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How to make it happen

Good day, friends! Today I offer an article for those who are just starting their journey on Habrahabr in the IT sphere. From the often repeated mistakes of the guys who come to me for an interview, this is a list of recommendations.

I will say right away: there is no universal recipe for a successful career - your desire to achieve results decides everything. My advice lies on the surface, but for some reason every third young professional forgets about them.


Learn the market

Before you choose the first job and even a specialty in high school, you need to examine the market. Believe me: every year companies are unsuccessfully looking for a lot of specialists, and graduates, in turn, cannot get a job because of a different area of ​​training.
See what technologies are now in demand, what requirements large companies make for candidates, which firms recruit junior specialists and what you need to know and be able to meet the minimum requirements.

Remember that not all companies are ready to take on aspiring specialists and train them. To study the market, look at vacancies on the sites hh.ru, itmozg.ru, on specialized forums, for example, on javascript.ru, and VK groups. Also, many companies are providers of lectures, seminars and courses - this is a great opportunity for further employment.

Choose a development vector


At the interview you will talk not only about what you already know and managed to do. Get ready for questions about where you would like to go further.

Decide on those development vectors that are acceptable to you in the future. It is desirable, of course, to clearly understand who you see yourself in a couple of years. But while you are just starting your career path, it is possible to have two or three options.

For example, you want to start a career in IT, and right now a job of a technical support specialist is right for you. But you do not want to work in support for more than a year and a half, since you like programming and Java and in the future you would like to engage in test automation or programming. If rotation is possible within the company, then there will be welcome candidates who are ready to develop professionally.

Broaden your horizons

It does not matter what diploma you received (and if you got it at all) - a technical specialist or a humanitarian. It is important to remember, the main thing is your knowledge and motivation, not crusts. Of course, a higher technical education is an indisputable advantage. But if you do not have it, do not be upset. Reading articles, books, interested in innovations, communicating with experts in the field that you are interested in is much more important than sitting for 4 years at a university.

In addition to technical languages, you must learn English. Even if you are going to get a job in a Russian-speaking IT-company. The probability that English is not useful to you in work is extremely small. Most of the documentation, useful literature and customers are English-speaking, and in order to develop and build a career, English is an IT language for everyone. Not to mention that the code is written in English.



A novice specialist needs to go to meetings of IT communities, conferences and forums devoted to the topics and technologies that you study and that you are interested in. At such events, you will receive not only links to the necessary for the study and relevant literature, but also get useful contacts in different companies, where you will be able to find employment in the future. Look for such events in specialized groups on VKontakte and on the IT-Event website (it-events.com).

Competently make a resume


A novice specialist should indicate literally everything he has encountered in work and that he can be helped to find a job. Tell us about your achievements. It could be anything: a website written with friends, a program for a laboratory at a university, etc. Be sure to specify the technologies that you have encountered in the work and about which you can communicate with the employer.

If you’ve only heard about some kind of technology stack, and there’s nothing to tell you about it, it’s better not to include it in your resume. Even if the vacancy knowledge of these technologies is imperative. It is not uncommon for an applicant to make a very beautiful resume and indicate an extensive stack of technologies, and during the interview with the team leader it turned out that the candidate has only a general understanding of the project’s technologies and has never even been interested in them.

To keep your resume looking thin, attach a cover letter. Services like hh.ru allow you to write detailed letters. Describe what you came up with in your work, what position you are applying for now and how you are interested in the company to which you send feedback.

Get ready for the challenge


Do not neglect the test tasks before the interview. The company wants to make sure that what is written in your resume is true, so as not to lose your time and yours. Be sure to write to the person who invited you for an interview, if you are not ready to complete the task or you have problems with the time to complete it and need to extend the deadline.

Perhaps in the future you will again consider this company as an employer and you should immediately establish yourself as a responsible candidate.


Go to all the interviews to which you are invited. Suppose that among the first companies will be those in which you would not have to settle. You will understand what to talk about, what questions you can ask and how best to answer them, work out stress interviews and will not worry at the interviews in those companies that you really like.

I wish novice IT specialists good luck and dream job!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328628/

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