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Java 9 exit postponed again

The release of Java 9 - a new version of the platform - has been postponed . All this is connected with the recent objections of Red Hat and IBM regarding the work on the system of modules.

/ photo by Matthias Ripp CC

Java Development Kit 9 advanced to its planned release on July 27th. However, Red Hat and IBM have expressed dissatisfaction with the concept of modularization (the Jigsaw sub-project). It is assumed that the modular construction gives small devices certain advantages, including scalability. But Scott Stark (Scott Stark), vice president of the JBoss group at Red Hat, expressed some concerns about how applications work with the module system and its impact on the upcoming Java Enterprise Edition 9.
Starck noted that the module system, which is described in JSR-376 and the Jigsaw project, could lead to the emergence of "two Java worlds": one for Jigsaw and one for everything else, including the Java SE class loaders and OSGI. In his analysis, Stark considered the opinions of other members of the Java community.

“Many solutions that are widely used today will not be viable when using Jigsaw or will require major changes in the architecture,” said Stark.

IBM also joined this discussion and expressed doubts about the development plan for the modules. Tim Ellison, a senior IBM technician, shares Stark's concerns and notes that "more work is needed to reach a full agreement on the proposed standard."

In response, Oracle also criticized, but sent it to IBM and Red Hat applications. Mark Reinhold, chief Java architect at Oracle, called IBM's position a “disappointing”, “unusual”, and also a threat to Java. As for the position of Red Hat, Reinhold called it "disappointing, but not surprising", as well as an attempt to protect its own modular system, recalling the company WildFly application server. In a blog, he noted that voting against JSR-376 is voting against JCP.

The very same vote took place on May 8, and its results were published on the Java Community Process page. Ten votes were cast in support of the JSR-376, thirteen against. Since the required number of votes (2/3) could not be gained, the project review period was extended for another 30 days. After making changes, the vote will be held again. However, many of the participants noted the fact that the JSR-376 specification problems can be fixed soon, and this should not greatly affect the Java 9 release schedule.

Note that previously, the release of Java 9 was repeatedly postponed . The reason for this was all the same modularization. The release date was postponed first to March 2017, and then to July. The basis - more time was needed to develop a system of modules. According to Mark Reinhold, chief Java architect at Oracle, this was due to a large number of bugs waiting to be fixed.

About Oracle

Oracle Corporation is the world's largest provider of enterprise software. The company was founded in 1977. The divisions of the corporation are located in more than 145 countries with more than 120 thousand employees. As of 2014, the company owns 30% of the global software market.

About IBM

IBM is one of the world's largest manufacturers and suppliers of hardware and software, as well as IT services and consulting services. The company was founded on June 16, 1911.

About Red Hat

Red Hat is an American company that produces solutions based on the free Linux operating system. The company began its work in 1993, and currently has more than 3,500 employees and 30 divisions around the world, being one of the largest companies producing Linux.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328320/

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