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Turquoise organizations: the highest goal. Practice allegories

Just the other day I was in the mountains. What does it have to do with it? Everything is very simple: there I met an example of what exactly turquoise (synergistic) organizations differ from the classic orange ones today (read - built on competition inside and outside).

I think that this article will be useful to those who are engaged not only in matters of BO, but also in self-organization. So.

04/28/17 we went to the highest peak of the Eastern Sayan - Munku-Sardyk. Only 3 491 meters above sea level or 1 581 meters of relative height. Not high, but not at all low. People of different years are rising: the youngest ascender is 4 years old, the older category is constantly changing and has long passed the milestone of 65 years. But all these are general indicators. Much more important in this case allegories.
Suppose the top of a mountain is a kind of indicator that the organization is aiming for. If the team (her most) reaches the top, then the goal is achieved? In the orange organizations it is like this: sometimes the top is profit, sometimes - turnover, but in any case, growth is recognized as a benefit de facto.

What is the difference turquoise?

In how exactly to reach the top:

  1. Say, at the very beginning of the hiking route (only 8.5 km to the summit) travelers are offered a “cast”, which is old ATVs and snowmobiles that smoke, overloaded with things (350 rubles a person or a backpack). This greatly accelerates the achievement of the goal and facilitates, but only: a) disfigures the nature around; b) leads to the mountains of those who are not ready for them (what it threatens with - you can watch it in the Everest film in 2015 or read in the books “Ascent. Tragic ambitions on Everest” and “In thin air”); c) gives a capital gain where it should not be.

  2. In the forest, people behave barbarously : old larches are cut by chainsaws (which would not be without ATVs), young bushes - break with an ax, and all this despite the fact that the brushwood is more than enough, just collect it dreary, exactly like mastering art breeding and maintaining an open flame.

  3. Even when climbing, people manage to do just insane things : a) pollute the path with unnecessary waste (jars, bottles, etc.); b) go up to the naked snow / ice and a stone in equipment suitable only for a hike along the forest trail (ends with 2-3 being broken: this year the boy became such that he did not fix the ice ax and did not understand how to brake when falling having both “cats” and the same ice ax at hand is a deplorable result: a broken leg, but it could be worse, the girl who “broke the collarbone and flew a quarter of a kilometer for reasons unexplainable at first glance” joined here ...

To make the allegories absolutely clear - comments:

  1. “Zabros” is a “social elevator”, which in most cases is issued to start-ups, which in principle are not ready to enter the market. Habré has a lot of material on the topic, but I think that I will sometime write my own too.

  2. Nature is our Planet, which clearly does not stand up to the exploitative way of seeing a business in its current form: the same IT companies often do not reckon with such facts as the use of rare earth metals, polluting production in Asia (after all, companies are not from China and countries like him) and in most cases no one thinks that the time for such an approach does not just end, but ended a long time ago: for example, below you can see how people literally trash the trail for one of the most beautiful eyshih places - Shumak springs, as well as on the largest island of the Baikal - Olkhon.

  3. Climbing - actually, the process of achieving the goal. Today in business (and not only in Russia) the form is very important: profit grows — well; performance improved - good. And what follows and what it leads to is not important. Neither human sacrifice, nor significant changes in the landscape - nothing matters except money. But is not money a means of exchanging values ​​in the widest sense?

That is, for the "orange" is important to reach the top. For the "turquoise": a) reach the top, but so that it reached all (in some cases - the majority); b) to make the process itself enjoyable and in critical situations - everyone counted on mutual assistance; c) finally, during the "ascent" does not cause obvious damage to the environment and other people and their associations. I hope clarification brought clarity further - you can draw conclusions on your own.

Actually, the results of such "ascents" and "hikes".

Now briefly about why this is all on Habré and for the IT community?

So, to summarize: the message of this article is very simple - to show with an example from life that BO is not just a new level of company organization, but also a step in the development of self-awareness that makes a person: a) more responsible; b) more globally-oriented, regardless of the scale of the business itself; c) productive, not only from the position of himself, but also of society and nature.

And yes, I am well aware that one post will not give any global impulses, but, firstly, it is far from the first and there will be more; secondly, judging by the posts in different blogs - this topic has its fans, but besides them - and those who want to understand, which means - it is important to write here not only dry, but also alive; thirdly, the most important thing now is for everyone to realize that the “step by step” strategy gives not so little.

And here is a living example, which, unfortunately, I saw already at the entrance to the mountains (and after too): fires. Now in the area of ​​emergency. In Buryatia, too. But the organization of the process of extinguishing is simply phenomenal because of its lack of organization. Say, on the outskirts of the city there is a new (!) Fire truck, on which hangs an announcement that an emergency is announced. The machine is not a mockup. Can this be called an effective approach from a BO point of view? Or at least sound logic? I think that if IT helps to eliminate at least a small part of such absurdities, in 5-10 years not only the economy, but also other spheres can work much better in our country and abroad. Kaizen in practice.

PS If you suddenly think that BO is about something else, not about self-awareness and self-development , then I hurry to disappoint you - no: in the book, Lalu has an example when colleagues, shareholders, and managers . But he stood his ground. Because he believed in the most rational sense of the word, which is only possible, that the principles cannot simply be taken and "temporarily violated." The principles are what I am trying to convey with first materials on BO. Then you can go to the specifics. The following issues will be about: a) relations in BO - visually (promised on Habré); b) difficulties in building a BO (I think it will follow this article); c) why there is no BO standard.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327738/

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