 - Kaliningrad, ul. Gaidar, 6, Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship BFU them. I. Kant, NTP "Factory"
June 3-4 - St. Petersburg, Polytechnic, 29, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
June 10-11 - Moscow, Moscow, Krasnoproletarskaya, 4, headquarters of Beeline

Conditions of participation: registration is required

AngelHack is a series of hackathons supported by Code for A Cause and sponsored by AWS, BlueChilli, HPE, Nairobi Tech Week, Apps4All, IBM Strong Loop and others. May 27-28, the event will be held in the capital of amber - Kaliningrad, and in June AngelHack will be held in St. Petersburg (June 3-4) and Moscow (June 10-11). Many developers, designers and entrepreneurs will be able to show off their talents. This year, the organizers will encourage the winners with a trip to Silicon Valley for the HACKcelerator program and participation in the global Demo Day (all cities dance (crossed out) all cities participate), besides, two prizes are expected from Sberbank and Beeline with a nominal value of 50,000 rubles. each (for Moscow and St. Petersburg). Kaliningrad developers can count on one similar prize.

Startup Hackathon SFD

When: May 29-31
Where: Rostov-on-Don
Conditions of participation: registration is required

What to do in sunny Rostov-on-Don at the end of May? Of course, visit a startup hackathon from the Agency for Innovative Development, which is held to identify the best startup projects applying for funding of public and private foundations. Residents of the Southern Federal District will be able to take part in competitions in the direction of programming, development of start-ups, technical entrepreneurship, and the best projects will be awarded prizes from partners. The organizers promise the participants 3 days of active work on their projects and the opportunity to evaluate the prospects of the chosen business model.

IT startups FRIA

When: May 31
Where: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 13, p. 18
Participation conditions: free, registration required

The last spring evening of this year will be a meeting of IT startups from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund. During the event, speakers will tell beginner business owners how to grow financially and pump their business. The program includes several hours of lectures, as well as the possibility of live communication with experts of the direction and investment managers of the IIDF. The topics of lectures are related to the development of business in IT, for example, what a company should become in order to receive investments, which the world's leading investors are guided by when choosing companies and others.

Moscow Data Science

When: May 31
Where: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospect, 39, p. 79
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Moscow Data Science is a traditional event from the Mail.Ru Group, dedicated to solving practical data analysis tasks for IT specialists. If you are interested in the following topics: gradient boosting, creation of conversational artificial intelligence, segmentation of multispectral satellite images, feel free to join.
Meeting at the Mail.Ru Group office involves active informal communication, during which one of the participants of the Dstl Satellite Imagery Feature Detection competition share their experiences.

DevCon School: Future Technologies

When: June 1
Where: Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6, p. 3
Participation conditions: free of charge (subject to selection)

DevCon School organizers invite those who wish - developers, architects, project managers - to join an exciting free training event in the following areas:

Morally prepare to take part in master classes and intensive courses on selected topics, as well as to personally communicate with Microsoft experts.

Mobile Marketing & Monetization Conference 2017

When: June 1
Where: Moscow, st. East, 4, Bldg. one
Conditions of participation: 2000 - 5000 rubles.

One of the wonderful and most delicious events in the world of mobile marketing and monetization of mobile applications is the Moscow Mobile Marketing & Monetization Conference 2017, which is focused on developers and companies who are interested in taking their mobile business to a new level. Conference speakers will tell guests about how to create successful mobile products, how to properly advertise and analyze them in order to achieve top positions in world markets. After the official part, an informal continuation of the event with barbecues and drinks is expected.

Unit economy for startups

When: June 2
Where: Moscow, Kirpichnaya st., 33, p. 2, coworking of the HSE Business Incubator
Conditions of participation: 1500 rubles. For students the discount is a 30% discount.

Not quite ordinary, but interesting for startups, event. If you can not calculate how much you can earn on your idea, then you are here. The master class from entrepreneur and expert Daniil Khanin will help you to understand what data you really need to know about your business, learn what conclusions you can draw from the metrics and how to strengthen your project, how to determine the optimal price for your product and learn cohort analysis. Do not forget to bring a laptop with you, so that it is more convenient to practice on your project and, if necessary, immediately ask questions to the speaker.

Karting Tournament "IT Race # 4"

When: June 3
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Perekopskaya, 6, PitStop Narvskaya
Participation conditions: free of charge (subject to qualification)

The cultural capital pleases with non-standard ideas. IT-Race is an annual series of competitions of an olympiad character. This is a karting tournament among IT companies, which this year marks its fourth anniversary. The team of brave racers, according to the rules, should consist of five participants, and it is desirable that at least one representative of the beautiful half of humanity be in its composition. All team members must be employees of the stated IT company or community. The organizers ask all participants to independently qualify before the tournament; the deadline is June 1 inclusive.

HolyJS 2017

When: June 2-3
Where: St. Petersburg, Victory Square, 1, Hotel "Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya"
Participation conditions: 21000 - 24000 rubles.

