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Pentestit Security Conference 2017: reports


Colleagues and friends! On July 15, 2017, Pentestit Security Conference will take place in Orel - a conference dedicated to practical information security: penetration testing of modern networks and systems, detection of telecommunications equipment vulnerabilities, circumvention of modern protective equipment, detection and counteraction to attacks, forensic analysis and incident investigation.


The conference will be presented only technical reports on practical aspects of information security. At the moment, the following reports have been agreed (list is supplemented):

Implementation of the GSM protocol stack

The report is dedicated to OsmocomBB - a project whose goal is the free (Open Source) implementation of the GSM protocol stack. The conference will demonstrate the practical application of OpenBSC technology.

Using radare2 when analyzing binary files

Using the popular framework Radare2 for reverse engineering malware.

Detection and analysis of spyware scripts on the site

Detection and analysis of phishing scripts, online skimmers and spies on modern sites based on CMS Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, etc. The problem of hacking sites with the purpose of espionage. Variants of opposition.

OSINT Automation

The use of automation tools in the collection of information from open sources - Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

IoT / embedded devices vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities of the modern Internet of things: how minor mistakes lead to significant problems.

Analysis of mobile application malicious code

As you know, Android is the most popular operating system for mobile devices today: smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. This makes this system the most attractive for the spread of malware.

MorphAES: polymorphic shells

Analysis of sandbox bypass methods (sandbox evasion) and modern protective means of safety.

Vulners Burp Suite Plug-in Presentation

Presentation and review of the new vulnerability detection plugin for Burp Suite - an integrated web application security research platform.

Forensic Analysis of Windows OS

Review of practical tasks in forensic analysis of Windows operating systems. Determination of the main sources of data in the OS for further analysis. Review and analysis of existing tools and solutions for forensic analysis.

Distributed computer attack detection systems

Architecture of typical distributed network systems for detecting computer attacks. Classification of tasks for their development, difficulties and solutions.

Heuristic Malware Detection Algorithms

The report will discuss a number of heuristic recognition mechanisms for malicious code built using well-known machine learning methods — composition of decision trees, neural networks, hidden Markov models, taking into account the formation of a feature space based on the characteristics of executable files obtained during their static analysis.

User identification on the Internet using HTTP cookies

The article considers the issues of user identification on the Internet based on the HTTP cookies data stored on the device. Practical approaches to building a user profile and the subsequent implementation of the identification procedure are proposed.

Topological WAF Implementation Options

Implementing a Web Application Firewall. Architect's view.

Practical techniques for secure network configuration

Recently, the issue of secure configuration of the network infrastructure has become increasingly topical. The trend of recent years: the growth of infections of various network devices (cameras, routers, devices of the “Internet of Things” class, etc.) not only companies, but also ordinary users. In the past, problems were often associated with a lack of qualifications (knowledge of how to safely set up equipment in practice) for end users and employees of grid companies, and now the problem of software and hardware bookmarks has also been added.

FailOpen: how WAFs are irrelevant in the protection of modern web applications

A case study of characteristic cases will be conducted in the report, when web applications are organized in such a way that WAFs protecting them are not technologically ready to fully perform their functions. Modern web technologies and interaction schemes for complex applications will be considered, including 3ds schemes, SSO, etc.

Laboratory penetration testing "Test lab v.11"

On June 30, 2017, the Pentestit team will launch a new, 11th penetration testing laboratory dedicated to the opening of the conference. As always, the laboratory will be a copy of the real corporate network of the company, containing typical vulnerabilities and configuration errors, and anyone can take part. Currently, more than 15,000 people are registered in the laboratory!

In addition to the main program of the conference, at Pentestit Security Conference 2017 we will hold a practical workshop on "Test lab v.11", including methods and techniques for testing the penetration of modern information systems

Attendees of the conference will have the opportunity to communicate in an informal setting with the creators of the laboratories, take part in contests and try their hand at hacking the infrastructure as close to real as possible.

Call for papers

If you have something to tell you - demonstrate a new vector or attack scenario, show an interesting tool in action, share a cool exploration - send requests to info@pentestit.ru (marked with CFP).

Become a partner

We offer partners of the conference a specially designated area for booths and media support. Want to join? Contact us by phone +7 (495) 204-19-72 or by email info@pentestit.ru. Increasing brand loyalty at a hacker conference is really cool!

Follow the news!

In the following articles we will talk about the speakers, the preparation of the laboratory and much more. References:

- Conference site ;
- The site of the laboratory "Test lab" ;
- Telegram-channel conference .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327990/

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