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Analysis of errors in the seller

We recently dug into the work of sellers. It was especially interesting to learn from the experience of senior points. Here take a greeting. Basic mechanics says that we should immediately greet, and not pester. But it turns out that if the seller did something at that moment — for example, he wrote to the internal network, set something up, and so on, then you shouldn’t take off abruptly from the spot, go out into the hall, and stop there. Because it looks like a script. And any markers of the fact that you act according to the instructions, make you a planktonic consultant in the eyes of the buyer. One should try to never do or say what people can see in other stores. Well, or different mood.

It turned out that any question at the greeting stage is direct violence , and everyone feels it (albeit unconsciously). The seller must wait until the buyer himself asks something - only after that you can ask something.

There is a reasonable opinion of our senior sellers that the sale is half dependent on the greeting . Criterion - positive transmitted. How to check? It turned out there is a very simple sign. The seller should always talk a little faster and be a little more fun than the customer. But a little bit, so as not to pass for a clown. A noisy company has come in - you can smile in all 33 teeth and shout: “Zdarova, dudes!”. A serious woman in a strict dress came in - it is enough to nod with dignity and smile easily. In the process of communication, good sellers gradually pull people up.
If everything was right, come oh-stage . Lyokha Barkovsky taught me to catch these “oops”, and explained that this is an indicator of a change in original intentions. For example:
- Dooobry day!
- Kind ... oh, and maybe you can tell us right then, what do you have here?

“Oi” is the point when the original intention of a person not to communicate with consultants has changed to a positive reaction to a person. More importantly, after the "oh" should be what we need in the second or even the third step - a question for the seller. That is, we did not wait for the person to be like and ask for something himself, but to get a dialogue at the beginning. If you keep him - everything will go more fun and faster. It is important to us, because walking around the store of board games and not understanding anything is difficult. On the other hand, if a person says: “I’ll just see, I’m not going to buy anything” - the instruction assumes that we say, “Ok, if anything, I’m standing there”. Lyokha also suggested that this is due to the fact that the client thinks about the template. The buyer puts preventive protection against the following words, which he knows by heart in other stores. Experiment was to do something unconventional, for example: “Why are you? I just wanted to say hello ”- and start to leave. In about 30% of cases, the person himself started a conversation. Another moment. The intonation of the greeting phrase needs to be done breaking off so that the client feels that nothing will immediately follow her and that he will be left behind.

How to greet? The main thing - with a smile. What will be said is not important. However, in practice, our most effective elders greet with rather long phrases. Most likely, this is exactly the marker of care from the template for the buyer - so that he understands that he didn’t get quite into a regular store. An example of the phrase - "Hello! What is there, generally heavy rain? No, I will not go there ... ". Naturally, she every time under the situation, but this is aerobatics. Not every seller, and not even every tenth person, does this.

Further along the standard mechanics, we wait until the client requests a dialogue. Either directly, or simply standing near the cabinet and looking around, feeling the eyes of a consultant. If the seller feels that the customer will not mind, you can comment on some actions. For example, he took the game and twists it in his hands - one can say that there is such an open, if interesting.

This is how big sales started with us:
- You are our third customer today. Okay, second one ...
- Carefully, this box sometimes falls.
- We can stay and play cool nastolochki, honestly, I will be glad!
- Here are games for kids, and here our children grow, grow, here it’s already not clear what they are interested in at all ... And here for parents. And here for in the near future parents.
- I will tell you about everything with pleasure, in vain I, perhaps, taught everything.
- Oooh, this is a crazy game at all. We dropped it in soup yesterday!

And a thousand more things like that. In writing, it sounds a bit idiotic, but with a smile and warmth, and even a beautiful girl (if you're a guy) - that's all, it is impossible to give up the dialogue. The adventure begins.

At this moment it is not necessary to shower a person with details. We do not speak about the goods yet, or we speak little. We are waiting for him to ask for something himself, remember? It is better to answer the question than to offer something yourself. No need to offer help. Either it is necessary to fall behind, or just to do something right away, and not to announce. Action is better than words. For example, you can simply take a sample from the shelf and open it. You can even silently if the client is silent. These mini-games with customers are very funny.

Dialogue started? We need to clearly understand what is needed for this person. In this place an inexperienced seller triggers a “halo effect”. The fact is that our brain does not like to waste computing power, and uses a bunch of defaults. A lot of stereotypes accumulate over life, and in one or two qualities we can build a complete image. For example, if I say “a thin, wiry eyewear”, the brain will immediately try to build a projection with such familiar characters, and we can make the erroneous assumption that, most likely, this character is intelligent or creative. Fuck there. You need to listen to the person in the store, the patterns do not repeat.

The worst questions are pretentious and incomprehensible. For example:
- Is there something for a boy of 8 years?
- Is he tempted by you in board games?
And that's all. Dad already sat down in surprise.

On the other hand, a person gives a lot of information by his behavior. If an adult stands at a child's shelving - you can ask how old the child to whom the gift is intended. The second important thing except the addressee of the game - what will be for the company and what is the budget. We need to clarify about the company, but the budget should be calibrated by the reaction to the games proposed a little later. To ask about money is not always correct. Most often, answering one question, the buyer immediately gives us a bunch of information on other vectors:
- Anything informative and useful?
- No no! They go to the country for the summer, something to play with the grandmother in the evenings, very simple, but interesting.
Seniors know that the seller should talk less than the customer. If on the contrary - the buyer perceives the situation as an interrogation, and the consultant seems to him unprofessional.

