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Palmistry UX

Recently, leading British studies have found that all people in the world want to be rich, healthy and happy. And some are also well fed. Moreover, it turned out that people are ready to carry any money to any place where they will be created, shown, done, wished that image of success and wealth, which they themselves have always dreamed of.

But seriously, this text is that my great-grandmother Evdokia was a sorceress and a fortune teller, and therefore this breakthrough, she single-handedly made 100 years ahead of the world scientific community, simply wishing people happiness, health, to get married, and others good Actually, it was she who taught me all the knowledge of usability at the master's level, which I now hasten to share with you.


Part 1: Magic

Of course, the sets of lines on the arm, their shape and the bends themselves do not mean anything at all. You can digitize each cell of the palm, build a mathematical model and various graphs, create rows of tables and columns and brag about using BigData for a long time, but in principle there is no useful information in the lines on the hand for an experienced healer. It is everywhere, the whole world is the essence of information, everywhere, except for lines, it can be endlessly drawn and used. The lines themselves were needed only to avert the eyes, to create an aura of mystery and secrecy of great knowledge, because the free information available is not needed by anyone, only secret, paid, from under the floor, through the keyhole is valuable.

Real magic has always been contained in these simple wisdom. The voice of ordinary people in the form of my great-grandmother sounds in my head at every usability conference, as soon as the internal bullshitometer of innovative methods begins to go off-scale:

- First of all, look at how a person is dressed, if he was going to you for a long time, if he was accustomed to order, clothes are also a language with which you can tell a lot to others. Then look, if you are not tired, if you are not in sorrow, if you are disbelieving or mocking, ready to listen or have to speak first and say everything about yourself.

Then about a hand - how did they give a hand, quickly or slowly? How did they “open up”, that is, what was the gesture of turning the palm upwards? The arm itself is heavy or light, hot or cold, with a slight shiver held on to the weight, or falls down onto the table like a sack. Well, my eyes, how they look, what they expect, how they react.

A little warn him against bad things, say a couple of small sorrows, and at the end give him hope, joy and light as much as he can carry with him. That is all wisdom, no hypnosis, simple healing from inner anxieties and doubts.

Jobs's hypnosis

In each company, there will definitely be a person who is sincerely convinced that no one of his entourage has heard of Jobs and with a mentor tone will begin to retell the story of how a brilliant visionary, not communicating with anyone and not testing anything, stayed in the Tibetan cave exactly a thousand years in the lotus position, and then came out and received his sight, and comprehended, and invented ... Today I will be such a person.

Jobs is a perfect example of a palmist and hypnotist who has managed to plunge the whole world into a mass psychosis for several decades. After all, he did not sell phones and computers all his life, he sold an image of success, such excellent exclusivity. I would even say - delight in the very process of using any product.

And it doesn’t matter what product would go to the load of the Superman image he had molded: he could with equal success sell nails for stylish nailing into his head (two colors, minimum settings, the hat of the nail is a symbol of difference from the rest of the gray and the herd ). The main thing was that, as an experienced palmist, Jobs knew the Secret: people always buy exactly one thing - new and improved images of themselves.

I, but more self-confident; I, but fashionably equipped with different cars; me, but of interest to the opposite sex; I, but not dying of boredom in the subway ...

It would not be a big mistake to say that the overwhelming majority of people are not enthusiastic about themselves and this is completely natural - we age, get tired, sometimes even get sick, that is, our body is barely noticeable, but every second regresses towards old age and death. And each of us hopes that a new image, a bright look, an unexpectedly fresh supply of his suffering body - can change his fate, and influence the attitude of the community and improve the place on the distribution of nishtyakov.

The touchscreen technology itself, from the point of view of anatomy and human evolution, its technology of flat button-free telephones has been and remains truly awful and catastrophically inconvenient. Billions of years of human evolution did not suggest such a degradation: the transition from the three-dimensional world of a mammoth hunter with tactile sensations and smells to a more primitive two-dimensional one, with imperceptible control over flat weightless elements.


Fortunately, the intoxication of his image gradually disappears, and people begin to remember that tactile mechanical buttons are noticeably comfortable, exceeded and surpass all touch-screens by several orders of magnitude, which all people who know a little in design for the last ten years unsuccessfully shouted:


The voice of the hypnotist Jobs gradually subsides in our head, and it comes to the realization that the development of smartphones could take a completely different and more rational way: to combine the phone and trackball / joystick, which would give us all:

Yes, small joysticks with one finger appeared everywhere in the phones, and over time they simply had to become more and more: not with one finger, but under a full palm. I note that the cash prospects of combining game consoles with such phones of the future could not be overestimated. But here came the great palmist, and the games became flat and primitive, like the lines on the palm.


