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Online ticket office: first results

So, Federal Law No. 54 will soon come into full force, but for now only 30% of online entrepreneurs have been able to fulfill its conditions (and even then, not all of them are in full). More precisely: out of about 1,200,000 cash desks that must be reregistered, 420,000 passed through it.

Firstly, about the costs: very many people say that small (and especially micro) business will not suffer from innovations. But is it?

Prices fluctuate, but in general, the unit - is 20 000 rubles . There are options for a budget, but now each time you call, it turns out that "while these are not available." Therefore, if we proceed from the fact, then it is 20,000 or more (if there are other examples, please in the comment). In addition, there are “ tablet-type ” solutions, but this is also 20,000 plus.
Further, according to one of the market participants: “The subscription fee for web-fiscalization is charged a fixed 900 rubles - for using the service. This amount includes technical support by phone and email. ”

Prices here also fluctuate: on average, from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. for 1 cashier. With two or more - discounts (but it is just about those who have little cash, or even one). Also, for online cash registers of the “as a service” format, a charge of approximately 6,000 rubles may be charged. one-time FN works for about a year (13 months).

Plus 3000, as we know, to the operator of fiscal data. Plus the actual maintenance.

I know that on Habré they can answer that even 50,000 a year - “this is about nothing”, but not only in such regions as the Trans-Baikal Territory or Buryatia (there are enough such regions), where the average income even varies around 15 000 rub. And I insist on this, because Over the past 3 months, more than 50 people have applied (first of all, it is an individual entrepreneur), who are just learning about online ticketing and every time it puts them in a stupor.

Secondly, on the preparation of the execution of the law : “The FN (fiscal drives - my note) is currently not available anywhere due to a shortage in the market. The scheme of work is as follows: for prepaid equipment, we reserve it for you and deliver the complete set together with the FN, and immediately carry out commissioning (after entering into an agreement with the CRF and registering the equipment with the tax authority). ”

The scheme, of course, is good. Only one question for me: FZ accepted. Market - obliged. Why even now there is a shortage in the market? Is it really not agreed with the participants to such an extent?

The FTS, in turn, decided that “ it would not be executed, it’s a pity - yes, ” that is, when entering into a supply contract with an IP or LLC at the checkout.

Details about the fines can be viewed in K + or Garant, or, for example, in the form of a pivot table here . For example, for the sale of goods, products without an online ticket office in cases where the online ticket office must apply a penalty of: 75% to 100% of the amount of revenue received without using the online ticket office. But not less than 30 000 rubles. If we talk about the IE, then in this case the penalty will be from 25% to 50% of the amount for which the goods, products, services have been sold without the use of the online ticket office. But not less than 10,000 rubles.

But we must pay tribute to the market - it does not sleep and develops new types of services, one of which is “cash as a service” (found in ATOL in particular ).

What are the advantages?

  1. The minimum cost of entry into the business.
  2. Fully pay only the cost of the fiscal drive
  3. The most important thing (for me personally) is all services and payments in one window
  4. As stated - high security (but here it would be nice if someone from the more technically advanced users Habr conducted their tests)
  5. Work 24/7, as backup CCPs are available.
  6. Perhaps the biggest plus of this scheme is that you don’t actually need to purchase a cash register. But for someone it will be a minus.

Thus, almost complete outsourcing occurs here and the owner of an online store, for example, is strong on all those. Details are not distracted. That's just the question - when will all this be complete for everyone? So far I have not found a definite answer: the same ATOL is now overloaded by 120%. And this is despite the fact that the service started on May 15, 2017, that is, just a week ago (you can download the full presentation here ).

Below is a diagram of how such a cash desk service works.

I inform separately (especially without proof) that the Federal Tax Service in the Irkutsk Region has already informed several of our clients that it does not intend to “fine for the online ticket office” until October 2017. The only question is that I am a lawyer and is ready to believe the papers (even first and foremost - digital), but not the words. How this will be in practice is still in question.

So, what questions remain open:

  1. How exactly will it hit a small (and micro) business?
  2. None of the CRFs and salespeople of KTT could offer a ready-made solution for “clean” online stores during call-up, i.e. without printing checks. When the question is closed completely - it is not clear.
  3. SaaS solutions are good and even great, but how safe are they?
  4. I would be grateful to the community for comments on the issues, as well as on what other difficulties are encountered in the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law No. 54.

And the last life hacking , which was issued by the tax at the online ticket offices, is the reception of electronic money: according to them, the delay in installing new devices is until 2018. Let's quote: “in this way, organizations or individual entrepreneurs in the settlement by electronic means of payment ( except payment cards ) on the Internet for sold goods, the use of which in accordance with Federal Law N 54- (as amended before the day the entry into force of Federal Law No. 290-FZ) did not provide for the mandatory use of cash registers, must apply cash registers after July 01, 2017. " There is one caveat, this answer is issued by the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated March 21, 2017 No. UD-3-20 / 1911 “On Consideration of Appeals”, therefore, if a similar need arises from you, I recommend sending the corresponding request to the tax authority.

PS As always - a separate summary of the article for those who read from the end:

  1. Changes in the Federal Law No. 54 on CCV are poorly worked out and are even worse consistent with the practice of its implementation, which, on the one hand, opens up a lot of opportunities, but on the other, and in my purely subjective view, not for small business;
  2. The FTS and market participants are trying in every way to facilitate the fate of sellers, including, first of all, online, for which they thank you very much;
  3. Finally, in a post, you can read a couple of useful legal life hacks, which will be useful in implementing the Federal Law on CCV in the new edition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329154/

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