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Benefits of the Hierarchical Work Structure (WBS) for IT project managers

Managers with complex IT projects will confirm that dividing tasks into smaller and manageable parts makes the workflow much easier. In this article I will talk about the process that will help to structure each stage of the project and take into account all the tasks. This is a hierarchical structure of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) work .

WBS and Gantt charts

If you remember how to use the Agile-based project management methodology , determine the critical path and set SMART goals, then it’s time to move to a new level of competence in project management.

What is the hierarchical structure of the WBS work?

The hierarchical structure of the WBS work , or the structure of the decomposition, is a diagram where the objectives of the project reflect their relationship to each other and to the project as a whole. The term was first used in the United States in 1993.
WBS is based on a graphical nature that helps project managers predict results based on different scenarios. The process is often described as a branch structure that covers all phases of a project in an organized manner. WBS can also be presented in the form of a tabular list of tasks and elements in terms of work breakdown of Gantt charts .

Managers use a decomposition structure to structure and divide projects into easily manageable components. They, in turn, are divided until they are assigned to a specific specialist in the team.
WBS structure

Why use WBS:

  1. Helps to properly organize projects;
  2. Assists in describing the project content to interested parties;
  3. Helps assign responsibilities;
  4. Shows the main stages of the project and all views of the control;
  5. Allows you to correctly assess the costs, risks and time of work.

Let us analyze WBS using the example of planning an event. Suppose there is a task - to organize and supervise a corporate picnic or team building. Using WBS, you can describe and divide the tasks as follows:

Planning : research, budget planning, coordination and approval of the plan, coordination issues.
Meals : menu, shopping, cooking, service.
Playground and activities : tables and seats, dishes, decoration and equipment, branding.
Participants / guests : invitations, guest list, special occasions.
Staff : drivers, cook, waiters, cleaners.
Headliner : invitation, question of logistics, coordination of the script / playlist.

Holiday Planning with GanttPRO

WBS components

According to the hierarchical structure, it is necessary to go through several stages (components) in order to optimize and simplify the management process:

These components may have different names depending on the company.

5 steps to develop a simple WBS structure

To achieve project goals, you must follow a specific WBS implementation plan.

Start with the concept of the project and the statement of the main points at the top of the hierarchy. Identify all the necessary tasks on which the results will depend. Ideally, the efforts of the whole team should be involved in the planning and concept definition process. However, each specialist must be responsible for the specific task.

So the steps are:

1. Approve and write the project
It may be just a sentence or a paragraph describing the concept and functions of the project after the final stage. This stage of the WBS is the basis of any project and, as a rule, is developed by the whole team.

2. Highlight all key stages.
After the first stage is completed, you can proceed to the next.
You may have to divide the task into many stages depending on the nature of your project. As a rule, it depends on requirements, budget possibilities and time limits.
WBS structure

3. Determine the final results.
Formulate for yourself all the points that need to be completed during each stage. All of them must have end results. You must reach them completely before moving on to the next stage. Each end result must also have its own description, goals, and functions.

4. Divide the final results into manageable tasks.
After creating a list of final results, add another level of hierarchy to calculate the details. Project tasks should be performed in sections. Any team member or small team will be able to easily manage them.

5. Distribute tasks
The assignment of a person responsible for each part of the work is the last stage of the hierarchy. A specific specialist will be responsible for a specific task. He / she will participate in each stage of the work, which will lead to qualitative results.

The video shows an easy way to create a WBS.

Who can use WBS?

As a rule, managers use the structure when developing commercial, housing and construction projects. It is easier for investors and clients to understand what is happening in the development of the project.

Discussion of the project with GanttPRO

Software developers also first approve the concept and create requirements based on it. This gives WBS the features of an ideal development tool.

If we try to classify teams that can use WBS tools, we get the following list:

Advantages of the WBS structure for IT project managers

The structure of WBS has become popular and widely used in software development due to its obvious advantages. Project managers boldly use it. And that's why:

1. Strengthening communication in the project team
It doesn't matter if your IT project has an internal or external focus. The hierarchical structure of works includes communication acts at every step.

2. A field for creativity
It looks like a stereotype, but people think that software development is only an analytical work. No, there is still space for the development of creative abilities. When defining a project concept, team members can use WBS and propose creative ideas for project development.

3. Focusing on end goals
WBS helps keep the entire team focused and focused on the final goal. This minimizes the likelihood of doing unnecessary work.

4. Detailing
Every detail is carefully considered, so nothing is lost in the project.

5. Anticipation of problems
When the project is ready, unforeseen problems may arise. The hierarchical structure of the work helps to reduce their number, since all the details are taken into account before execution.

6. Collective brainstorming
Managers use brainstorming structures to find useful ideas and solutions. With its help it is easy to collect them, and then cross out unnecessary ones.

7. Planning issues
With WBS, it is easy to determine which of the scheduled tasks are behind schedule.

8. Risk management
If you use WBS, you reduce the risks and manage them right from the start. It helps to allocate all the resources: cash, time and labor.

9. Distribution of tasks
When you structure your project, it becomes easier to assign tasks to specific people.

10. Flexibility for different teams.
The hierarchical structure of works is used in various fields. It does not matter how many people are on a team: WBS will always support the project execution process. It can also be an excellent tool for attracting customers, as it shows the processes from the inside and helps to understand them better.

WBS + Gantt chart = improved planning process

To display the hierarchical structure of works, the practice of using Gantt charts is widespread. They clearly reflect the entire structure, and in a very convenient way. Gantt charts are used in many programs and services for project management, such as GanttPRO , MS Project , Wrike , etc.

This is how it looks in the example of GanttPRO.

Gantt GanttPRO Charts

Gantt chart allows you to extend the functionality of the hierarchical structure of work. So, thanks to it, the dates of the beginning and end of the task are clearly visible, its full extent, who performs it, what is the progress of implementation, the dependencies between the tasks. In addition, you can mark milestones - important events affecting the project, as well as a critical path.

The online Gantt chart is also suitable for managing a project team . Under each task, you can leave comments, attach files, share the schedule itself, export it to popular formats, view the change history — teamwork is really convenient. However, as well as tracking other processes related to project management.

Let's sum up

The hierarchical work structure is a common and convenient way to plan IT and any other projects. And if you display it with a Gantt chart, then in this form, it greatly simplifies the process of not only planning, but also management. With it you can:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327872/

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