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Hi, SaaS | 5 reasons to stay with amoCRM

Subtleties of choice - we share our experience and approaches to the implementation of CRM at the start of sales of the DentalTap dental practice automation service.

Product features

DentalTap in its current form is aimed at practicing dentists and offices. Those. on the one hand, we sell to businesses, but on the other hand, this is a solo / soho practice, in which there is no pressure and firm hand of leadership. This feature greatly influenced our creation of a freemium tariff, which, in our opinion, gives potential users a lag of time to decide to stay with us or not. In fact, we sell to doctors, not organizations.

Sales model

It is quite simple: Registration of an application → several calls with a story about the service → sending letters about the possibilities of the service → reminders about payments. While we do not make presentations of the product and compensated for this with good methodological materials - video content and reviews with updates. The average number of organic registrations per month is 100 + in 20 countries. Conversion to active freemium - 40%. 3 distributed employees are engaged in sales in the team. At the same time, one of the employees connects to the transaction at the senior stages and needs to transfer tasks from other sales participants. Despite the simplicity of our transaction template, we edited the stages for about two months, bringing them closer to reality and considering the nuances - for example, dentists like to communicate on weekends.

Our choice and why so

Proceeding from the tasks we needed a simple cloud tool with the philosophy of Customer Relationship Management. We definitely did not need a task manager and “tools for everything” (even free ones) - we needed to automate CRM based on sales models.

Obviously, in the horizontal structure of the team, all the "complex functionality" goes into the background - features and UX begin to play a key role, well, at least in our team and in our experience. Plus, the Pareto rule has not been canceled by anyone - 80 percent of users always use 20% of the functionality, and understanding this, we did not want to work with something complicated.

We looked at amoCRM for a long time with skepticism - we didn’t really believe that a team that had been involved in website building for quite a long time could take and make a history of business automation, which needs a little other competencies. As a result, for 2017, our colleagues had a lively and flexible product that perfectly implements the philosophy of Customer Relationship Management and this is why we stayed with it:

1. Single page application

A single-page application is correct, although you still need to get to the amoCRM main working screen in several ways - either through a task or through contact. Our view that the top-down workspace is valid only for #Slack and everything related to processes, transactions, analytics and actions from the moment of the numbers and writing is in the unambiguous pattern of “left to right / vice versa”, which is realized in amoCRM. Those. we like the horizontal placement of the sales funnel more, to put it more simply.

2. Intellectual work with tasks

A very nice feature of the workspace (client card, deals, history) amoCRM, the essence of which is that when you close the next task, you are offered to plan the next one with several date patterns, the choice of the responsible person, the title and the field to describe the task. The main thing - everything is done and closed in one panel, which saves a lot of time.

3. Disjoint transactions

By the term incoherence, I mean the independence of the execution of the transaction, the stage in it and the tasks within the transaction. Why is it good? First, working with the first customers is handmade and it’s more important not to work on the conveyor using conditional patterns. The conditional transaction logic and conditional transitions - this is about the pipeline and we will definitely return to it later. Secondly, the team is sufficiently motivated for the results and limited in time of work on the project. Under these conditions, it is more logical to work on overdue tasks and not on stages with conditional logic of transitions of stages in a transaction.

4. Tag Tools

Convenient bun to search and segmentation of the client base at the same time, which enhances the UX in the service as a whole. In our case, the tag helps to segment customers based on their expectations and internal tasks, reflects the specialization of doctors and shares in the user base by product and their location.

5. 180 degrees - work from contact and from task

Choice is always great. In amoCRM there are two scenarios to start working on tasks. The first scenario is from the task that the service itself reminds (checkbox and e-mail) and the second is from the client, when you can open a client card, view the history and decide on further work with it. It is not always logical to work from overdue tasks - in our case we add new clients to the database once a week and it is more logical to start working with clusters of introduced clients or “by tags”.

To summarize all the reasons why we stayed with amoCRM, then I would highlight the flexibility and UX. If we talk about approaches in choosing CRM as a whole, then

We want to note that we were far from decisive for the key advantages of amoCRM , and today not only Soho-practices, but also medium-sized companies can pay attention to the decision.

Agree to you with customers and all the clouds!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328304/

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