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In response to the Ukrainian (and not only) prohibitions: the decentralized EmerDNS system against site blocking

The scandalous topic of banning many Russian sites in Ukraine is still more media than a real event: there is a ban - and how to execute it is only being decided. Ukrainians quickly master the methods of circumventing locks already mastered by the Russians, but this question is no less relevant for site owners. One of the most effective methods of protection against government attacks will be the launch of mirrors in alternative domain zones that support decentralized DNS on Emercoin technologies.

What it is: an alternative domain name system with distributed storage of DNS-records in the Emercoin blockchain, which excludes the possibility of their centralized disconnection by anyone at any request in principle. This method is successfully used by the library " Flibusta " and you-know-what-for-site Pornolab , which use mirrors in the domain zone .lib.

When using EmerDNS, DNS records are stored on the blockchain - i.e. copies of them are located in each Emergency node. At the same time, information on domains (change or delete) can be managed only by their owner. This simplifies the search at times, no need to request external servers. Your provider will not even know which sites you are looking for, especially if you request https access to the sites.

How to get an EmerDNS domain

There is a simpler way for $ 7 / year and cheaper for 0.2 of the emmercoin (about 20 cents) / year.

Method for 20 cents:

  1. Download Emercoin wallet .
  2. To credit a cryptocurrency on it by purchasing it on the stock exchange (for example, LiveCoin, Cryptonator, Cashbank.pro) or borrowing it from friends who have emmercoins. The cost of registering one entry is approximately 0.2 Emer / year (the current rate of Emercoin is 90 cents ). This is much cheaper than registering domains with classic providers.
  3. In the wallet in the upper right corner there is a button "Manage Names". Click on the button and go to this section. Suppose you decide to register a domain life.emc
  4. enter in the name field the value “dns: life.emc” (without quotes).
  5. in the value field: enter “A = | AAAA = 2a04: 5340: 1: 1 :: 3 | MX = mx.yandex.ru: 10”.
  6. In the days field, set a greater frequency, for example 10 years (3650 days).
  7. The final stage. Click on Submit button and wait 10-30 minutes. While in the blockchain will be recorded

Method for seven bucks:

peername.com/emercoin - in this case, the wallet is optional, the service stores all the records in the “cold storage”, i.e. on media offline, but if you wish, you can transfer them to your wallet at any time.

That's it, now you are a happy owner of EmerDNS.

How to use sites in domain zones EmerDNS

Again, there are two ways: simpler - and without intermediaries.

Using the FriGate plugin

Emercoin domain zones are supported by the Frigate plugin , so users who have it should not need to perform any additional actions to access the sites.

By registering OpenNic server addresses

If you change the OpenNic DNS server in the settings of the Internet connection on the router, then you can go to the emer-sites without plug-ins.

For linuksoidov there is a third ridiculous option, described in the comments on GT :

install a local EMC wallet, which also performs the function of a DNS resolver on port De335, and in BIND for example, configure zones and access to this wallet.
In this case, you are independent of ping and availability of OpenNIC dns. And also from any paranoia like DNS-Spoofing, MITM etc. Manualchik here .

Why Emercoin?

Emercoin is not only a cryptocurrency, but a technological platform, a peculiar ecosystem of solutions on the blockchain. Emercoin blockchain is completely decentralized , which eliminates the possibility of causing damage even by the developers themselves, and is as user-friendly as possible, as many developers and system integrators have repeatedly recognized, making it probably the best platform to run your own blockchain technology. Emercoin is a blockchain from which to start.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328928/

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