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How cloud can help future technology

In one of the materials of our blog (in fact, in a whole series of posts) we have analyzed the most common myths that have developed around the IT infrastructure.

Today we will continue to talk about this topic and try to start collecting our new collection of “cloud” interesting things from a moment of futurism.

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According to various analytical centers, be it Gartner, Statista, or special departments of corporations, the situation in the field of virtual infrastructure is developing quite quickly and IaaS will continue to gain momentum. Absolutely everyone understands this: experts, developers and users of cloud services.

Of course, for the organization of effective work of the IaaS provider, there is little understanding of this trend alone. Employees' participation in a detailed assessment of the situation and forecasting new business needs largely determines the competitiveness of such a company.

Here come to the aid of thematic sources and analytical tools. For example, the technology maturity cycle from Gartner. It takes into account not only the degree of acceptance of certain technologies by the majority, but also determines the predicted level of expectations. Understanding the public reaction to innovations in the IT sector allows the IaaS provider to assess the need for new services and prepare for their introduction. According to analysts, this approach is absolutely universal and can be used in the work of almost any company.

Dealing with these questions, you can become a real futurist for a moment and talk about a new era of computing power at lunch with colleagues. On the other hand, there really will be something to do here: IT development is moving in the direction of every possible “embedding” of computing in the world around it. And this means the emergence of a perfect new tasks and questions related to how these opportunities will be used by people and companies.

What robotics need

A couple of years ago, we talked about 5 components of cloud robotics and since then the industry has advanced far enough. Today there are millions of service robots around the world that help not only in the factory, but also deal with household tasks (cleaning, safety, entertainment).

This sector is just beginning its run, but now it is necessary to solve the problems of communication between robots. The complexity and importance of such issues can not be underestimated - just remember the Amazon robotic warehouse and pay attention to the coordinated work of all devices.

How to help Big Data Specialists

Collective training of various devices (example above) involves certain developments that were obtained by the company as a result of continuous monitoring of all available data types (including those from the robotic systems themselves).

The introduction of such analytical mechanisms in the business processes of any organization requires a thorough preparation of the “foundation” - IT infrastructure , the effective and stable operation of which gives the very difference in working with data (in real time) compared to the content of the entire analytical department.

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How to solve problems in the field of IoT

Distributed computing using statistical learning or sharing code and algorithms is only part of the set of tasks that the IoT sphere faces. One of the main problems is to ensure an adequate level of security (including in relation to working with personal data). It is based not only on the total complexity of the connections between the many elements of the IoT world, but also on the very different understanding of this term by companies.

This is what complicates the work with the infrastructure, which must ensure the authentication, confidentiality and integrity of data. IaaS providers should offer their solutions to these problems in the form of new approaches for organizing the interaction of intermediate data gateways and various service subsystems.

How corporate software will develop

The transition to a “cloud” model aimed at specific services has a significant impact on the usual approaches to the distribution of software that requires installation in the field. Vendors and their customers are trying to find new opportunities to circumvent the barriers associated with the overall consumerization software.

People do not like to give up their usual tools, but they are also well aware of the negative sides associated with the disadvantages of UX and the almost zero level of corporate mobility offered by old software. For applications of the new type, designed to relieve the business of these shortcomings, you need a flexible IT infrastructure and the ability to automatically scale, for example, using the API of an IaaS provider.

How will the work and lives of people

When we talk about changes in IT, we should not forget about people who interact with these technologies. The human factor and the methods of work adopted at the company often become an obstacle to the efficient operation of the entire organization.

Cloud providers are able to give specialists new tools that will fundamentally change their approach to performing tasks. One of the main tasks is to move the focus from routine procedures to the creative processes that the specialist should deal with.

How data centers themselves will change

Many companies talk about their experiments on the placement of data centers with an emphasis on the search for energy-efficient solutions. One such example is the Iron Mountain data center, which has been buried to a depth of 67 meters. In fact, we are talking about the once abandoned mine, but this approach is quite popular. Another example is the Natick data center, it was drowned under water and placed in a special capsule, which gives a certain mobility and even the ability to quickly move the entire data center.

All these buildings are filled with a huge number of service systems, have their own distribution substations, unique cooling systems and UPS, which support the livelihoods of data centers. Here we say that the IaaS providers of their data centers themselves are at the forefront of IT development, and the leaders of this industry have long since moved away from the myth of “a couple of computers in a student dormitory” and turned into modern and resource-intensive buildings. As an example, we will cite data on the data center, where we place our own equipment: SDN in St. Petersburg and Dataspace in Moscow (and more recently, the Alma-Ata data center).

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329232/

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