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Top 10 conference reports Heisenbag 2016 Moscow

Today is Friday, ahead of the weekend and a lot of free time - it's time to publish the top ten reports from Heisenbag 2016 Moscow! The selection turned out to be very diverse and covers testing from all sides. The rating, as always, is extremely objective, paid by no one and based on the feedback of those who were on the reports.

However, you can check everything yourself: complete video reports under the cut.

Closes the top ten best report of Jan Jaap Cannegieter - "Combining manual and automated testing: process and tools" , which received a rating of 4.09 from viewers.
An easy talk about how manual testing differs from automated testing and how different testers interact with each other to make testing more effective. A little philosophical, but nonetheless pleasant and useful report.

Those who come to the 2017 Piter Heisenbag will have the opportunity to meet the speaker personally: he again participates in the conference, with another, no less interesting, “Finding the best way to test your system” talk, dedicated to, as it is not difficult to guess, the choice of testing.

9th place: Andrey Smirnov, Dmitry Krasilnikov - “Full cycle of testing microservices in Docker containers” . Rating: 4.14 .

Technical report at the junction of testing and DevOps on how to organize automatic testing of microservices and what tools to use for this. Andrei and Dmitry consider managing the state of test environments, running component tests for microservices, specifying the design of a test framework in a team, building a Jenkins Pipeline for a full test cycle and deployment, and creating reports using Allure Report. A practical report that will suit those who work with these technologies.

Number 8 in the top is taken by Igor Khrol - "Autotest: same, but better . " The report is estimated at 4.15 points.

Visual technical report with live coding on Ruby (however, knowledge of a single language is not required). Igor shows with a live example whether QA teams really should be responsible only for acceptance (and sometimes integration) tests, and modular ones should be given to developers, or these are inventions of lazy testers; what autotests are capable of when properly applied and what the code should be for that.

Igor participates in the 2017 Heisenbag Piter , so if you want to talk with him in person, you have every chance. The upcoming report of Igor is devoted to testing in the world of data and numbers.

Reading the next name will take you some time. Meet number 7: Artyom Zinnatullin, Orkhan Huseynov - “Testing Android – Juno apps with Love: CI, Unit, Integration and Functional (UI) tests. 100% Kotlin, 90% + RxJava, Spek, JUnit, DSL for UI tests . Rating of the viewers: 4.21

Two cool positive guys - the developer and QA - tell us how the Juno application's automatic testing works, what they use for the implementation of tests and why. However, spoilers for the report are contained in the title itself. Speakers have tried, so even if something seems inapplicable to you, it will still be interesting.

The sixth line of the ranking goes to the report by Alexey Vinogradov and Roman Iovlev - “QA Battle: PageObjects with Typing (JDI) vs. without typing (Selenide) " . Average rating: 4.22 .

Alexey and Roman compare what is worse: typed elements in UI tests or their untyped counterparts. Instead of boring reading manuals and documentation, there is an action and gladiatorial battle between Selenide and JDI, during which the presenters figure out how to write PageObjects correctly, whether a hierarchy of predefined objects is convenient, and whether brevity is always the sister of talent.

Alexei will be able to listen again to the 2017 Heisenbag Piter , this time with a report on autotests .

Go to the top five!

Fifth number: Stanislav Bashkirtsev - "Randomized testing . " Rating: 4.27 .

Stanislav fights for the rights of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov from all forms and samples and tells how to randomize test data and behavior, and at the same time facilitate the code using the Qala Datagen libraries (for Java), Random Ext (for JavaScript) and various combinatorial techniques. The report is mainly about automated testing, but it will also be useful for manual testers.

Vladimir Sitnikov with the report “Pitfalls in load testing” occupies the fourth line of our top, receiving a rating of 4.28 .

The report discusses typical pitfalls of load testing enterprise-applications. Often, during the analysis, it turns out that in the process of testing all the pages show a 404 error, at the beginning of the test, the response times are excellent, and at the end they tend to infinity, or even it turns out that the load was not applied at all. Vladimir tells how to avoid such errors and circumvent typical problems when measuring the performance of high-load services and applications.

Third place went to the Dan Cuellar report, Appium: Automation for Apps . Rating: 4.29 .

Despite the fact that over the past 10 years, web developers have developed many convenient and useful tools, mobile developers have long remained without such things as continuous integration and automated testing. But this directly affects the speed of release of new products. This annoying space was filled by the Appium framework.

Dan is the direct creator of Appium, and talks about his features and capabilities, as well as about development in general. The talk is about both technology and implementation features, and the project philosophy with its vibrant and friendly community.

If you want to hear new details from the life of Appium and ask questions to Dan, he will be at Heisenbag 2017 Piter with an updated version of the report .

The second place (rating 4.37 ) rightfully goes to Alexander Bayandin - “ChromeDriver Jailbreak” .

As the name implies, the talk in the report is about ChromeDriver. For Selenium JSON Wire Protocol, it uses the same Chrome Debugging Protocol as the beloved web developer Chrome DevTools. This means that with the help of direct hands and some knowledge, you can use almost all the power of DevTools in Selenium tests, which Alexander talks about. Details and advice - in full video report.

And finally, the best report Heisenbag 2016 Moscow according to the participants. Pearl Conference!

Philip Keks - "How to teach robots to play games?" . Rating: 4.61 .

This, of course, is not exactly about the Terminator, kicking Sarah Connor ball, but pretty close.
All successful mobile games develop and grow, the number of bugs grows, and we need to test it somehow. We come to the aid of automated tests. But how to teach tests to work with a non-standard interface and complex interactivity? Philip talks about testing in gamedev and shows real examples. Extreme case of autotests for those who know how to tin.

As you can see, all the reports are purely practical, many are suitable as a “How to” guide, or at least show the right direction in which to dig.

A little more than a week is left until the next Heisenbag, there is still every chance to register. Want more cool reports and hardcore testing - come, it will be hot.

Details and registration for Heisenbag 2017 Piter is on the conference website .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328918/

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