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How to get an offer on the day of the interview and not wait a hundred years

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UPD: Following the event, we made 8 job offers: 5 to iOS developers, 3 to Android developers.

Hi, Habr! I am Bogdan, a developer in the Badoo iOS Team in London. After reading the title, you might think that Badoo is completely crazy about posting on such topics. But the post is quite for Habr. We are now actively expanding the iOS and Android teams and are looking for developers around the world. Naturally, we simply cannot ignore Moscow (our second office is here). We want to hold a rather unusual event in order to get new colleagues after it.

We (Badoo mobile teams) decided to come to Moscow for a few days and hold a small meeting, after which several developers (iOS and Android) will receive job offers from us (in London). In order not to delay this very meeting, we did an online test (it is not super difficult, but rather to understand your level and simplify and speed up personal meetings).

So, I call iOS and Android developers to spend 90 minutes on a test, according to the results of which we will select a couple of dozens of the most successful guys and invite them to the office (Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 2) for a personal conversation. You will only talk with techies, without recruiters. And on the day of the conversation, get or not get an invitation to work with us in London. Yes, all right, you will not need to wait for an answer after the interview. You can ask any organizational questions in the comments or me personally. To start the test, click “Get an Invite”, the invitation will soon come to the mail.

iOS and Android teams in Badoo

I’ll also tell you about our mobile teams, so that at least you can imagine with whom and on what you will work.

The Badoo's iOS team consists of 15 developers, divided into four teams: three of them are developing applications, another (Core-team) is developing a common platform. We connect the platform (common application code) through Cocoapods, as well as a few third-party libraries.

The Android department is organized in a similar way: 14 developers, 4 teams (3 application development teams and a Core team).

We work on Scrum and Kanban (depending on the size of the team). On the one hand, a developer in Badoo lives very well: there are product managers who write specifications for features, manual QA and automation QA (there are more of them than developers, and this is a huge rarity when so many QA can hedge and check your feature) , a beautiful office with full board, the opportunity to receive 75% of salary as a bonus. On the other hand, we have very high demands for productivity and quality of the code. And the developer is personally responsible for the features that he does.

About the event May 20-21

Tests (two of them: for iOS and Android) consist of several platform-specific questions, as well as tasks on data structures and algorithms. Tasks can be solved on Objective-C or Swift — for the iOS platform, and in Java — for Android. Those who pass the test best of all will be invited to a personal meeting in our Moscow office on May 20 or 21. And, as I said above, they will immediately receive (or will not receive) an invitation to work with us.

And these are people you meet when you pass the test. They will conduct offline meetings.

iOS Team: Katya Trofimenko, Bogdan Orlov (that is, I) and Anton Schukin

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Android team: Arkady Gamza and Guillermo Gonzalez

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Alexei Rybak (head of Badoo development), Rafael Lopez (head of mobile development) and Nikolay Krapivny (head of server development) will help make a decision and also talk to you a little about system design.

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In general, pass the online test, we are waiting for you! PS Here there is a huge article about how we transport developers and how we live / work in London. Here is the AMA with our Android team on Reddit. And yet - the performance of Kati Trofimenko and Kati Nikolaenko about the bugfixing of the iOS development process in Badoo.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328322/

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