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IQL is another SQL generator for Java

A few years ago, I started developing one large PHP project, which only did what it wrote, read, and updated tons of data in SQL. Immediately, it was decided to write a SQL query designer for this project, which then made my life much easier and to this day helps me and my colleagues in their daily work. The fact is that I cannot put this constructor in public access, because the project does not belong to me, and this constructor is strongly tied to our framework.

In this connection, I decided to develop its Java equivalent, in the hope that it will serve someone in good stead, since not everyone needs ORM, and JOOQ seems too complicated



A little bit about how it works and how it is better PreparedStatement

In PreparedStatement, in my opinion, one drawback is not quite convenient data insertion via setType (index, value), and the IQL class uses for this type reduction when declaring fields that will be used for value substitution. Used abbreviations of data types:

IQL typeType when creating the tableType when inserted into query
% sVARCHAR (255)String, additionally processed before insertion with the help of the StringFilter functional interface specified by the static setStringFilte () method
% vVARCHAR (255)String without additional processing (Only escaping a single quote character)
% tTEXTString, with additional processing before insertion using the StringFilter functional interface, specified by the static setTextFilter () method
% iINTEGERint, without additional processing
% dINTEGERint, Date, or String. In the latter case, the String will be processed using SimpleDateFormat and formatting string specified by the static method setDateFormat ()
% f
Floatfloat or String
% bBoolboolean or String

An example of using type abbrevs when inserting data:


Create a query to insert multiple rows into the users table, name (VARCHAR), birth_date (INTEGER) and level (INTEGER) fields


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("url", "login", "pass"); 

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); //   IQL iql. addTable("users"). //  users setInsertFields("name %s", "birth_date %d", "level %i"); //    /*      ( getStatement  getSQL)  this,     ,    */ iql.insert("User1", "12.12.2012", 4); // iql.insert("User2", 1494968400, 3); // PreparedStatement ps = iql.getStatement(); //  PreparedStatement 

As a result of executing this code, ps will contain the following pending code:

 INSERT INTO `users`(`name`, `birth_date`, `level`) VALUES ('User1', 1355256000, 4), ('User2', 1494968400, 3) 

Data update works similarly:

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); iql. addTable("users"). //    setUpdateFields("name %s", "birth_date %d"). //    update("admin", "11.04.1986"). //  where("level %i", IQL.EQUAL, 3); // String SQL = iql.getSQL(); // sql- 

Which will generate the following SQL code:

 UPDATE `users` SET `name` = 'admin', `birth_date` = 513547200 WHERE `users`.`level` = 3 

It should be particularly noted that if the update does not specify conditions (by calling the where () or whereId () method), then an InsecureOperationException will be thrown. The same fate will wait for delete without a condition.

Not without a virtual operation UPSERT, which updates the data if at least one condition is specified and adds a line if there are no conditions. It works like update and insert:

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); iql.addTable("users"). setUpsertFields("name %s", "birth_date %d"). //   upsert("guest", "12.12.2012"); //     String SQL = iql.getSQL(); 

Will create the following code:

 INSERT INTO `users`(`name`, `birth_date`) VALUES ('guest', 1355256000) 

And if you add to the same code where () or whereId (), then the query changes completely:

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); iql.addTable("users"). setUpsertFields("name %s", "birth_date %d"). //   upsert("guest", "12.12.2012"). //     whereId(122); // String SQL = iql.getSQL(); 

The request will look like this:

 UPDATE `users` SET `name` = 'guest', `birth_date` = 1355256000 WHERE `users`.`id` = 122 

Sampling and combining tables

Simple sample:

 String SQL = new IQL(con).addTable("table1").select().getSQL(); 

Generates the simplest:

 SELECT * FROM `table1` 

We can complicate the selection by adding selectable fields and combining several tables:

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); iql. //  domains,   subdomain  domain,  domain  NULL addTable("domains").select("subdomain", "domain").where("domain %s", IQL.ISNTNULL). //  orgs,   org_name   name, org_address   address addTable("orgs").select("org_name name", "org_address address"). // org_name  orgs LIKE "%%" where("org_name %s", IQL.LIKE, "%%"); //   2 (orgs)  1 (domains)   orgs.id = domains.org_id iql.join(2, "id", 1, "org_id"); String SQL = iql.getSQL(); 

As I wrote above, thanks to the scheduling and free order of commands, the same code can be written as follows:

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); iql.addTable("domains", "orgs"). join(2, "id", 1, "org_id"). setTable(1).select("subdomain", "domain"). setTable(2).select("org_name name", "org_address address"). setTable(1).where("domain %s", IQL.ISNTNULL). setTable(2).where("org_name %s", IQL.LIKE, "%%"); String SQL = iql.getSQL(); 

However, you need to use setTable () here to set the active table. In the first case, a variant of the addTable () method with the addition of only one table automatically sets it active.

This code will generate the following query:

 SELECT `domains`.`subdomain` AS `domains_subdomain`, `domains`.`domain` AS `domains_domain`, `orgs`.`org_name` AS `name`, `orgs`.`org_address` AS `address` FROM `orgs` JOIN `domains` ON `orgs`.`id` = `domains`.`org_id` WHERE `domains`.`domain` IS NOT NULL AND `orgs`.`org_name` LIKE '%%' 

Types% s,% t, StringFilter interface and additional string handling
For additional string processing, the IQL class provides the StringFilter functional interface and static IQL class methods:
setStringFilter (StringFilter sf)filter string% s before inserting
setTextFilter (StringFilter sf)filter string% t before inserting

Suppose we are faced with the task of replacing HTML tags with HTML sequences, for example, replacing <with <lt ;.

For this we can use the following construction:

 IQL.setStringFilter( (s) -> s.replace("&","&").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") ); 

After that, all% s strings inserted in the query will be processed in this way:

 IQL iql = new IQL(con); iql.addTable("myvals"); iql.setInsertFields("price %f", "name %s"); iql.insert(3.22, "<h1></h1>"); String SQL = iql.getSQL(); 

The resulting SQL code:

 INSERT INTO `myvals`(`price`, `name`) VALUES (3.22, '&lt;h1&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;') 

In general, that's all. I would be glad if this class seemed useful to someone, and I would also appreciate constructive criticism.

More examples and more complete documentation describing all the methods can be obtained from the wiki on github.


UPD: Corrected incorrect method names

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329280/

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