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Golos - part I: broken chronology, or briefly about the main thing

I have never had to write the first part after the second , but since the community wants - I will try. The question is that, as it turned out, on Habré few people are familiar with the wonderful fork Steemit - golos.io.

In order not to walk around for a long time and especially around, I will give a description from rodgar under my publication on Stim (spelling is preserved):

The media platform, launched a year ago, is open source. To date, 135,000 registered accounts, market capitalization of $ 30mil.
Under the hood lies Steem (C ++ blockchain database, proof of work based). The payload in blocks is text. Through nodejs-muzzle (there are bindings for python and js) you can write and read to this database, it turns out that the script is.

But in order for the base to work and be decentralized, we need miners, and they need to pay. Therefore, each block in steem has a value, 10% of which goes to the miner. The remaining 90% go to the author of the text that lies inside the block, be it a post or a comment.

Plus a lot of difficult conditions and interconnections so that it all looks like an economy. Special piquancy adds the fact that the creators of every 3-4 months make HARDFORK for various critical and not very reasons.

You forked this project half a year ago, translated the webmord into Russian and promoted it in the CIS under the name Golos.

Everything is correct, besides - that I forked Steam :). These guys did it.

Now that there is a Golos for me as an author:

  1. The first is the opportunity to write and make money on it: the payment goes both for posts and for comments, as rightly noted above. The calculation algorithm found by me in the heavenly Internet is the following: “every 24 hours, 57'600 VOTES are distributed to the authors and curators' remuneration (40 per minute x 60 minutes x 24 hours = 57'600 every day). That is, the system clearly identifies a certain number of Voices (here the Token Voice is meant), which is called the pool of rewards. Voices from this pool are distributed among all active participants, authors and curators, no matter how many were 10 or 10'000. Anyone who leaves comments is equal to the authors.

    The one who votes is the curator. ” The system, in my opinion, is simple and straightforward.

  2. The second is to promote really interesting materials (in social networks this is called “like”) and at the same time to earn. Of course, we are not talking about some fabulous sums, but in any case - this is an aid in the development of the community, because "Voting helps others identify quality content that is worth paying attention to and which may be of value to the platform."

  3. The third is to understand exactly how the success / importance of an account is measured: for this the Power of the Voice exists. At the same time, what is of particular interest to me is that “The Power of the Voices cannot be wasted at will (it lies“ on the bill ”) like ordinary or Golden Voices. If you want to “withdraw from account” your Voice Strength, you need to do the reverse process of conversion (Power Down) - this process is not simultaneous: Voice Strength will be converted back into Voices in various parts over 104 weeks (2 years), or transition to a new economy in 13 weeks ”(now the transition has already been made and the withdrawal takes 13 weeks).

I hope there will be no questions.

The very process of voting and distribution of awards deserves a separate post. Here I will only note that (if you are interested and go to the Voice) it is from - Power of the Voice,% (special slider - can be from 1% to 100%), which stand out during the voting and / or from Voting Power itself.

Better immediately life hacking:

  1. https://telegram.me/golosupvote - chat, where you can throw the post to vote for him
  2. http://golos.steemstats.com/#/ - interesting statistics, which will be discussed later in the post on voting
  3. https://wiki.golos.io/ - super wiki project
  4. http://golosd.com/ - all posts by voice

What else?

In addition to the voice, you can put a post and a flag: in fact, it is dizlike, which must be set in extremely rare cases. In particular, I found the following information: "for published amoral content; for content that causes personal insult to another Voice user; for plagiarism; for repeatedly publishing texts copied from the Internet (the so-called copy-paste), even if they are linked; for publishing spam ". In addition, there is a similar recommendation for the following three cases: “the account is suspected of identity theft; account deals with fraud and / or trolling; published the so-called thrash. With the latter - everything is very difficult, because The criteria here are purely subjective.

So why do you need Golos?

  1. Firstly, this is a working (!) Russian-speaking (!!) project on the blockchain: this, at least, is worthy of attention in itself.
  2. Secondly, there you can really earn money on content (especially since tokens are growing ).
  3. Thirdly, in contrast to the multitude of criteria, mining here has a very specific rationale and significance, and for those who do not like the “empty” work of the Asiki - this is the very thing.
  4. The fourth - the community of Voices is very young and there is much to develop: and developers, creating new customers; and authors - giving great content; and to commentators and curators - promoting what is useful and necessary; Investors - to denazify risks.

The second part is here . The third will be about voting and chips of the blockchain. Questions are welcome.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329278/

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