Today, there is no more sad sight in the world than an imitation of a convex and mechanical game joystick on a flat screen. Humanity could decide on such insanity only under hypnosis and nothing else. Playing with such an interface in the three-dimensional space of the GTA is so uncomfortable and unnatural that only the veil of mass psychosis from flat screens and the same flat design makes it difficult to notice it.


If it were not for one talented hypnotist, then the phones would naturally evolve along this path, becoming micro-books with a full-fledged Windows on board and the ability to type a complex phrase in a text document on the phone from the first and not the tenth time, and also make other manipulations are dozens of times more complicated than swipe:


Did Jobs do research, questioned his absolutely failed theory that any device should contain “one button or less” and be extremely monolithic, solid and rounded?

Of course, he had a clear and precise understanding of how suggestible our society was and what percentage of the world's population simply languishes from inner pain, dissatisfaction and lack of maternal love.

It is enough to say to all of us that we are special, loved ones, and give them a rounded device with one button below, than to remind them of such a warm and adorable maternal breast, from which their cruel life quickly and roughly forever ripped them off.

Do you need to conduct multi-million dollar research on the simplest question: “Will people of both sexes want to take in their hands and interact with a device reminiscent of the most pleasant and full of love and tenderness of their life?” - when the answer is already known.


However, let me remind you that the military, as the least inspired and zombie-appealing category of people, is why they don’t rush to embed touch-screens and flat screens with material design into their newest machines and pistols.

It sounds old-fashioned and completely non-hipster-like, but alas: for shots there you still need to press the lever, like 500 years ago, constantly being embarrassed before the more advanced friends of their conservatism. The military geniuses of the 21st century are still convinced that a three-dimensional tangible lever is at times more convenient and efficient, especially when it comes to life and death, and not the momentary throwing of Ponts.

The more educated a person is, the more practical and useful activity he performs - the less he is amenable to marketing suggestion.


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Part 2: everything is war

So where do you start your sketches in Sketch? The Japanese say that business is war, and since business can be translated as “business, business, occupation, firm, deal, commercial activity,” it will not be a big assumption that everything is war, and any war is unthinkable without intelligence.

That in the era of the ancient Chinese theorist Sun-Tzu, that in our digital era, intelligence, its quality, its results are the determining factor of victory or defeat. And as intelligence is divided into military (tactical) and strategic, and in market research can be distinguished:

A) tactical-marketing research that answer the question:
Who, Where, How Much, What are Armed and What do they do? Surveys (interviews) or secretive observation (WebVisor) are best for this. The analogy with military intelligence is absolute here:


B) Strategic UX-studies that are not focused on the number of users-click-percent and not what they are doing now - but try to look into the future of human millennial experience, identifying potential for development, looking for the shortest path to possible victory. The questions here are of a different order:

What is man planning? What can he use? What is most afraid of, and what can triple his strength?


The easiest way to illustrate this difference is as follows:

To seize the “tongue” and then torture him for a long time, figuring out how many fighters and machine guns in his squadron, while hoping that he does not lie and not get out in a second from fatigue - this is the most clumsy tactic. Having counted testimony from hundreds of such “languages”, you can find similar testimonies and call them “conditionally accurate” because people lie in a variety of ways, but pieces of truth that are seasoned with lies will always be identical. But it is not exactly.

To find out that a herd of buffalo grazes is grazing not far away , with the help of which you can simply sweep away the enemy army, achieving the goal and saving your most valuable human resource - this is a much broader view of the methods of achieving the goal. Finding the paths with the highest efficiency possible is the strategy in UX research.


Sources of data of any strategic intelligence from time immemorial are, I quote with small inserts for better analogies:

1. Available technologies - objective information about the achievements of science, public health, scientific personnel and their training, the possibility of science to promote the development of industry and research to achieve the goal. This is essentially the study of ourselves: "What we have, what we can give, what tools we possess in principle." The principle: “Start with yourself”, despite the commonplaceness and tardiness, is still extremely effective, and (apparently for the same reason) is practically not used today.
2. Uncontrollable factors that have a noticeable effect and are not manageable. In the army, this is primarily geographic information, including data on relief, weather, climate, hydrography and oceanography.
3. Customer Journey map - information about communications; strategic logistics: information on communication routes, traffic flows, condition of roads, bridges, tunnels, mountain passes, straits and other, points of departure and arrival, focal points - places of concentration and intersection of transport routes, coordinating and distribution centers.
4. Monetization. Where is the money or other resources? Military science refers to this economic information, including information about industry, finance, employed and unoccupied labor, and more.
5. Military intelligence information - that is, the same initial tactical and marketing research: interrogations, torturer, eytreker, twisting hands on flat screens of smartphones.
6. Sociological information, including information about the population, religion, education, national traditions and morale of the people.
7. Political information, including information on the system of government, political parties, foreign policy and others. The last two points do not need explanations and are quoted verbatim.

