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Google I / O 2017: notes from the event from the Android developer

The annual Google I / O 2017 conference will begin on May 17th. Especially for habrovchan we will publish from the scene the notes of the head of Android-development Superjob Valentin Telegina. Valentine is the third time goes to Google I / O. In addition to keynote, he will visit all sections on Android, except for those that will be devoted to automotive and "wearable" electronics.

In the comments you can write about what you would like to hear. We will try using Valentine to quickly collect the answers.

So far we have asked the most common questions about Google I / O 2017 ( Direct speech - Valentin Telegin, head of Android-development Superjob ):

Why go there at all? Keynote will be broadcast, the rest of the materials will be posted later.
Yes, there is a point of view that it is not worth attending conferences at all, that this is just a waste of time and money. I do not agree with this statement. Google i / o is not just a conference where speakers speak about how they switched to mvp or mvvm in their project, or how to use this or that library or framework. Google i / o combines many professionals in your subject area in one place, you can communicate with them, ask for advice, make contacts. You have the opportunity to directly ask your question to Google developers and get an answer. Here you can try new technologies and catch trends in the development of the industry. These few days give a powerful impetus to professional development and a desire to develop further.

Sections are divided by topics: Accessibility, Ads, Assistant, Cloud, Design, Firebase, IoT, Machine Learning & AI, Location & Maps, Mobile Web, Play, Search, VR and, of course, Android. This year, Googlers have made it possible to reserve seats at the session, so as not to repeat the history of the past year with endless queues.

The main part of the conference is devoted to Android, but last year’s favorite Firebase is not forgotten. The next version of the platform will not become an innovation, but in recent years it has become familiar. The development is iterative, we should not expect a breakthrough.

I'm waiting for the announcement of the new phone Pixel 2 (but, probably, this will happen only in the fall); continued expansion on VR and IoT; may show Andromeda (new operating system). I look forward to improvements in the developer tools and would like to see something interesting not previously announced.

You cannot get to Google I / O 2017 "from the street". How to get a ticket?

There are two ways: an invite from Google, where you can buy a ticket, or participate in a lottery on a general basis. Invites Google company issues at its own discretion, we will not consider this option.

Winning the lottery guarantees the right to buy a ticket to the conference. There are two types of tickets: for students and regular. The cost of the ticket last year for students was $ 300, $ 900 - normal. From this year, the cost of a regular ticket went up to $ 1150, $ 375 for students. To participate in the lottery is required to register on the site . This is usually given a week. At the end of registration, the winners are sent “letters of happiness” and the lucky ones post to Twitter joyful messages with the hashtag # io17winner.

I, like most of the conference participants, took part in the lottery. Registered on the site and waited for the draw. And I was very happy to see the confirmation letter in the mailbox.

How is everything organized, what is happening at the site?

This year, as in the past, the venue for the conference was chosen as the Shoreline Amphitheater, which is located in Mountain View, California. On the territory of Shoreline a whole complex of buildings is being erected for holding sessions and code labs. It is worth planning the time in advance in order to have time to move from one session to another: sometimes you need to cross the conference area from one end to the other. The day at the conference starts from the first session at 9 am and ends at 6 pm. Then - a concert or party. Last year, on the very first day, the sun mercilessly fried the participants and they quickly turned into redskins. Googlers tried to save the situation, giving chilled towels and sunblock cream to those who wanted it. The territory is covered by wifi, this is no problem. At lunchtime, everyone can find a lunch to their liking: vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, kosher, etc. A better place in the shade on the grass.

How expensive is it to go on Google I / O 2017?

In addition to the conference ticket ($ 1150), a visa is required ($ 150), a plane ticket to San Francisco ($ 850), hotel / home payment, airport transfer, etc.

Google I / O 2017 will start soon! Stay with us, we will share the news!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328710/

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