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Google I / O Site Tour

Hi, I'm Andrew, managing partner at Touch Instinct. Let me tell you how I went to Google I / O. Below is a tour of the site in Mountain View, a review of the conference and a lot of pictures.


For me, I / O started the day before the official opening with the Mixer event group. Touch Instinct - 1 out of 25 companies certified by Google as a reliable contractor for Android development . We were invited to the Google Developers Agency Program Mixer, which took place on one of Google’s campuses, away from the main event center. It's nice that Google separately takes care of the agencies that use its technology.

The meeting takes place in an informal setting, no official
The meeting was about the latest updates in the development for Android Things, there were general warm words in support of the Google Developers Agency program and the presentation of the awards themselves.

There are only 25 such pieces in the world, one of them is with us

But most importantly, it is an opportunity to talk with colleagues in the shop from all over the world. There were guys from America, Brazil, Turkey, Germany, many other countries and Russia. Separate greetings to Vladimir Makeev from Surf Studio, with whom they pleasantly and cheerfully chatted about the industry.

Met with Vladimir Makeev from Surf Studio

For one networking followed another, already with food and alcohol. Google definitely knows how to cajole and cheer partners.


The people checked in the day before the opening to get better places on Keynote. I sit very close to the stage, practically in the presidential box for certified agencies.

The first minutes of the presentation. At the scene of Sundar Pichai, SEO of Google.


In order for developers not to burn, Google put glasses and sunblock cream into a t-shirt package. Trifle, but nice. Although I personally froze at the time of KeyNote and did not even save coffee. Sunny California pleased +11 degrees in the morning. By the time of the performance it got warmer until +18, but it was still cold in the shade.

Continuing the theme of moans - in the past I / O, everyone was upset that there was no freebie from Google. This time, the guys decided to catch up and announced that each participant would get on Google Home, a free printed album from Google Photos (yes, but why ??) and a $ 700 credit for the Google Cloud Platform. Judging by the cheers and applause, everyone was pleased.

Give out Google Home

Separately, it was still possible to buy T-shirts / hoodies for a modest $ 50 or $ 25, but by the middle of the first day all the hoodies were sold out. Vova, not ssy, I managed to take you.

In these kiosks sold merch


The food was ordinary, as in the plane. Still, a full catering for a couple of thousand people is difficult to arrange.

Several types of catering for conference participants. To each according to his needs

I am glad that coffee, drinks and water were distributed everywhere. By the middle of the day it became hot and had to hide in the shadows. Well after all, that put the cream.

Everywhere androids

During lunch, sit almost nowhere. Had to look for a free corner to eat.

Dining area, seating is not enough

By the way, at the end of the second day there was a fire in the office premises, even there were victims. But the conference continued.

Transport and housing

For transport and housing, everything depended on where it stopped. From large hotels there were shuttles every half hour, many traveled to Uber and Lyft. The parking attendants around the event settled the traffic fairly well and drove them to the parking lot, although in the mornings they still had to stand in traffic. For those who lived in San Francisco, Caltrain was the only option and then a shuttle from the station, which took quite a lot of time. I traveled by car every day, the so-called Reverse Commute .

Despite the warning that there might not be enough parking, there was plenty of space. But the traffic from San Francisco to Mountain View is terrible in the mornings and evenings. 5 lanes in each direction, and still they all stand.

Park where I want. We drove everyone to the parking lot in an organized manner, but walking on the dusty field is no longer an ice.

Part of the Russian guys rented a house in Santa Clara for 9 people. And cheaper, and more fun, and you do not live in a cheap hotel.



About announcements have already written all and sundry. I will not repeat myself, of course, read VC . The overall impression of Keynote was a little nagging. Unnecessary cartoon animations and throwing water balls into video bloggers Slow Mo Guys - Apple's WWDC still doesn’t allow such things to itself on Keynote and focuses more on interesting announcements.

The main theme for me is Google’s departure from the Mobile First paradigm. Artificial intelligence, which becomes a new User Interface for the user, comes to replace it. Whether it’s Google Assistant with context, Google Lens with image recognition, VPS with indoor navigation, and Standalone VR with 6 degrees of freedom. All this works on the basis of machine learning technologies, which is becoming a new and main way of users' communication with devices. I am sure that in the next 5–10 years we will see significant changes in the interaction with computers, whatever that means.

Google gives its partners free testing of new devices: this year they sent us to the Google Home office. We are waiting for the start of sales of a giant multicopter .

Technical sessions

After Keynote, technical sessions began. Many were in for a surprise: they had to sign up for the lecture in advance, through the applications. People booked seats for several weeks, so it was not always possible to get to interesting reports. But there was always an opportunity to stand in line: if there was a place in the audience, then they let him in.

People are much smaller than in the queue at Serov

Demand enjoyed performances on Android Architecture . Google presented its solution to standardize applications at the architectural level. Now, Android architecture is developing very briskly, companies are implementing a bunch of different approaches, all of which are practical and the trade community actively uses them. Already, in principle, moveton does not use at least some architectural approach. This trend last one and a half years is hypnated in the android environment, so the Google solution is logical.

The conference venue resembled the Google campus itself. From session to session, it was possible to walk for 5-10 minutes, before parking another 10 minutes. Separate Sandbox Dome stood between the sessions.

Tents scattered throughout

Within each of which were various interesting demos of existing and future Google products.

Inside like this

I liked the section from the Tango demo phones the most - all the presented cases look very high quality and really fascinate. Only one video lesson with the planets is worth something.

You remove the phone - there are no planets. Returns - and they are there, in the phone

There were also CodeLabs, where you could sit down and program / try some new functionality live.

Developer Zone

All sessions were broadcast online, records were immediately posted on the network . If someone did not have time for the session or wanted to watch two at the same time, he could always do it in the evening. For example, I was stuck in traffic and I started listening to one of the important VR presentations for me even at the entrance to the site. Do not forget that the entrance to the site, parking and a walk around the site took 20-25 minutes.


If you are going to a conference of this level to listen to reports, you should not spend time and money on tickets, hotels and the road. All reports are available online and you can easily listen to them at home. Salt is to chat with a bunch of Google engineers and ask uncomfortable questions. For example, when they start testing the support library before releases and whether they are going to replace fragments in the future. You can also ask for an honest review of your application from people who set guidelines and guide the development of the platform.

Engineers answer questions from a grateful audience.

In addition to communicating with Google employees, there is an opportunity to communicate with ordinary developers, including from Russia. For the second year in a row, the Russian-speaking get-together starts a telegram-chat, where it shares its impressions and information on the topic. This year it was 60 people.

You can go next year

After the main sessions there were various entertainment programs, for example, the performance of the LCD SoundSystem group. But since everything happens in Mountain View, there is absolutely nothing in the district. All the fun ends at 10-11 and continues except in the lobby of hotels and in distant bars. But such a move, as after WWDC, no. At WWDC until the morning everyone is buzzing in bars, and start-up offices are full of arriving developers.

Recreation and communication areas for participants

Google I / O is a good conference. Good organization, interesting content and even gifts distributed. I put a solid four. Not the top five, because the whole event is still an ordinary conference. Unlike WWDC - an event that captures the entire city. True, this year the WWDC will not be in the center of San Francisco, but in San José. Let's see how this will affect the event.

Thank you Google, the conference is good. Who could not come - do not worry, watch the video.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329190/

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