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ACM ICPC World Championship in Sports Programming: Live Broadcast

Today, at 18 hours Moscow time, in the American Rapid City will begin the final of the most prestigious international competition for programmers - ACM ICPC. We invite everyone to see this event live (the live broadcast will begin at 5 pm Moscow time) and support the team of the ITMO University - one of the favorites of the championship. How teams from all over the world were preparing for the final, as well as the predictions for the victory, will be described below.

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Some facts

I would say that it is possible to succeed in competitions to a certain level, having only knowledge from the first category [knowledge of mathematics, algorithms, programming language]. Nevertheless, the knowledge from the second category [understanding the right tactics, skills of competent allocation of resources] greatly simplifies life and works as a catalyst. As in any sport: there are physical skills, and there is knowledge of technology, psychology, and so on. It is possible to succeed only at the expense of the first, but the second will work as a catalyst
- Pavel Krotkov, a graduate of the Faculty of Information Technology and Programming at ITMO University, participant and organizer of many programming contests in Russia and abroad, including ACM ICPC NEERC

Participants training

Before taking part in the final, teams are trained at a variety of preliminary training. One of these training stages is held annually at the MIPT base (this is Moscow Workshops ACM ICPC).

The format of the workshops is quite tough: for 11 days of continuous training, student participants solve at least 100 Olympiad tasks. Also within the framework of the training program, consultations with lecturers and the study of lecture materials are provided.

Future winners do not neglect such training: in 2016, 8 out of 13 ACM ICPC winning teams participated in training camps. And in the current Moscow Workshops ACM ICPC, 170 students and trainers from 19 countries and 44 universities took part. The possibility of remote participation allowed the teams from the USA, Latvia, Romania, China and India to be trained by Russian specialists.

Forecasts: who will win

According to Andrei Stankievich, ITMO University team coach and a member of the organizing committee of the semi-final of the World Championship in Northeast Europe, the following universities will be among the contenders for victory this year:

According to Andrei Stankevich, they can compete with teams of other Chinese and Korean universities, as well as the traditionally strong team of the University of Warsaw.

“As the pre-final gatherings at MIPT showed, this year a very strong team is from the Chinese University of Xinhua. It includes students who, in their time, were in absolute first place at the international Olympiad. However, twice our team managed to get around them in a training competition, so there are chances.

Of the Russian teams, the teams of ITMO University, SPSU and MIPT showed themselves very well. Of the unexpected discoveries of the latest fees - a team from Australia (University of New South Wales) and a stronger than before, the KTH team from Stockholm. We can also mention strong teams from MIT and several other Chinese universities: Shanghai University of Transport, Fudan University from Beijing, and Beijing University. ”
- Andrei Stankevich

Vladimir Parfenov notes that this year the results of the Russian teams that reached the final turned out to be expected: the leaders performed consistently well, but the composition of the universities-finalists remained almost unchanged compared to last year:

Among the Russian finalists, the participants are old ([they] have reached the final stage before, but not in all years), since it is very difficult to prepare the team that goes to the final.

If we talk about the region [North-Eastern Europe], then this season St. Petersburg State University, ITMO University and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology are the three most powerful Russian teams, since Moscow State University, for example, has not developed a season. From other countries [of the region] Belarusian teams can compete with us.
- Vladimir Parfenov

Broadcast and other useful links

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329322/

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