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How did it get into the “development” stream or thank Google for the opportunity to contact programmers

I would really like to be a programmer, but, unfortunately, I am a marketer who was somehow brought to the graduate school in Louisiana to gnaw the granite of the science of econometrics. Yes, I know math well, slowly mastering R and even quite tolerably know how to predict time series using various ARIMA models. Nevertheless, the programmer from me is really nothing at all.

But on my watch 2:22 night, which means it's time to get closer to the point. It so happened that I studied at the Lyceum, from which, well, everything just turned out to be programmers and / or cool IT specialists. A lot of well-known graduates work for me in large companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon, someone feels confident in local teams, someone launches their projects, and someone like viktor_sytnik wins in world team cyber security competitions.

That is, this programmers brotherhood constantly surrounds me throughout my entire adult life (thanks to them for that). And I, unfortunately, just a marketer. A marketer who never fails to be touched by the attitude of many IT people to marketing in all its manifestations.
Advertising in social networks? - There is an ADBLOCK! CEO? - You littered your entire Internet! Offline advertising? - But who is now looking at these of your billboards? Here is the last article about the vulnerability of the VC has not been without such comments.


In the meantime, under the cut, you will be solving a problem from Google, which the company used as a non-standard advertising campaign to attract talented developers to its ranks, I will try to change your opinion about marketing.

The history is as old as the world (actually dated 2004). But taking advantage of the fact that the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet did not particularly highlight it, I will try to briefly tell you the essence of the Challenge.

Once on the expanses of Silicon Valley this billboard turned out to be:


Looking ahead, I’ll note that in this way Google decided to save on its HR costs (it’s quite difficult to entice a talented programmer, and in the States, all the more. It’s expensive. Very expensive), and at the same time add a few talented developers to the staff.

The task went quite well to the programmers (who, of course, are not influenced by advertising) and the story of the mysterious billboard spread all over the States. I suggest you try to solve the puzzle yourself, but just in case below I will attach the implementation in java language, which I spied on in one English-language blog. I hope you will forgive me, because as you remember, I am still not a programmer, but the selected list of hubs needs to be supported by something.

To find the Euler number, the author used the formula: image
At each iteration of the cycle (now stones will sprinkle on me) he counted on a new number, adding 1 / Facorial (n) to it. After this, there is another cycle that works with the fractional part e, selecting 10 digits in a row at each iteration and checking whether the resulting 10-digit number is simple.

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;

public class EulersNumber {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigDecimal e = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal bigDecimal = BigDecimal.ONE;

for(int i=1;i<100;i++) {
bigDecimal = bigDecimal.multiply(new BigDecimal(i * 1.0 + ""));
e = e.add(new BigDecimal(1.0 + "").divide(bigDecimal, new MathContext(10000)));

String strDecimalPart = (e + "").substring(2);

for(int i=0;i<strDecimalPart.length()-10;i++) {
long num = Long.parseLong(strDecimalPart.substring(i,i+10));
if(isPrime(num)) {
System.out.println("First 10 digit prime number in the decimal part of e : " + num);

public static boolean isPrime (long n) {
if (n<=1) return false;
if (n==2) return true;
if (n%2==0) return false;
long m = (long) Math.sqrt(n);

for (long i=3; i<=m; i+=2)
if (n%i==0)
return false;

return true;

A source

Having solved the first part of the puzzle, enthusiasts got to the site, where another task awaited them:

f(1) = 7182818284
f(2) = 8182845904
f(3) = 8747135266
f(4) = 7427466391
f(5) = ???

Drawing attention to the numbers, you can see that all of them are part of the number e. The first part starts with the second character, the second from the 6th, the third from the 24th, the fourth from the 100th:


If you spend a few hours solving a problem, you can see that everything ingenious, as always, is simple:

7+1+8+2+8+1+8+2+8+4 = 49
8+1+8+2+8+4+5+9+0+4 = 49
8+7+4+7+1+3+5+2+6+6 = 49
7+4+2+7+4+6+6+3+9+1 = 49

Thus, by writing a short script to find the elements of 10 digit segments, the sum of the digits of which is 49, one could get the answer and the potential work in Google.

Do not rush to pry the answer, think. In the meantime, you think I'll be back to marketing. A few years later, after the Google company worked out a cool marketing piece to find programmers, another well-known company, Uber, began its development in the passenger transportation market. I do not know if you are aware of the fact that the so-called early adopters of Uber were geeks, who were once again not affected by the marketing ploy of the company, which offered free trips around the city to all participants of geek conferences that were attended by residents of various cities.

At the same time, it is with an unsuccessful marketing strategy that one can relate the story of the collapse of the Borland company, which was a true hero of its time, by giving us such a warm and lamp TurboPascal. Borland had a whole line of affordable mass-market oriented products, thanks to which the company was firmly on its feet, but the board of directors decided to move towards the enterprise, which required a completely different product (including marketing) approach, unknown to Borland. By the way, free distribution of products among university students (like the same Pascal and Delphi) was a very good marketing solution, which helped push people to their products from the “school bench”.

There are a lot of similar examples. Yes, and let's move away from the IT. Each of us tries to dress well, sometimes preferring certain brands, simply because they are cool; tasty and healthy to eat (and often, good quality packaging is an indicator of product quality, advertising delivery emphasizes benefit and “environmental friendliness”, the price is very few of us take the purchased products for examination to be sure of their benefits, isn’t it?); to take his wife / girlfriend / friend to a cafe, and just go to the movies. Marketing surrounds us everywhere. Moreover, I really believe that advertising is a kind of engine of progress.

Of course, to succeed, it is desirable to have a good quality product. However, the cliché that a good product sells itself is one hundred percent wrong. This world has seen so many cool and cool projects (especially startups) that had incredible development teams, cool ideas and products, but nevertheless failed miserably in the market, including under the influence of more “backward and non-revolutionary” companies, with more far-sighted strategy.

And besides, almost everyone knows and understands (there should have been a joke about domestic politics, but there will be none) that jobs, preferably with decent working conditions, are an incredible stimulus for the development of the economy. But which enterprise can provide job creation if their product is not sold on the market?

Sales is as important a part of a company's business as its development (including when it comes to software products). And I hope that you will not deny it. And all sorts of marketing tools, including SEO, contextual advertising and display advertising, social networks, radio, television, billboards, flyers, and even these terrible ads on the door of the entrance - are only pointwise steps towards the implementation of the overall strategy. Each of which plays a significant role.

It's 4:07. Since the beginning of the writing of this note, it has been one hour and forty-five minutes. And all this in order to invite you to pay attention to the flow of Marketing or subscribe to my profile on Habré, so as not to miss the cycle of 60 articles, of which I will try to make whole and of course free guidance on integrated (especially online) promotion. During this 60-article marathon, I will try to tell you not only about the “theoretical” concepts, but also about how we successfully brought the project to Kickstarter , how I became the owner of a supermarket in the Crimea, and what came of it about how with the help of flyers, forums and sites we sold a program written on the knee on Delphi , and especially about what is happening now on the Internet advertising market, including various chips and life hacks like once and twice that will help save your budget if you ever have to do prod izheniem of the business network.

Unfortunately, marketing is one of the few things that I can do well in life. But with the flow of Development will have to say goodbye as long as I did not learn how to program.

UPD. As promised, a start was made: habrahabr.ru/post/329516

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329342/

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