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Contemplation Syndrome

They did the project for a long time, finally finished it, showed it and everyone liked it. It would seem that the work was rated positively. Have shown that it has value. Pronounced praise. Gingerbread distributed. Perhaps the participants were clearly made to understand that the continuation of work on this topic will be appreciated and encouraged. But everyone fell ill laziness and did not want to do anything else. The fact is that they enjoy the result. Do not interrupt, but join.

A syndrome is an accumulation of symptoms that occur simultaneously. If there are several signs of the syndrome, then there are others, even if so far they are not noticeable. Translated into English, the syndrome of contemplation sounds like “contemplation syndrome”, but I did not find anything in either the Russian or the English segment using these phrases, which would coincide with my understanding. Perhaps I have chosen the wrong term. But so be it.

The combination of symptoms of contemplation syndrome



The effect of the syndrome of contemplation

After receiving a positive feedback from the result, participants are reluctant to do anything. They only look at their results and wait for the continuation of positive feedback. Contemplate and enjoy.


It can also manifest itself in physical fatigue, chills, dizziness, apathy, nervousness, and depression.

Sometimes a cold, headache or other minor soreness will come on.

Some may also associate with rework and take it for emotional burnout.

It is possible that this is an overdose of dopamine, followed by othodnyakom. But I will not speak of action-reward dopamine chains, stimulation or repression. I leave it to the experts.


It would seem that the work was rated positively. Have shown that it has value. Gave approval. Pronounced praise. Perhaps the participants were clearly made to understand that the continuation of work on this topic will be appreciated and encouraged. But everyone fell ill laziness and did not want to do anything else.

There is a desire to start treating laziness . To cause internal motivation, to impose external. Encourage, punish. Threaten, order.

From my point of view, the syndrome of contemplation is not a disease. I do not think that it should be treated. Participants need to arrange a rehabilitation course to restore physical and mental strength.

Treatment Rehabilitation

If you ask about the feelings of these people, they will not talk about their depression, laziness or apathy. They may even be very emotional, feel the rise, talk about joy, about euphoria. They are happy. Happiness does not need to be treated. It must be remembered. He must survive. They will certainly want to repeat the experience, but only if the sensations leave an imprint in the soul and mind. Let the human brain itself deal with this.

Please: let people enjoy the result, otherwise they will not invest their soul next time. It seems to me that it is quite simple:

What is actually observed

As I worked in the field of web development, I primarily judge companies that develop software and web projects.

In almost all companies and teams, the process of contemplation, if it happens, is interrupted abruptly, categorically. For example, teams working on SCRUM are obliged to follow the rhythm (sprints), which requires a transition from one task to another without stopping. The almost continuous process of creating values ​​by the development team cannot be disrupted by periods of contemplation, otherwise the velocity will begin to decrease (velocity), and the duration of the sprints will begin to swim.

Web-studios suffer especially from this, where many small projects and works are put on a continuous stream. Nobody will notice if suddenly some N + 1 project will be executed in a new design, on a new code base, or in some other way different from the other N projects. And sometimes they will even ignore them specifically, so that "those heroes" are not proud.

Particularly affected by the team working remotely. They traditionally have a problem with informal communication, they can not or do not know how to share their feelings. And if they share, the rest cannot accept these emotions as vividly. Such a "happiness only for myself." Sometimes, from the point of view of the rest of the team, it looks like “they are sick, they don’t get in touch,” “there’s no second day for them,” “tasks in the task manager don’t move,” “they left something ?

Rhythm disturbance causes an unpredictable change of plans. The employees of the management department, where all the work is based on plans, have a desire to deal with similar failures. For example, they make it so that different teams are responsible for the design, development, implementation, support stages. Such disconnection violates the relationship of the signs, prerequisites (design, research, work) and the signs-signals (completion, demonstration, feedback). As a result, the team does not experience acute bouts of euphoria, but does not fall into a stupor. It goes exactly like a clock. Hooray! Cured.

Some employees, by the way, also like this approach. This allows them to invest very little and easily change one place of work for another. What is the difference where to work, if there are always the same tasks everywhere, backlog is always overflowing with tasks, always no matter what task to do in the next sprint, often the choice of tasks in the sprint is not done by an employee? Indifferent continuous programming process. Tired - change jobs to try a new domain or another programming language.

No joy of achievement = no desire to achieve. IMHO.

Joy day

If a company has questions about internal and external motivation of employees to improve work efficiency, then it definitely needs to at least once get into a state of contemplation syndrome. Having survived it, the company will receive a positive experience, leading to an increase in the internal motivation of employees. To consolidate the effect, you need to make it clear that this contribution of the forces and souls is of tremendous value to the company.

The team bore, gave birth and raised a project, a product, or some major feature. Tell me, this feature / project / product - was it a desirable child? Then, remember this day as the birthday of the project. Birthday MVP. Birthday features. Day of joy. You can arrange a holiday, celebrate special dates in a special corporate calendar. To celebrate it regularly - at least just as a tea party in the office, and maybe even as an additional day off with a picnic in the open air, sports events, a banquet. The main thing for the whole company to see is that this day the feeling of happiness from what has been achieved has been common, it is remembered, it is appreciated.

Well, the very first day is the day immediately following the day of delivery. All the same, the team “in otkhodnyak” and can not do anything, so why not arrange a pizza-party right now and a rehab day tomorrow?
- What do you like more: sex day when we donated the project or New Year?
- New Year. It happens more often.

Put in the company's budget not only national holidays and birthdays of employees, but also the birthdays of projects. If there are many such events, then they can be combined, for example, to mark the days of projects by months or quarters.


I work for Icons8. We draw vector icons. At the request of users. Is free. We practice SCRUM and all employees work remotely. I mentioned that SCRUM and remote work are reasons for reducing the effects of the contemplation syndrome. But I want to share some good practices.

Consider web development. The pool of tasks for the next sprint is collected from the whole team, including content managers and designers. The owner of the product can also put forward their wishes. And the web developers themselves can add their tasks. Then the tasks in the next sprint are recruited by the development team and they choose what they want.

On the one hand, it looks like anarchy. On the other hand, we only do what the team needs, operating with corporate values ​​that were formulated and fixed by the entire company, in advance. The important point is that if an individual participant does not follow common values, then he will not be able to work according to such a scheme, alas and goodbye, we hope that no offense. Please note that this process is used not only inside the company, but also outside. We draw icons that people need - for this there is a bank of ideas with voting . Designers are also experimenting, doing what they want. Otherwise we would not have cool icons in new styles, and there would be no special thematic series of icons.

Some products of the company were created as a result of independent choice of colleagues. For example, searching for icons on a handwritten outline (I will not give the link - something he stubbornly lies), the Sketch file viewer for Windows , the omg-img project for inserting icons into HTML and the direction for inserting icons into third-party CMS / CRM and site designers ( special project on SmartProgress ). Works are independently planned, implemented independently. The goals are different: try new technologies, try new ways of working with users, find new ways to solve user problems. The main thing - we make them, because they want to do.

Days of joy. A lot of them. I can not say whether it is right and often enough we celebrate them. But a lot of them. In 2016 alone, there was a significant selection of boaster .

Well, traditional polls:

PS Search in astrakhanism sometimes does not maintain Habraeffekt.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328300/

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