HolyJS is the largest JavaScript conference in Russia. It is entirely devoted to the favorite language of many. The organizer of the event, the company, JUG.ru Group, promises that this year all the reports will be very hardcore: only technology and nothing superfluous. If you have a lot of questions for the speaker, then after the report you will have to wait for convenient discussion areas, where you can personally “try” the speaker and talk about the painful. The range of topics is expected to be quite wide: from the architecture of modern JS applications to the Web developer workflow.

Heisenbag 2017

When: June 4
Where: St. Petersburg, Victory Square, 1, hotel "Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya"
Conditions of participation: 13 000 - 15 000 rubles.

Global event for specialists in the field of testing all of Russia. The program of reports is designed for one day, but, judging by the plan, this day will obviously be very informative and stressful. About 20 speeches on the topic of practical testing on the example of real projects are planned. The following topics are written down:

Meeting of the Moscow Testers Club

When: June 4
Where: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospect, 39, p. 79, Mail.ru office
Conditions of participation: registration is required

June 4th is just a holiday for testers. If you fail to visit Heisenbag in St. Petersburg, then it is quite possible to join the meeting of the club of like-minded people in Moscow. Share experiences, listen to reports. As they say, people look and show themselves. This time, the topic of the role of the tester in a startup, possible problems that are likely to be encountered during participation, responsibilities and benefits for the tester will be discussed. Another speaker will talk about the learning process of programming, the resources available for this, approaches and tools.

RIT Festival ++ 2017

When: June 4-6
Where: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, der. Skolkovo, st. New, 100, Campus Skolkovo
Participation conditions: 20 000 - 24 000 rubles.

The Russian Internet Technologies Festival is a truly large-scale event. This year it includes 8 thematic conferences: system administration and maintenance of rootconf.ru , high-load systems and databases , server programming , project management and entrepreneurship , an enterprise conference , as well as front-end and mobile development . The price includes food, handouts, the right to visit two days of the festival and transfer. More information about each direction can be found on the website.

Startup village

When: June 6-7
Where: Moscow, st. Nobel, Skolkovo Innovation Center
Participation conditions: from 3000 rub., For students - 1000 rub.

Startup Village is a conference for technology entrepreneurs. The event is organized by the Skolkovo Foundation with partners. Among the conference participants are representatives from more than 20 countries. This year, Startup Village will be the fifth anniversary. There is a relaxed atmosphere at the event: no dress code, no restricted access areas. Everything is democratic and productive. This is a great opportunity for startup founders to meet with investors and government officials to discuss technology trends and make useful contacts.

ITFin Russia Forum

When: June 7
Where: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky lane, 4
Participation conditions: from 17 940 rub.

“Safety is paramount” - it is under this slogan that the ITFin Russia Forum will take place.
The program will include topics relevant for both IT and financial services: analytics (2016 review and forecasts), security of mobile applications and Internet banking, the impact of new payment systems on the market, import substitution in the financial sector, automation of financial processes and optimization IT costs. Particular emphasis is placed on the interaction of the two industries and the active networking of their representatives.

ar / vr

When: June 8
Where: st. Poklonnaya, 3A, Bldg. four
Conditions of participation: 10 000 rubles.

If you want to get lost in virtual reality, the International Forum on Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality Technologies is what you need. Representatives of business, science, creative industries, developers, experts, investors and just fans of innovative technologies are invited to participate. Within the framework of the conference, two thematic areas are highlighted: one stream will be devoted primarily to the consideration of applied problems of development, while the second will focus on marketing and business strategies on the material of real-life cases. In the exhibition area, manufacturers will present the latest developments with the use of AR, VR and MR-technologies.

Social spirit

When: June 9-11
Where: Moscow, Bersenevskaya nab., 6, p. 3
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Let's make the life of our society better! Give more social programs! The company MTS and Deworkacy invite authors of products in the social sphere, as well as developers, designers and product managers to the 48-hour hackathon. Participants are invited to try their hand at creating products that improve the quality of life of users and solve social problems in areas such as education, health care, medicine, ecology, culture and development of Internet literacy. Consultations of experts at the preparatory stage and in the process of working on the project will allow you to carefully think through and successfully implement any product idea. The organizers will provide developers with the most comfortable working conditions, and the teams that have shown the best result can count on cash prizes, offers for employment and further development of the project.

White nights

When: June 14-15
Where: St. Petersburg, Bolshoy pr. V.O., 103
Participation conditions: from 150 € (9450 rub.)

A major international conference for game developers on all platforms. The speeches will be broken up into three streams, including a variety of topics (Facebbok ecosystem, farm-type / monetized games, action games, VR / platforms and development tools). Reports from gaming industry professionals and representatives of world famous companies are expected: Facebook, App Annie, Microsoft, Google, Amazon. At the end of the official part, the participants are offered an entertainment program that provides ample opportunities for communication and networking. And if you have not yet enjoyed the white nights of St. Petersburg, the White Nights conference, as the name suggests, is also an excellent occasion to correct this omission.

