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Kooboo CMS Licensing FAQ

Continuing to translate open source CMS licensing reference materials. This time, I propose to read material about Kooboo CMS - a content management system written in C # .Net by Chinese comrades from Yardi Technology Limited. By the way, Habru also knows her a little (both as part of a separate post , and quite episodically ). I think making an addition about it regarding information on its licensing will not be a matter of necessity, let this text and not be as voluminous as Plone or Drupal materials were.

Koboo version 4.0 and later

Koboo version 4.0 and later versions are licensed under the Revised BSD license.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are allowed, subject to the following provisions:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution.

  3. Neither the name of Kooboo nor the names of its contributors may be used to associate or advertise products derived from this software without prior written consent.

Kooboo CMS 3.3 and earlier

Previous versions of the Kooboo CMS are licensed under the terms of the GPL version 3 license. The following are general questions for this GPL license.

What are the requirements for me when I use software under the GPL?

You must apply a GPL license to any derivative work. You are not required to disclose the source code, but everyone has the right to publish on the Internet the source code of the program under the terms of the GPL.

Does a license allow someone to sell an extension / module?

Yes, the GPL does allow you to charge for your object. However, its recipients are entitled to distribute your object.

Does the license allow anyone to encrypt the extension?

Technically, yes. But the GPL requires the distributor to provide access to the complete and unencrypted source code by including it in the software package or making it available for download.

Can I publish an extension under a different license than the GPL?

If your extension is a derivative of Kooboo, it must be licensed under the GPL. If you have developed closed source software, and it only makes connections with Kooboo, you are not required to disclose the source code of such its own closed source software.

What if I violate the terms of the GPL license for Kooboo?

We have no desire or ability to pursue anyone who commits a violation of our license. We ask everyone to voluntarily comply with the license.

What is the difference between commercial and closed source software?

Commercial software means a certain type of commercial activity related to software. Software with closed source code means that you may not copy, modify or distribute such software. Commercial software is not necessarily closed source software and vice versa.

What are the conditions for rebranding and relicensing of Kooboo Professional Edition?

This right gives you the freedom to use Kooboo without restriction of the GPL license.

What is the difference between the GPL and the LGPL?

The GNU GPL license is intended for use with respect to programs. The GNU LGPL license is intended for use with software libraries. The LGPL does not require you to publish your work under a license that is compatible with the GPL.

Third Party Components

Kooboo uses third-party open source components only. Below is a list of their names and their licenses:

Name: license
Lucene: Apache
DotNetZip: MS-PL
Jquery: MIT
Tinymce: LGPL

Where can I find out more information about the GPL and BSD licenses?

See the website of the Free Software Foundation .

approx. per. - My other CMS licensing translations:

Drupal licensing FAQ
Backdrop Licensing FAQ
Joomla! Licensing FAQ
Papaya CMS licensing FAQ
Plone Licensing FAQ
Pimcore licensing FAQ


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328634/

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