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Cultural Embedded at IT Global Meetup In St. Petersburg


Dear friends, on May 14 a large meeting of St. Petersburg IT communities will take place, meetings are held two or three times a year, the space is designed for 800 participants. Each of the IT communities presents its program for the event, usually a case study, master classes, small seminars. This time, 16 communities of various IT topics will take part.

You need to register by the link .
Please note that the number of places is limited, please register only if you are really going to go.

Community Program Embedded.group

10:00 - 11:30
Registration and coffee break

11:30 - 11:50
Official opening of IT Global Meetup # 10

12:00 - 12:30
Katya Strelnikova ( Embedded.group coordinator) - “IoT in Russia, from expectation to reality”
Overview of Russian-made devices, applications, technologies used in the development, the near foreseeable future in Russia.
30 minutes

12:30 - 13:00
Vyacheslav Olkhovchenkov (SOHO) - “EZ430 watch: a year from one battery and a microprocessor inside”
We reprogram the microcontroller's functionality in the clock to fit our needs, create our own unique device.
30 minutes

13:00 - 13:50
Cyril Tikhonov (Navico) - "Google test on bare-metal"
Let us examine what problems occur when unit testing low-level code for microcontrollers in C / C ++ and show how to get around them.
40 minutes

14:10 - 14:30
We knead the game in Cyber-towns. Competition for accuracy for prizes. Before lunch Pizza or WOK in the open air.
20 minutes

15:00 - 15:30
Pavel Kosenkov (Flexibity) - “Arduino is not nice for us”
Why the unpretentious platform turned out to be too overvalued and how it hinders the full development of the development industry.
30 minutes

15:30 - 16:00
Pavel Kurochkin ( Genrnd.ru ) - "How to boot Linux under SAMA5D3"
HowTo. Launch Linux on a system on a chip with an ARM processor - SAMA5D3 from Atmel.
30 minutes

16:00 - 16:50
Tim Tashpulatov (Charge Limited) - “KiCad master class for beginners and not only”
We learn to work with free software. Where to start and what functionality is hidden in the program.
50 minutes

5:00 pm - 4:40 pm
Own game on the topic of communities

17:40 - 18:00
Official closing of the event

18:00 - 19:00
Welcome party in honor of the 10th ITGM and free communication

Want to participate as a speaker? You can register your report for future events via the link: http://embedded.group

Daily communication in Telegram

I would also like to note that the community on Embedded topics and electronics are actively developing in the Telegram messenger. You can talk with the speakers of the meeting in our Telegram chat: https://t.me/proembedded , a headquarters will be organized there for the convenience of coordination at the event.

If you are interested to get acquainted with the Embedded developers and have a good time for a lively discussion, several more thematic chats work around the clock for you:

https://t.me/proembedded - Around IoT, Electronics, MK Programming and Embedded Systems
https://t.me/ru_arduino - Free communication of electronics engineers on any topics
https://t.me/ProCxx - Chat dedicated to C ++ programming
https://t.me/telecatethysis - Communication about Arduino and electronics
https://t.me/ru_electronics - The chat works in the mode of questions and answers strictly on the subject of electronics
https://t.me/electronix - Free chat forums c electronix.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327766/

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