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Returning a customer is easy - don't let him go

An important aspect of modern communication platforms is that they can do much more than simply connect a client with a manager when he wants to. Today we want to talk about this practice on the example of our customers' business.

Putting yourself in the consumer’s place (which is not difficult at all), we can perfectly understand what annoys us most when dealing with companies: it’s a long wait on the line, inability to reach the phone, listening to the mantra “your call is very important to us” and the manager’s complete inadequacy, who starts the conversation. Often this leads to the fact that the client angrily hangs up without waiting for the right answer. And this potentially carries a loss, because if a person called you himself, then he is ready to pay you money for goods or services.
Today, we will examine several cases of organizing the work of a virtual PBX using the examples of our clients who use different “retention” schemes for clients who interrupted the conversation for one reason or another.

Back call

If the client called, but did not wait on the line, you definitely need to call him back before he called the competitors. When a call to a virtual PBX is received, the subscriber’s number is recorded, and if the call was interrupted, it means that the client may already be dialing another phone to order something else.

“Our business is very competitive, and we know perfectly well that without calling us, the person will simply find another cleaning company in the ad,” says Mikhail from the capital’s cleaning company. “Therefore, we set up our PBX so that it immediately calls back to the number from the missed call and connects with the manager.”
Moreover, if you use a bunch of CRM and virtual PBX, you can organize a check for the presence of customer information in the database. And if this is already a known or existing client, you can connect it with the necessary manager or at least show the manager his client card on the computer screen. After all, if it was a potential customer who nevertheless decided to contact you, he would be pleased to know that they remember him.

Send SMS

The second option to quickly respond to the client leaving the line is to send him an SMS. This option is well suited for companies that simply cannot physically call back immediately - due to the large number of calls, lack of operators or managers in the workplace at this time of day, and so on. Calling and turning on the answering machine in this case does not make sense - it is better to send a message to a potential or existing client with some information or even a good offer.

“Considering that there are a lot of companies offering car rental, we always try to make special offers to customers,” notes Arseny from a car rental company in St. Petersburg. - Sending an SMS is a great reason to offer a 10-15% discount to a person who has not phoned. We inform that we are ready to give him a personal discount card, and this often works, a person calls again. ”

By the way, you can send SMS and simply with a message that the manager will call you back in X minutes. This will allow simultaneously solving the problem of waiting for the released employee and retaining the loyalty of the client, at least to some extent.

Let him choose

It is surprising that today very few companies offer a convenient callback for those customers who do not want to wait on the line. For example, instead of marketing clips and “our call is very important to you,” you can simply give the information “press 3, if you want our employee to call you back soon.”

“We have already implemented a callback scheme from the site,” says Anna, a logistics specialist from a product delivery company. - It turned out that you can add exactly the same for incoming calls. The client simply clicks on the number 2, and we call him back as soon as one of the managers is released. It is very convenient, it saves time for both us and the people. ”


The proposed functions are, of course, not all that can be done to retain a client. If you have a CRM system installed, then the possibilities turn out to be very large - from behavioral analysis to preventive mailings of offers. But if someone didn’t wait for the line, you can apply any of the above methods simply using our Virtual Hive PBX or Zeon IP-PBX , either in combination with amoCRM or any other CRM, or offline.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328288/

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