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Nice to meet you. LANIT

We have a quarter of a year on Habré and more than a quarter of a century on the market. They told about GIS utilities, new NetApp, QMS, printing in the company and even fireballs and tanks, but did not introduce themselves. Our blog is a variety of articles from almost all sides of the IT world. All materials are united by an important thing - the professionalism of the staff and the enormous coverage of the technologies developed by LANIT . The flow of attention to our group of companies and hundreds of questions prompted us to a paradoxical for three months on Habré thought - it's time to get acquainted and tell why we came here and actively write to the blog.

Let's leave regalia and lists of partners around the world for a corporate site. Today we will briefly tell about ourselves and our most important projects.

In short - about the projects LANIT
The state information system of housing and communal services (GIS housing and communal services) is a project about which we wrote an honest and debatable article on Habré and which we are proud of. In short and not official, this is a giant multi-purpose accounting system, which is designed to facilitate the management of payments, resources and other documentation and relations in the housing and utilities sector. This system provides for the collection, processing, storage, provision, placement and use of all relevant information relating to housing and communal services.
The development and development of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of Moscow (EMIAS) is another one of our megaprojects. Implemented by the order of the DIT of Moscow, it has become one of the most large-scale socially significant IT projects in the capital. Several thousand specialists from more than 30 domestic IT companies are working on it. EMIAS is a single information space for all polyclinics of the capital, which employ more than 20 thousand medical workers. Services such as electronic registry, cloud accounting, personalized accounting, electronic prescription and disability sheets, and laboratory services are available today. Electronic medical records are being introduced everywhere. EMIAS analytical tools allow management of institutions and the industry to receive timely, reliable information about the work of health care institutions and make management decisions.

More than 9 million patients have been registered at EMIAS, 2.9 million electronic sick-lists have been issued, over 32.5 million prescriptions have been issued. We do not predict, but we know for sure - the functionality of EMIAS will be expanded.

Another project that always arouses the lively interest of office guests and applicants is work with ATMs. Indeed, LANIT Group of Companies is a reliable service provider and contractor for hundreds of financial institutions and banks. We supply self-service devices, install anti-skimming protection, implement other projects to ensure the operability, resiliency and security of ATMs.

By the way, if you want to see an ATM from the inside, you don’t need (and it’s generally dangerous!) To disassemble it in a nearby bank with the help of a sledgehammer and Bulgarian, you can come to LANIT and study everything in detail, develop your solution in the field of financial security and cash collection or improve our.

Companies of the LANIT INSISTEMS and LANIT-PARTNER group are involved in the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome . They equipped a number of facilities of its technical complex with modern systems of ventilation and cold supply, fire fighting systems, power supply and security systems, automation and dispatching. They laid 1,444 km of cable lines and 130 km of pipes, installed more than 3.8 km of bus lines, 689 power cabinets and automation cabinets. Designed and built a 8.5 MW cooling center.

We have projects in sports. LANIT-Integration has created an IT platform for the Otkritie Arena stadium of the Spartak football club, the area of ​​which exceeds 127 thousand square meters. m. Here will be the matches of the World Cup 2018. We designed and deployed a universal technical solution that includes: uninterruptible power supply system of the cross rooms and a data processing center, a structured cable system, IP television, a telephone system, a multi-service data network, information security and digital signage. A collective television reception system (60 television channels) and video advertising has been built, integrated with the video wall and the sound system of the stadium stands. Otkritie Arena meets the requirements of FIFA, UEFA, RFU, etc.

Speaking and showing

In general, we have everything we need for productive work in our office: from powerful PC workers to comfortable chairs and our own gym. However, it is better to see once than read a hundred times about how cool we are. This is how we reasoned when we shot the video specifically for Habrahabr.

This video is not about a cozy office, our cafes, drama school, intellectual battles “What? Where? When? ”, Friendly team, professional growth and other attractive features and stories. This video is about what our huge team is working on: saving trees by creating and maintaining the LanDocs electronic document management system, developing the GIS utilities system based on open source solutions, auto-collecting and testing them with wads of cash and much more. We tried to be brief and to the point, but even such a serious company loves Habr. Will you see our beating heart in the video?

So, the premiere show:

We work in almost all areas: transport, education, oil and gas, telecommunications, media, financial sector, government. We are a team of 9000 engineers, implementers, salespeople, system administrators and, above all, programmers.

We are always actively searching.

Of course, information technology now plays a huge role in the life of any company. You can see for yourself how banks, automakers and even advertising agencies are switching to digital rails and becoming IT companies. But our specialist is not just a coder or an administrator, it is always an engineer and an architect who, at his workplace, with the team, solves non-standard complex tasks.

You can be a programmer and all your life never understand what happens with the product next. This, they say, care tmlidov and merchants. We have almost every employee immersed in the features of the development of technical tasks, documentation, implementations and integration, that is, it works in a real enterprise. Specialists working in companies with this approach are highly valued in the market as practitioners who know not only “what”, but also “how” and “where”.

Our recruiting team. Come, always welcome

If you are close to the system view of the problem, if you share this approach, we will be happy to meet you.

Teamlead and leading Java, PHP, .Net developers, system analysts and DevOps engineers are among the most relevant vacancies. All our vacancies live here : choose a profile, region, skill, and we are sure that you will find a job of your liking.

And we teach

We have our own corporate university, more precisely, an entire academy - the Network Academy LANIT . It offers many courses in full-time and cloud formats. There is a personal training option. The most valuable thing in our courses is the practical component: the classes are conducted by absolute practitioners, which provide precisely those skills that can be taken and applied in real work. We avoid the deliberate phrase "best practices for implementation", so let's say that this is the experience that LANIT accumulates daily on hundreds of integration projects. LANIT Academy holds free seminars every month: for example, on May 24 we will have a seminar on working with business charts in Excel, and on May 31 - a seminar on "How to sell an idea to a manager".

We also have excellent meetings, where you can share experiences, learn new points of view and ideas, meet like-minded people, etc. For example, today we will have a spring “SQL and not only” mitap. Together with the SQLcom.ru community (the Russian-speaking MS SQL Server community), we have planned an event where experienced and bright speakers will tell about their personal experiences with SQL Server and not only. Participation is free, registration is required.

Come visit - let's take a closer look.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328972/

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