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Good in the village in the summer with stagabitnom Internet

One of the most difficult challenges that we faced was to make a full-fledged Internet in the village, sufficient for stable communication, heavy files and SSH. Today we have coped with this task. An optical cable with stagabit Internet and ping up to Yandex 20 ms is suitable for each house in the village. The speed is limited only by the tariffs of the provider - from a technical point of view, each house is equipped with 4 gigabit channels to their site. Under the cut - the story of our adventures and technical details.

Previous options

In the beginning, we considered two main options - connecting via radio relay to one of the cellular operators or laying our own line to the city.
According to the technical conditions received from the operators, all that was required on our part was to install a 20-meter mast for radio relay in the village. The solution seemed quite attractive - it was inexpensive, would provide us with a dedicated 100 Mbit channel for the whole village, and this would be enough for the first time.

Unfortunately, after checking the visibility of the towers with a quadrocopter, we came to the sad conclusion that the required height of the tower is 30m. Around the village there is a tall pine forest, which was not counted on the operator’s cards. To ensure a stable position of the radio relay (extremely sensitive to twisting and rocking) at such a height, a mast of another class was required - with several tiers of delays, a terrible industrial look and expensive like a steam locomotive. Pouring that kind of money into a temporary solution, of course, got sick.

View in the direction of the tower from 20 meters - the forest closes everything

At the same time, we were working on the issue of self-laying a line to the city along a forest road. With its bar installation, this option would be quite cheap - 3 kilometers of armored cable for underground installation (75 tr.), Diesel fuel and a couple dozen man-days - all in total would hardly exceed 200 thousand. However, the alignment of the route across the lands of the state forest fund, according to estimates by various contractors, would have resulted in a round sum. From 500 thousand for the development of the project, and the devil knows how much for refinement and coordination. According to some insider information, the procedure for negotiating the route through the forest is so bureaucratic and confused that even the operators of the big three cannot cope with it and prefer to do everything “left-handed”, paying fines and carrying the risk of line damage.

The saddest thing in this direction was the fact that none of the contractors did not undertake to perform this work on a turnkey basis, with some guaranteed deadlines and results. We are still considering this option, but we will return to it in a few years - when a greater variety of providers is required.


At the same time, we negotiated with several providers, offering to invest in the construction of a city-village line along a field road. This route is much longer than the forest option, so the cost of the line there turned out significant, and all the major providers refused. As a result, only Rostelecom remained - from their cable to the village there were only about a kilometer.

At the beginning of the talks, they talked about the Rostelecom program for connecting cottage villages - a line to the village would be free for us. Our task would be only the “last mile” to subscribers, which at that time was already ready. Unfortunately, every such decision is made not at the regional level, but at the level of the federal district - but in the Volga branch in the investment in this line was refused.

We figured that the cost of a kilometer line on its own is unlikely to exceed 100 thousand, and we offered Rostelecom a natural option - to build the line at our own expense, check it carefully and transfer to their balance. Unfortunately, despite the obvious interest and desire to help from the regional branch, we were unable to find a legitimate way to carry out this event.

Here are the options we considered:

As a result, the only option left was to pay for the construction of the line at the established tariff. When we first learned about this fare, we experienced something like a shock. One kilometer of the line, according to the general contractor, cost us a little more than a million rubles, including VAT.

We were explained this by the fact that under the contract with the contractor there is an established price per kilometer - regardless of the complexity of the route. That is, if the contractor would have to make its way through rocky or rocky soil, the price would be exactly the same. Therefore, this is our kilometer across the field, where no problems are foreseen - as if the contractor compensates other difficult kilometers.

We were overjoyed that we would help the contractor to improve karma and budget, but since there was no other realistic option on the horizon, we stopped at this decision.

Line construction

According to the national construction tradition, all the soil work is best done in the winter - so much more interesting. Rostelecom and I decided not to break this tradition - starting negotiations in the summer, we tried to podgadat so that the start time of work fell on the maximum thickness of the snow cover. We successfully coped with this task, and in February a contractor’s technician came to us.

According to the project, part of the route was supposed to pass through a ravine, which is separated from the pond by a powerful dirt dam. Taking advantage of the terrain, Soviet builders staged a small water park on the pond. Directly on the surface of the pond, a descent opens into the water slide, which passes through the dam and ends in a ravine with a small pool with a river flowing from it. When the level of the pond rises, the excess water rushes into the pipe - thus, the swimmer experiences less friction about the concrete and, together with the flow of water, finds himself in the pool.

Our water slide - you dive to the left, swim to the right

According to the project, the track just crosses the lower part of the waterslide, which the contractors did not want to break in any case. A suitable solution would be a HDD - horizontal directional drilling (“puncture”) —but it was unwise to drive an expensive drilling rig for several meters. Therefore, contractors took advantage of a curious modification of this technology.

First, two deep wells were dug on either side of the pipe. Then, two specialists were placed in these wells, who enthusiastically began to search for each other with high-tech novices from the male and female monastery. From above, from a loaf parked on a dam, their actions were led by a team of managers who were ready to come to the aid of the necessary advice at any moment.

With the seeming simplicity of the undertaking, things were not moving fast. Despite February, water appeared in the wells. The specialists were wet, they were freezing, they were moving worse and dug less and less technologically: they had to warm them in our trailer and unsolder them with soup. However, after a few days, the guys came to success and the cable was solemnly pulled through under the pipe. In our opinion, all this complicated procedure would be worth it for contractors to patent and name a GNC - a horizontal directional digging.

Last mile

For subscriber routing, we used the star topology - an independent cable from each section to the geometric center of the village. Armored cable, 4-fiber, laid in the ground. In the center there is a server room - a small building for switching equipment and subscriber cross-countries. Concurrently - the future children's slide.

We decided to unpack the subscriber cable in the houses and the server cable in three weekly stages. At the first stage, the expert invited from Kirov did not take the charger to the welder - because the charge should have been enough. There was not enough charge, and thus the first stage was completed. At the second stage, with bitter disappointment, we found that the cable of one street sticking out of the ground does not reach the server - a coupling and a lot of additional weldings are required. And, finally, after the third stage, a subscriber cross-SNR was installed in every existing house, connected to the cross-over in the server room.


After all this work was completed, all that remained was to be screwed to the wall in the server cabinet and install a switchboard into it. With the cabinet, the contractors managed surprisingly quickly - it took a little less than a month (it turns out about a week for one bolt). A week later, a delegation came to us with a switchboard to organize the final stage. The guys solemnly installed the switch and announced that they had forgotten the SFP and the media converter to check the connection, and the patchcord length is not enough. But the lights on the switch blinked as they should, and the server smelled of real Internet.

Another two weeks of waiting for the order on the nage - and all the residents of the village received the necessary equipment, subscription contracts and 4 Gigabit channels to the house. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to agree on special rates for individuals with Rostelecom, so the Internet speed is currently 100 megabits per subscriber. It is worth the pleasure of 300 rubles per month.

Status of the village

Conducting a full Internet was one of the most difficult and unpredictable obligations to immigrants. Now that we have completed it, the next goal is a quality road to the city. We plan to make a thick sand pillow, lay geotextiles with a geogrid and cover with rubble. After these vital things have been completed, we will move on to the improvement and decoration, and then to the infrastructure (cafe, school, spaceport, etc.).

Recall that the cost of summarizing communications is included in the price of the plot, and also that the price of the plot increases with each purchase . To join the village, you need to write to us through the form on the website or instagram and plan a trip. It is most convenient to follow our news in instagram .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328298/

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