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Announcement of the Joker 2017 conference: Java Unity Day

The time has come to announce a new Joker (in general, they planned to do it in June, but 150 people already ask us for tickets, there is no place to put it off). Announce:

On November 3-4, St. Petersburg will host the Joker 2017 Java Conference. Last time we gathered more than 1000 participants, we had more than 40 speakers in 12 tracks, who performed for 2 days. That will be this time, read under a cat.



Joker 2016 was marked with a record 12 tracks (6 parallel tracks with reports and another 6 with discussion zones) and dozens of reports. The reviews were from enthusiastic "now in every slot there is where to go" to the separated ones "why are there so many interesting things happening in parallel?"

How many tracks there will be this time is not very clear. Not less than 4 + 4. To make it convenient for everyone, the program committee will decompose reports in such a way that in one time slot there are no similar topics and you would not have to choose between Shipilev and Kuksenko.

We sincerely hope that Oracle, Red Hat and IBM will agree, and by November we will still see the “nine” and will be able to pick up reports not about what to expect from it, but about what we got. In the meantime, I suggest you look at the names of those who have already scheduled performances on Joker 2017:

Special guest - Sergey Milfgard Abdulmanov, Mosigra

There are no IT people of the former, Sergey demonstrates the wonders of the engineering approach to the business of managing a network of stores of board games, each article causing a stir on Habré. On Joker you can meet and grind “for life” with the legend Habr. In his keyout, he will tell you how to develop 8 times more board games, without increasing the team 8 times.

Accept reports

If you want to talk about something hardcore and new Java-community - give us a report !

If you have already spoken somewhere and have met a warm welcome from the organizers and the audience, show us the videotape of the report - this will significantly speed up the decision making by the program committee and increase your chances of performance. Class performances in the past is one of the important criteria that traditionally guides our program committee.

Beginners should not be afraid either - we will definitely communicate with everyone. Moreover, if your topic is fresh and interesting, we will do everything to hone the content of the report, the technique of performance, timings and presentation, in general, to prepare the perfect report with you, for this we even started a special section in the blog.

Exhibition and stands

At Joker 2016, it turned out that the sponsor zone is becoming more and more like a full-fledged exhibition. Not only the guys from the already familiar EPAM / OK / Luxoft stood with the stands, but the participants could communicate with the engineers from Red Hat, Azul Systems, JetBrains (about Kotlin and IDE (A)). This time we plan to increase the number of stands, dragging foreign colleagues (communicate with Zeroturnaround and Hazelcast, for example).

In reality, the exposition has turned from a “job fair” into a real exhibition: you can talk for hardcore, discuss projects and have fun - there was a lot of things, from the banal kicker to HTC Vive and robococcus.


Like last year, the conference will be held at the Expoforum Exhibition and Convention Center. Yes, go far. Yes, for a long time. But it's worth it. The problem is that more in St. Petersburg there is simply no place in which 1000+ people can breathe deeply.

It was convenient and comfortable at the site - there was plenty of space to just walk, there was no feeling of a crush

Until June 1, the early bird price will be valid, by the way. If you plan to register “for your own” - it makes sense to register now .

PS If you have any questions / wishes / clarifications - you can find us in a separate Telegram-chat: t.me/jokerconf

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329388/

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