Example. Seller:
- Hello! Good evening!!!
“Kind ...,” the store passes, quickly realizes what it needs, and hangs out at family children's games.
- Here are the younger games, here are from 8 years old, and some adults really like ..., and breaks off the dialogue so as not to interfere. But the buyer is psychologically easy to continue. If you do not continue - the seller will go deep into the store.
- What are these, for example?
Aha The seller gives the buyer a game:
“This one is very good ...”

The next stage is to show the product that interested the buyer. It takes about 40 seconds, then the attention will spread. And there are no more than 2-3 attempts, because with each new unsuccessful option, the credibility of the seller falls.

Do not open the box when there was such an opportunity - the surest way to continue all the work at all. The experience of the elders, again, turned out to be much more magical than I imagined. For example, of course, they know that the display of the game helps sales a lot. But there are games where everything inside is piled up - when you open the box, the components are mixed in alternately. So, they brought in special zip-packs, where they put the cards separately, chips separately, and so on, so as not to waste time analyzing everything. In one of the packages is a set for the show - poured out, everything is ready.

Then - the show itself. He is often confused with an explanation of the rules or plot. That's right - you need to quickly explain, not how to play, but what it will be. What he will do most of the time in the process, what tasks to solve, how to interact with others, what his attention will be focused on. Example - “You are divided into teams, the players of one of the teams in a minute explain each other words with a story, drawing or pantomime, if it turns out to understand what word they are, they move across the field, and the team that gets to the finish line first won. In general, the box with the finished party, when we are going to companies of more than 10 people - we play it, very cool. Nobody misses, even those who drank a little. "

Further the example from life is very important. It turns out that seniors spend quite a lot of time trying to isolate insights - something that cannot be understood without playing a game for several hours. If you haven’t played so much yourself - read comments, pick instagram with reviews, shovel the experience of other players. Find someone who loves this game - and in detail find out exactly what. It’s not necessary to love yourself, but it is very important to understand who would like this game. Even at this stage it is important to make a differentiation - to understand the raisins and differences from other similar games.

To be silent at the stage of the show is a sure failure of Stirlitz. If it was important to do at the beginning, now it is impossible. If you say the usual answer to the question “What kind of game is this?” And then stop to think, what else to say is to show that this is a script. Naturally, the client is very unpleasant.

But, of course, mistakes happen. Sometimes, if it’s unsuccessful to pick up 2-3 games for a presentation, the situation quickly slips into a truly idiotic one. Seeing the souring face of the buyer, gradually losing faith in humanity, it is possible to attract the Last Reserve. Need to say something like: “Oh! Well, I'm a deer! How did I forget about this thing, now I'll show it! ”. There will be another attempt, while the client is trying to figure out how, someone nearby admitted his mistake. It is always dumbfounded. Of course, this cannot be done if the best options are actually offered, and the customer’s request is accurate. But if there is a really different alternative, it will work.

In this place, the fork - either the client took the game and goes with it to the cashier, or further inspects the store, reassured that the mission has been completed. Perhaps he takes a timeout to understand that he took the really best option at this moment - we do not know yet. As it turned out, one senior at that moment was doing a terrible thing, for which I wanted to tear off his hands. He made a deadly serious face and reported:
- According to our internal instructions, I have to show you something else to try to make additional sales. If you don't mind, will I quickly tell you about my favorite little game, to be honest with our admin?

It really works, but, naturally, we have no such instruction. I laughed and cried when I found out about the mechanic.

Then checkout. At the checkout, the cashier greets (if he did not have time before), and then turns the boring process of punching the goods into a part of the dialogue. That is, his task is to do quietly and accurately all the necessary operations for financial discipline. If he does this in silence, the client will wait in silence for a minute and a half. It's boring. Therefore, the cashier is talking. For example:
- I'll put a newspaper about our new games and promotions in a package, there is a calendar of promotions a month in advance, and on the site - only for the current week.

It turned out that at this stage, many sellers are recording interesting games for the buyer, which he is not going to take. One store even ordered a list of games to emphasize the necessary ones. We ended up making flycard with game descriptions and something funny. For example, such:

If there is no flycard, the seller simply writes on the business card of the store or the newspaper of the game.

Often the cashier makes an after-sale out of what is laid out in the checkout area. For example, on the banks "grow a tree":
- I have grown peas myself, ipomeyu morning beauty and lemon balm! And the pea just ate.
On a slingshot:
“I have a fox at home.” But I do not know where, the wife removed when I broke the ceiling.

That's about it. My colleague Lyokha Barkovsky, a man who was consistently a seller, a cashier and a senior store, was retraining me in sales, and now he works at a Mosigra salesman’s school.

Naturally, all this described works for us not everywhere.

The basic mechanics, which is everywhere - in which it is assumed that the product is good and all the other minimum conditions for sale are fulfilled - it is described here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328964/

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