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System engineering and management 2.0: how to get the profession of the future

The professions of engineer, manager, manager have long been widespread. However, something has emerged that incorporates them into a single, integrated concept that is being formed right before our eyes and is a specialty of the future. This is System Engineering and Management Format 2.0. To study this concept and create a personnel reserve for the now emerging needs of high-tech activities, an educational program was developed, under which the first online course “System Engineering and Management 2.0” was launched .

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Kondratyev told us about the concept, program and course.
Head of Rn & D FRTK MIPT, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. MIPT, leader and participant in dozens of management and engineering consulting projects of leading Russian companies, author of business bestsellers and television programs.
The first amazing fact that needs to be realized: we all own the material of this course at the most everyday level.

What does the course consist of?

The first topic is the topic of how to develop man-made objects.
What does a man-made object mean?

A man-made object is an object that is created by man. It did not exist in nature, it was created by an “engineer” (employee, employee). But the question is: how to create a man-made object, how to repair these man-made objects, how to modernize, how to use them? We can say that any person who has ever held a hammer in his hands is already an engineer by definition. That is, he has an instrument of labor with which he creates a man-made object. Therefore, the first topic that is considered there is engineering. And we all know how to do engineering, but at the household level

The second topic that is considered as part of the course is economics. We all go to stores, we all get wages, etc ... And what is the economy? This is an activity for creating and exchanging products for jewelry - for money.

Therefore, the first activity is engineering. The second activity is economists or businessmen. They create products or services and exchange these products (services) for money and for this money they buy what will be useful for them. Do we own the economy? Each of us? Of course we own, but again at the household level.

Every time you are going to go with kebabs, you have to organize a company and processes (grocery shopping, coordinating meetings, cleaning, etc.) In this simple everyday example, we consider the third element - management.

If it was 10 years ago, it would be enough. But today there is another, fourth, element , which is called “digital economy”. Digital economy is the use of computing tools, devices, communications for processing and transmitting information. Why is digital economy not part of the economy? First was the economy. Then came the first computer, and with it came the digital economy. That is, it is an economy in which part of the process is executed using a computer.

What goes into the digital economy? All processes are structured in such a way that most of the activities are carried out and controlled by computers in a digital environment.

But how to determine that we have moved from an economy to a digital economy? So far, no such criteria have been worked out. A surprising fact, but the definition of a digital economy is not.

The share of digital services is growing every day. In the morning we turn on the smartphone and check email, we work at the computer during the day, in the evening we watch movies in the online cinema.

But if we turn to, say, Mrs. Merkel, who is an adherent of the digital economy, she says - this is not enough. We need another number. In her view, the digital economy is industry 4.0., Which looks like this:

idea → development and design using digital technologies → digital models → virtual modeling and testing → robotic production based on the generated digital models and algorithms.

If today you are working on modern production, then you will meet with all the elements to a certain extent. Different production - different proportions of engineering, economics, management and digital part.

In every field of activity - in engineering, in economics, in management, and in the digital part - we must meet modern requirements, that is, in essence, be specialists in all four areas.

Program 2.0 is one of the first attempts in the world to unite "physicists" and "lyricists" by creating a universal specialist.

A logical question arises: who should teach the general system? The teacher should be an integrator, combining different methodologies into a single system of systems - a meta-system. The primary source of competence is, above all, knowledge of the modern world level. And the second is experience.

Whoever will be the first to have such expanded competencies will also receive a strategic advantage.

The first course is introductory . And he talks about the prospects that now arise before every young man or before a person with competence, to all who want to succeed in the era of the digital economy. We will create specialists with a wider outlook, with a set of competencies 360.

The theoretical base in a global sense is developed on the basis of the practice of not only leading, but unique companies and corporations, among which Boeing and NASA can be distinguished, as well as many global automakers. But in the process of learning, we will work out models on such unexpected “guinea-pigs”, like Russian folk tales.

Where does a person find a job, studying this system, if he is more advanced than the production, to which he has come? Of course, there is a certain lag about which we talk a lot and which we overcome. Each enterprise, in order to survive and develop, will take the path of the digital economy. There is no other option. So, the specialists of the new format are in demand right now to speed up and launch the processes of change in enterprises, and then - to manage them competently.

UPD: the second course of Program 2.0 starts
Details will be very soon!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327752/

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