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GTD and blah blah blah

image May holidays - a good time to learn something. So I decided to look through all the articles from the GTD hub. In view of my great interest in this topic, I have already familiarized myself with various materials on personal effectiveness, including reading books in my free time: Stephen Covey, “Seven Skills of Highly Effective People,” Peter Bregman “Four Rule of Second: Stop. Think it over. Do it ”, Daniel Kaneman“ Think slowly ... decide quickly ”, Daniel Goleman“ Focus. About attention, distraction and success in life. "

And what did I find out after looking at such a large amount of information, dwelling on the most interesting? What is there in the history from 2007 to 2017 on 150 pages? And nothing (almost).

This, of course, is my personal feeling, and it does not offend any of the authors who have applied various kinds of work to writing their articles.

No, the truth is, the more the page number became, the less time I spent on the next article. At a certain point, the continuation simply became obvious and the material closed. 5 ways, 10 ways, super method, priorities, frogs, tomatoes - and so on everywhere.
But still, if not to be so categorical, then I got some points. For example, recommendations on how to be more productive:

  1. Need less prokrastinirovat.
  2. Need more prokrasinirovat.

- About procrastination popular, or Hollywood vs. laziness
- Matrix procrastination (postponing cases "for later")
- Procrastination with creative individuals
- Increase personal effectiveness: tips from Mark Andreessen
- Purposeless surfing increases productivity

No, really, to be effective you need to work more and work less. Personally, I feel uneasy when I do nothing, but after trying one weekend to do anything, many interesting thoughts and ideas came to me, and some things somehow came to fruition without my participation. It was an interesting experience.

Many times the action that I have applied before has been described:

- Write down. Oh please!
- GTD in 2 minutes
- Love and hate for time management

It really works. You can write anywhere, both on a piece of paper in a notebook, and, for example, in the Wunderlist (ideas, tasks, comments to them, movies for viewing - anything you like). The key is to make it convenient and always at hand. After the census of thoughts you can relax your head and not keep everything in it, you still forget. And setting deadlines and reminders will always help keep you on the wave. From my own experience I will say that at first it is hard, but over time it becomes a habit.

What really thank you is that it is trusted for material about using OneNote as a tool for GTD ( OneNote 2013, or How to put things in order ). Taking advantage of this approach at work, I really felt relieved. Given the fact that I work part-time, the time to restore the status of all tasks and their key points in my head has been reduced many times.

Algorithm for processing on GTD in OneNote, presented in the article

Some of the materials were devoted to interacting with people. Here you can note the idea that works without exception:

- Communication secrets for introverts
- 5 ways to communicate with people trying to crush you at critical moments in life
- About the harm of silence

The article The Influence of Ambient Music on the Code Writing Process opened Ambient's music style for me (and the comments are from the internet radio site di.fm ). By the way, more than half of the articles were read under his playing in the background.

Oh yes, and the most important advice:

- How to make yourself work?
- Task management in MLO
- Procrastination. New tasks

However, as for me, what they did, what they did not, if you do not want to, you will not be able to do it.

That's all I wanted to say. It remains only to believe in the words of Ilona Mask: “Dream. Dreams Come True. And I do not know why".

And for those who have reached the end, I will still share the secret that I managed to find:

- How to increase your productivity several times?

Ps. By the way, an interesting remark, previously often published various polls without any accompanying material. But for some reason, it's all over.

- How did you solve the issue with housing% username%?
- Do you type blindly?
- How much time does it usually take you to go to work (one way)?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329080/

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