And one of the most popular mistakes in today's Russian IT cluster is to confuse strategy with tactics, marketing with needs, and instead of living people see only money or fractions of a percent.

Avito - people openly

I will try to illustrate with the example of one of the most massive Avito services and publicly available data about them, where the primitive tactical analysis ends and the real strategic expertise begins.


So, we have the usual data from the service SimilarWeb, which smart tactics can easily transform into a colorful presentation from 20-30 slides that it would be nice to strengthen your presence in social networks, focusing on Facebook, in which more solvent users are sitting, than in Odnoklassniki; and in general to increase the intensity in the segment of housing and used cars, as the most popular among the population.


And yes, on the Main Page too, an excessive number of buttons of the same shape, an equivalent visual weight, creates a problem known since the times of ancient Greece as a Buridan donkey.


Well, yes, thank you, that's all, of course, very useful.

Another specialist, already of mixed type, who still poorly distinguishes the UX from the UI, and the strategy from the plans for dinner, already heard at the next courses that all marketing pieces should be tied to users. Alas, he is afraid of living people from school (they will start beating and biting again), and therefore he invents them himself:


These are the non-existent Masha and Vitya. Masha wants to rent a room, and Vitya wants to sell a car. I think that Masha could want this and that, to do this, well, and also, (since I am her Creator and full-fledged Master), let her have a size 5 breast. Oh, and my Masha is not married and she is looking for a clever young boy who knows how to make beautiful slides - this is very important, be sure to mark this for yourself as a key feature of the personality of our Character.

Yes, you do not hesitate, I personally knew one Masha 5 years ago and she was single. She really did not look for anything on Avito, and in general she ignored me, but we have no collective image, we have no time to feel the pain of everyone, therefore we summarize and summarize everything together.

The real strategist will begin by organizing a summer festival in Sokolniki with food court and hugs under the pretext of collecting information from ordinary people "Avito - people openly." There will walk with a dozen groups with cameras and ask questions, and smile and give T-shirts and record everything on video.


Then all of this video, our experienced strategist, of course, throw in a bucket without even looking, because these are the very lines on the hand, not meaning anything.

Well, because people always lie, especially in an unnatural environment for themselves, on camera and in front of a friend - no one in the world has told the truth about itself even once.

But, from a strategic point of view, it is very important to show people that their opinions have become interested in it, that it is important that they are examined, fixed and carefully analyzed every word, head turn, pupil movement, pulse, blood sugar and stomach contents. It is just humanly pleasant for people to feel a similar interest in themselves from a large company (along with treats and free balls), because everything is still a rarity and almost a breakdown of templates.

So an experienced strategist reveals his plans, but does not reveal the ways in which they will be achieved.

Further, a good strategist hurries ( to open his macbook ) to his own team in order to learn as much information as possible about himself:

After all, you would always like to buy for money the opportunity to hide on the site a very good ad for the apartment owner for 2 hours while you are going for an inspection, so that a wave of other users would not interrupt the price and distract with calls during the conclusion of your contract.

And already here the personal charisma of the strategist, his persuasiveness and belief in himself will have the maximum effect on accepting his hypotheses (in fact, of course, are not personal - everything has been thought up before us, and all the creative work of the 21st century has narrowed down to associative matching and mixing proven and proven techniques).

For example, a real quality strategist will have an output like this: a prototype of the user's personal account, which forms his new image for all needs at once using chat channels:

Or maybe it will be a full-fledged role-playing model in which, based on his dreams, wishes and wishes, the system itself will offer a tree for pumping his apartment, work, smartphone model and a girl who is suitable for dating, using life experience glasses and the available means. Who knows who saw these really good strategists?

or even like this:
- image
- image

A good strategist is like a professional racer on a sports car, which see the usual speed limits in the city in the form of the “10 Commandments of Nielsen” or “5 Mandatory Books from Satin” seem ridiculous and ridiculous limiters in the battle for victory.

All that a beginner driver definitely needs with shaking hands on the way from the house to the bakery is a hindrance for an athlete and a real warrior. But the knowledge of its own technology, its maximum, its stability on the most dangerous bend - this is the only chance to overtake all those who travel diligently and according to the rules, diligently sticking out the tongue when drawing up the next quantitative questionnaire.

The strategist is the same palmist who never looks at the lines on the palm of his hand, but reads and builds into a single picture everything that surrounds the process of divination by hand, its causes and possible goals.

And therefore, in your interface, not specific lines, shadows and pixels are important - but the whole concept as a whole. The idea and message that speak a human-readable language is more important than a set of buttons, tapes, swipes and checkboxes - never forget about it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329134/

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