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Is the impact of speed on site results critical and what can be done about it?

There are often cases when ordering a website design for your company, the Big Boss turns over the suggested options, points his finger at a favorite, and then the development becomes hard on the rails. The main criterion - "so beautiful, to like it." Analytical resource Skilled.co have prepared a very interesting infographic that speed is also really very important. A website monitoring service HostTracker offers a tool for assessing your personal situation.

Is it important at all?

The infographics above, which is based on research , show that many customers will not wait long for all of your beauty to load. And at the slightest inconvenience, 4 clients out of 5 in general, most likely, will never visit your site anymore.

In continuation of the topic - even if the client after a long download remains on the page (caught patient), then do not rush to rejoice. Conversion rate and bounce rate also depend on page load time. That is, the client "accumulates" fatigue, and if the page is loaded not long enough for him to immediately close it, it is still possible that he felt some discomfort. If, after viewing several pages on your site, this discomfort exceeds a certain psychological level - hello, failure!

All the money - in advertising! Or developers, too, a little perepadet?

Industry giants maintain their statistics and even, sometimes, share data. Well, on this scale, the difference, of course, feels better:

As we see, even seemingly insignificant numbers give a serious effect. Since the absence of competitors in our time, few can boast - then this factor may well play a crucial role in the distribution of the market. Another real example. How much should you invest in advertising to get + 20% of traffic? For most small and medium-sized companies, optimizing a site would be much cheaper:

And again an example from the giants. Let me remind you that the uniqueness factor is already playing here. The person who came to Google with a request expects to receive an answer here. Nevertheless, even Google has a dependency: it started working longer - someone does not wait for an answer. Share second? It turns out that even this is important:

And if you take something smaller and, most likely, closer to your and our reality, then the numbers turn into pain about the loss:

Who will refuse to receive + 3%, spending the same money on advertising? Here in this place, by the way, it is easy to calculate how much the optimization of the site will pay off.

What to do?

Finally, an example of what specific parameters can be improved and how much it can affect the result:

The publication is hosted on a partnership basis between Skilled.co and HostTracker.com . All your wishes and suggestions, as always, are welcome.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/329010/

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