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Pygest # 8. Releases, articles, interesting projects from the world of Python [April 11, 2017 - May 7, 2017]

image Hello! This is the eighth issue of Habrahabr news digest from the world of Python. In today's release you will find interesting materials on code quality, testing, Python internals, and more. Send us your actual materials, as well as any comments and suggestions that will be added to the nearest digest.

And now to the point!


Introduction to machine learning with tensorflow
A simple introduction to machine learning from ins2718

Test Driven Development of a Django RESTful API
About TDD when using the Django REST Framework
Generating Fake Data for Python Unit Tests with Faker
About using Faker to generate fake data for your tests

All you need to know about prefetching in django
A note on how the prefetch mechanism works in Django ORM

Designing an async API, from sans-I / O on up
A note from core developer CPython about creating an asynchronous API

How to Create Your First Python 3.6 AWS Lambda Function
Python instructions for AWS Lambda Function

Refactoring a Python codebase using the Single Responsibility Principle
Example of Python code refactoring according to the principle of “one-stop responsibility”

Grok the GIL: Write Fast and Thread-Safe Python
An article on how GIL works and how to deal with it.

Asyncio Coroutine Patterns: Beyond await
An article about how await works and works.

How To Use the Python Debugger
Python debugger tutorial

Write Fast Apps Using Async Python 3.6 and Redis

How to make your Python application faster

Python Collections Module
An overview of the Python module collections, which contains various extended data containers

Creating Languages ​​For Dummies
Tutorial on creating your own language using Python and PyParsing

What Asynchronous is All About?
Excellent article about asynchronous programming from DjangoStars

Getting Started with Python and MongoDB
A MongoDB article on how to use Python to work with MongoDB

Modifying the Python language in 6 minutes
Excellent article on how to make changes to CPython

Getting Started with Django Rest Framework
Tutorial about working with Django Rest Framework

Interesting projects

Extended query language for DjangoORM

Library for serializing and marshaling JSON

Python object storage using Amazon S3 as storage

A tool for finding security issues in Python code from Uber

Library for profiling memory usage in Python code

Checklist to build great celery async tasks
Checklist for creating asynchronous Celery jobs

Python-to-python compiler allowing use of version 3.6 constructs in earlier versions

Instagram Challenge by Unpossibly
An interesting tool that predicts the number of "likes" on a photo in Instagram.

Ready architectural solution for schedules for universities, schools and other things from dmytryistriletskyi
An article with a detailed description of creating a framework
When GitHub shoots you in the head, a new framework is created. The idea, concept and implementation of "Rutetider"

You are looking for the previous issue of the digest here:

Pygest # 7. Releases, articles, interesting projects from the world of Python [March 28, 2017 - April 10, 2017]

Thanks for attention! Send your suggestions for publication in the digest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/328130/

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