Meeting Moscow Azure Group

When: June 15
Where: Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 9, Microsoft Technology Center
Participation conditions: free

The pipe is calling! Community Moscow Azure Group announces the first collection. Participants will listen to presentations from guest speakers on examples of using the microservice architecture through Dockers, Service Fabric, and other features. The main event of the meeting - the speech of Stas Pavlov, a leading technical evangelist of Microsoft. The organizers plan to hold events of this format on a monthly basis and call on representatives of the local IT community to submit ideas for future meetings and try themselves as speakers.


When: June 16
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Tikhoretskaya 17
Participation conditions: 5000 rub.

The first international conference dedicated to the frontend will be held under the motto: "Participate in an event of a European level without leaving Russia." If your English is not a level: "London is the capital of Great Britain", then feel free to buy a ticket. After all, the largest Western and domestic experts from companies such as Yandex, Microsoft and Adobe, will gather in the northern capital to discuss the design, layout, styles, graphics, typography, tools and methods.


When: June 16-18
Where: Moscow, Izmailovo sh., 71, 3B
Participation conditions: from 5900 rub.

DevConf - everything is so delicious! This is a truly ambitious project, combining seven conferences in one event. The organizers included all popular programming languages ​​and leading technologies in the program, breaking them into separate streams (BackEnd, FrontEnd, Storage, DevOps, Management, Workshop, Joomla). Discussion in each section takes place at a highly professional level: direct authors of languages, as well as recognized Russian and foreign experts are invited to speak. The priority will be topics related to teamwork, code refactoring, streaming the web development process, industrial development. Reports are scheduled for the first day of the conference, while the second is entirely devoted to master classes in relevant areas. Among others, the event will also include a Lua-based meeting, which is currently being used to recruit speakers.


When: June 17-18
Where: Smolensk, gathering at the monument to V. Terkin (transfer to Lake Sapsho)
Conditions of participation: 2000 rubles.

Long wanted to get out of town? Conscience business with pleasure. A two-day open-air IT-fest that offers participants a varied and varied program and an excellent opportunity to spend the weekend outdoors with fellow IT-industry members. On the first day, reports are planned on a wide range of topics from representatives of metropolitan and local companies and round tables on business issues; On the second day a variety of master classes will be held. In between the thematic events, participants are offered various team games, live music, flash mobs and communication in an informal setting.

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference

When: June 22
Where: St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Prospekt PS, 37, Hotel Vvedensky
Conditions of participation: 10 000 rubles.

The blockchain technology is increasingly capturing the market - for good reason Russia almost decided to legalize bitcoin. In this regard, we recommend visiting an international event from Smile-Expo, the organizer of the first largest network of crypto-conferences in Europe. The speakers include prominent representatives of the industry, well-known and cryptocurrency market gurus, lawyers, as well as foreign experts. In their reports, they will cover such topics as analytics of the cryptocurrency market, the future prospects for Blockchain and Bitcoin, modern technologies and technical aspects of work, earnings and bitcoin exchange, features of doing business. Particular attention will be paid to the blockchain in the banking sector and the legal regulation of digital currencies in the light of legal changes in legislation. In the demo zone organized on the site, visitors will be able to familiarize themselves with various types of equipment and software for business optimization.

Analytics in Motion. New frontiers

When: June 22
Where: Tomsk, st. Sovetskaya, 45, Grand Conference Hall
Participation conditions: free

As it is known, “Russian power will grow by Siberia”. Inspired by the Lomonosov dictum, Econophysica invites IT specialists to the first conference in Siberia dedicated to topical issues in financial mathematics and big data. The topic of discussion will be the most global modern trends: various ways of using machine learning technologies, the rapid expansion of the blockchain field of application, opportunities that provide big data in such areas as business, politics, economics. The organizers express the hope that this initiative will serve to form a unified Siberian community of experts in advanced technologies and actively exchange experience and opinions within it.

Business & IT Strategy: Western recipes in Russian cuisine

When: June 22
Where: Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 31, TDC "Novinsky Passage"
Conditions of participation: number (number of participants is limited)

As part of the annual Outsourcing Week Russian Outsourcing Week 2017, foreign experts working in Russia will hold a strategic session for managers and top managers of large Russian companies. Popular modern practices and business models will be considered speakers primarily in the cultural aspect, in terms of their relevance and viability in Russian realities. The event involves three parts, during which the presentations of the speakers will be interspersed with interactive sessions. The first part will be devoted to general issues of implementing business strategies, the second will focus on the application of Western methodologies in the Russian IT services and outsourcing industry. The third part is different non-standard format - as the final chord, a sort of cherry on the cake, guests will be offered a culinary workshop, followed by tasting dishes.

Best Intranet Russia

When: June 21-23, 2017
Where: Moscow, Teatralny passage, 2
Participation conditions: 25 000 - 66 000 rubles.

The conference is devoted to the topic of corporate intranet portals and everything related to them. The organizers promise a rich program with exclusive presentations from experts that you will not hear anywhere else. The specific examples from the experience of large companies will discuss such issues as the development of the ecosystem of the intranet portal, gamification and creativity, successful and failing practices. Participants will have the opportunity to present their own project to the general public at the INTRANET BENCHMARKING RUSSIA-2017 exhibition, which is planned within the framework of the Forum and involves the interaction of visitors with the portals presented in real time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329450/

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