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How are developed industry and specialized solutions for 1C: ERP

In this article we will try to tell how with the help of remote and geographically distributed teams we have established the process of producing application solutions that expand the functionality of our product "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2".

Industry and specialized products that extend the functionality of "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2"

On the basis of our technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8", we ourselves, the 1C company, produce about 20 solutions of various caliber - from "Management of our company", "1C: Accounting" of different editions (from "Simplified" to "Corporate" ) until our most functionally rich solution is “1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2”.

“1C: ERP 2” is a solution that automates most of the processes of multi-disciplinary enterprises. But there are whole classes of tasks and industry characteristics that require more detailed study than it is in “1C: ERP 2” - trade, logistics, warehouse management, construction, agriculture, etc. It is not appropriate to include this functionality in a typical solution, since This will complicate the work of most users. In addition, we ourselves may not have enough resources to fully implement the required functionality.

So, we are faced with the task of creating industry / specialized solutions that:

We solve this problem as follows:

Products that extend the functionality of "1C: ERP", are produced in the framework of the project "1C-Together."

Cooperation with partners "1C-Together"

Under the 1C-Together project, the product is created by the partner of 1C, but the copyright holder is 1C. We ourselves define the requirements for the product and control its quality.
The procedure for developing joint solutions:

We monitor the quality level of our decisions. Thus, according to the survey data, the quality of the products themselves, the work of the partner, and the developer consulting line are evaluated:

Quality chart

The concept of a modular approach to the architecture of solutions based on "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2"

From the point of view of the concept and architecture, “1C: ERP” is a completely new product compared to its predecessor, “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management”. One of the key differences of the new solution is the primacy of the management functions. In developing the line of industry and specialized solutions, it was important to support this in the 1C-Together solutions. Particular attention was paid to the problems of integrability of solutions among themselves and with “1C: ERP”, the possibility of building a unified information system consisting of a set of modules with a key integration core - “1C: ERP”.

The goal is a single seamless information management system built on the basis of “1C: ERP” and other solutions of “1C: Enterprise 8”:


The concept of a modular approach in the architecture of solutions based on 1C: ERP was developed. The concept defines the principles of development, unification and integration of various configurations within a unified management and accounting system.

All solutions within the 1C-Together program, expanding the capabilities of 1C: ERP, should follow the concept of a modular approach. The key objectives of the modular approach are:


At the time of this writing, the number of already released line solutions is 31 (18 development partners), taking into account development plans, in Q2 2017. the number of solutions will reach 52 (24 development partners).

The process of designing, developing and monitoring industry and specialized solutions for 1C: ERP

Developer interaction in a single design environment

The work on the project involves geographically distributed and weakly related development teams. So, today in our work:

To control the quality of team work, we regulated the general principles of interaction between teams and projects:

A round table for developers of solutions "1C-Together" is held annually, this event discusses problems and proposals, organizes platforms for communication and interaction between development partners and developers of 1C: ERP.

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DSS for industry and specialized solutions (DSS PR / CP) - CASE-tool for joint design solutions

All solution developers interact through the product "1C: Design System for Applied Solutions" (abbreviated as DSS). DSS helps to design application solutions on the 1C: Enterprise platform and allows servicing the tasks of the full software development cycle - gathering requirements, controlling changes, documenting, bug tracking, etc. DSS is designed as a configuration on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

DSS can be used as a tool for designing new information systems developed in the 1C: Enterprise 8 environment, as well as for describing and documenting existing systems developed previously without using DSS.

We have chosen DSS as the most convenient and suitable for our tasks and corresponding to the requirements we have put forward for the CASE-tool:

As part of the development of the Solution Line for 1C: ERP, all project participants have access to a common DPR PR / CP cloud database, the work with which is determined by the regulations:




Product Lifecycle Management

The whole project is divided into functional areas (sections of the project), each section is supervised by the head of the direction from the "1C". Sections are filled with the functionality of solutions (products), and:

For solutions that implement the functionality of a single section of the project, special requirements are placed on the possibility of integration.

For the designed functionality, corresponding technical projects are created, with the appointment of those responsible on the part of the development partner. Within the framework of one technical project, it is possible to release at once several options for the delivery of functionality (in fact, the products themselves).

Each technical project is assigned a planned deadline for completion (managed and supervised by the head of the direction), and deadlines are set for the implementation of the technical project.

The development partner specifies the timing of the control points within the overall duration of the project. When the deadline for performing one of the steps is exceeded, the information falls under the control of the responsible manager. Also the responsible manager sees the deadlines for the implementation of each stage (including overdue). Each stage is completed by the agreement of the control point responsible.

We do not set goals to manage the development process on the side of partners. Each partner uses its own established methodology in the team. We control only the terms of the control points that are important for us and adjust the results with the necessary standards and regulations, and we also control their familiarity with them.

Within the framework of technical projects, not only work on the development of new functionality is planned and carried out, but also load tests, standardization of general functionality, minimization of changes to metadata objects of typical configuration.

