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Geolocation in the smartphone - a new way to search for witnesses to road incidents

You found that your car was hijacked and it has been an indefinite time since the hijacking - it remains to contact the police and wait?

Wouldn't it be better to find witnesses yourself? Among the thousands or millions of drivers in your city - surely there were those who accidentally captured the time of the hijacking on a DVR or could follow a stolen car. Videotaping such people would help find a car, but how to contact them?

Let's see how, in the 21st century, geolocation and information technology can help drivers find witnesses to road incidents so that:

As you might have guessed, we will discuss the idea of ​​building a social service for searching for witnesses, which will allow victims to contact unfamiliar drivers on the basis of data on their movements. The service should work quickly so that the recording of the DVR is not rubbed by the loopback. I would like to talk about the principles of his work in this article.

At the moment, the problem of finding witnesses to accidents and other incidents is solved very inefficiently. The victim places an ad on specialized forums and on social networks and waits for the witness to respond to his call for help.

The chance to find a witness in this case directly depends on the number of drivers who regularly view news of traffic accidents or specialized forums. The probability of success is extremely low here, because, firstly, not every driver finds time to look through the news of traffic accidents daily, and secondly, the driver could not at all realize what he had witnessed.

As a result, precious time is lost, the video is erased, and even if the witness is found, it will be useless.

My idea is to save time for those drivers who are willing to help if they anonymously publish their travel routes and give them the opportunity to contact them.
No need to read the news. The victim himself will contact you, even if you did not notice the incident, but could record it on your DVR.

The service can work like this:

  1. A driver who is ready to help (share the recording of his DVR) using the mobile application records the coordinates and time of his movements and anonymously publishes them in a common database.
  2. The victim enters the web portal, finds this route by searching for the place and time, sends a message to the owner of the route, without knowing his name and other contact information.
  3. A message appears in the driver's mobile application.

Now the driver can copy the video of the right moment of the trip and, at a minimum, it will not be lost.

The project will attract those who regularly review news about the accident and help the victims, as well as those who are willing to help, but do not have time to independently search for announcements of those who need help.

In general, it is aimed at those who help other drivers for free. This is exactly the motivation on the basis of which social service should be built.

The success of such a project directly depends on the number of people recording their routes, so the actual question is whether additional incentives will help attract more participants?

As an additional incentive, you can use

  1. Monetary reward to the witness for the provided video.
  2. Restricting the ability to search for witnesses for those who are not involved in the project.

IMHO such incentives are not fundamental to the service, but may attract additional users who are ready to share their video.

I will not overload the article with other details. If you have an interest, we will continue the theme of the motivational and technical components of such a project.

I would be glad if you share your opinion in the survey section, as well as offer new options for motivation for users in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328596/

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