Logical model of solutions in the methodology IDEF0

In the base of the DSS PR / CP, the functionality of all solutions of the line is described in one project. At the heart of logical design is the IDEF0 methodology.

The integrity and consistency of the functional model is moderated by the functional project architect appointed by 1C.

Description of DSS notation
In the framework of the DSS, basic concepts are interpreted as follows:

  • Functional block (Activity Box) - some specific function of creating new information within the framework of the system in question
  • Communication - information that is processed by the functional block (inputs and outputs) or otherwise affects the function (management and performing links - user profiles):

    • The function input is the connection (information) consumed by the function. The diagram is reflected as an arrow pointing to the left side of the function block.
    • The output of the function is the communication (information) generated by the execution of the function. The diagram is reflected as an arrow coming from the right side of the function block.
    • Management (controlling effect on a function, a rule) - communication (information) analyzed for decision making within the framework of functions. The diagram is reflected in the form of an arrow to the upper side of the functional unit.
    • Execution (user profile) - the impact on the function by one or more users of the system. The diagram is reflected in the form of an arrow to the upper side of the functional unit.


The functionality of all solutions is subject to verification in accordance with the verification rules, which are part of the audit mechanism of the model of the system being developed for compliance with the formal design rules. Thus, the integrity of the logical model of all solutions of the line is maintained.

Food Delivery Options

The concept of a modular approach allows for various options for the delivery of products:

Moreover, within a single product, you can combine the functionality of different configurations. There are solutions that come with the functionality of up to 4 different configurations. This minimizes duplication of functionality.

For example, “1C: ERP Management of a construction organization 2” (partner - developer “1C-Rarus”) contains:

The integration capabilities, which are already at the level of logical modeling in the solution architecture, allow combining various configurations to produce targeted industry-specific solutions, for which it is enough to acquire the necessary modules.

Library of functional subsystems 1C-Together

In order to unify the solutions of the line, the general universal functionality is allocated and the “Library of functional subsystems 1C-Together” is formed.

The library provides a toolkit for developers of solutions "1C: Shared", containing a set of universal functional subsystems, ready sections for user documentation and technology for integration into industry and specialized solutions for the purpose of unification within a single line, which allows:

The composition of library functions is moderated by the functional architect of the 1C project and is filled with development partners.

Notification of responsible technical projects

Given the large number of participants in development projects, monitoring tools are needed to notify those responsible about the progress of technical projects.
In the base of the DSS PR / CP, the regulatory tasks are set up, which form the distribution of letters. To this end, the following groups of recipients are distinguished:

And types of mailings:

Responsible persons receive e-mail reports such as:

Report examples

Preparing configurations for replication

General functional diagram of the pre-production verification solutions:

Pre-production verification is carried out within the framework of the regulations and includes both manual and automated verification of the materials transferred.

The development partner is responsible for the quality of testing, the completeness of the materials and transfers the materials to 1C for checking before release fully operational, tested, meeting the requirements of the 1C: Compatible certification, the System of Standards and Configuration Development Methods for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. and the requirements of the Rules of Cooperation with the developers of joint solutions.

The possibility of including additional checks for compliance with the functional model in the database of DSS OP / CP: control of the compliance of the declared functionality of the OP / CP with the implemented one and control of compliance with the modification of objects of a typical configuration declared in the DSS of the OP / CP is also being considered.

Service 1C: Cloud Map Solutions

For potential users of new solutions, you need to make a convenient and simple service, with easily accessible tools. For this purpose, a special web service and client were developed to display the schemas :


The 1C: Cloud Solution Map service provides access to functional models of a number of 1C solutions, as well as industry-specific and specialized solutions manufactured according to the 1C-Together scheme. Actualization of the functional model is provided by direct access to the web service of the DSS for Industry and Specialized Solutions database, the decision model of which is maintained up-to-date in accordance with the Modular Approach Concept in the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 solution architecture.

The service supports following direct links to function schemes, for example:

Benefits of using the service

For potential customers:

For users of 1C products:

Use of service partners

Development team - a team of professionals

The results of any project depend on the team. To develop a line of solutions for 1C: ERP, we managed to assemble a large team of professionals ready for experiments, ready to overcome difficulties together. Given the number of development partners, it is difficult to cite the full list, it would not be desirable to single out individual partners.
We consider that in the choice of partners, their competence of everyone in their field and synergies in achieving a single goal, we were not mistaken.


We have shared with you the key processes for developing a line of solutions for 1C: ERP. The whole process is quite complicated, including a large number of participants, both from our side and from the part of the development partners. First of all, I wanted to convey to the reader the processes of designing and monitoring the progress of such a complex project. We are applying this approach for the first time and hope to extend this experience to the development of other solution lines.

We hope that the results will please both the end users of our products and partners.

We would be happy to discuss our experience, get feedback on the proposed service. We will try to take into account the useful comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328966/

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