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Crowd Marketing: Top 10 Popular Questions

Remember, a couple of years ago you could just buy a bunch of links and get into the TOP. What do we have today? Yandex patted up the nerves of many site owners, just rolling out the new Minusinsk algorithm. And then Google made Penguin part of the main algorithm. Both of these measures by the search engines were taken with one goal - the fight against purchase links. However, neither companies refused to include links when ranking - this is still an important aspect. Link requirements have changed. Only high quality, only natural.

In this regard, crowd marketing has come to replace the purchase of links. This is not a new topic. Entrepreneurial site owners, internet marketers, PR managers and promoters have long worked with him, though they probably didn’t know how this technology is called.

In short, crowd-links are links obtained from the exchange of views of live users. All crowd-based technology is based on the recommendations of those who are already familiar with the product or service, those who are just going to try.

But since this method is only gaining popularity, many site owners have questions in the style: “Will I fall under the sanctions of search engines for crowd links?”, “Why are there so many links at once? I will not have a “reference explosion”? ”.
Therefore, we have collected the top 10 most common questions:

Question 1. Is it possible to get under the filters of search engines for the use of crowd marketing?

For the use of crowd marketing can not get under the filters. This is provided that you do it correctly, without any spam on the old and non-themed sites. Therefore, if you act within the framework of common sense, then you should not worry.
In addition, all sites that responsibly approached this issue have only positive changes: an increase in traffic, the number of mentions and an improvement in the reference profile.

Question 2. Manual or automated placement? What is used in the work?

Crowd marketing is completely manual placement. All links, reviews, posts and comments are written and posted by experts.

With the reviews, for example, the principle of "copy-paste" does not work. The site visitor is not a fool - he will understand that the same reviews are posted on 10 sites. In most cases, copywriters or SERM specialists write the reviews and comments, and technical support staff are responsible for posting.

Before leaving any mention, there is a check of the theme of the site and the general activity of the discussions. In addition to the text well stood in the dialogue of users and aroused interest, you need to join the conversation. No machine will do the job better and more caring than a person.

Question 3. What resources is suitable for crowd marketing?

In each case, the theme of the site should be considered individually. But I want to note that resources are definitely not suitable for crowds:

This is due to the fact that the target audience is too narrow and there are not so many similar discussions and platforms, so the desired effect cannot be obtained.

Crowd marketing is suitable if you have a new product that has not yet gained popularity in the market or B2C segment. For example, crowds are required for online stores, travel agencies, hotels, etc.

Question 4. Will there be a reference explosion if you place 100 links in 10 days?

There will be no reference explosion. Links from forums, comments, various kinds of directories are indexed slowly, from 1 week to 4 months, depending on the site. This is due to the amount of resources where the information is posted.

For example, if you remember what a popular forum is. Even if feminine, then all communication there is divided into sections:

forum topics

In turn, in the sections there are separate topics:

forum topics

Please note that in some topics more than 20 pages with comments. At the same time the content is updated daily and the number of statements increases. And now imagine what a large-scale job the robots of Yandex and Google need to do. That is why links from directories and popular forums are indexed for so long.

If in 10 days to place 100 links, then they are definitely not indexed all at once - the increase in the reference mass will occur gradually.

The screenshot shows the dynamics of changes in the reference profile after the execution of this service.

weight gain

The red vertical line marks the start of work. As you can see, there is no sharp jump in indicators. The graph gradually creeps up. However, not all links are indexed yet - growth continues. Read more about natural links here . For search engines, this dynamic is an excellent indicator to improve the visibility of your site in the results.

Question 5. What links will I get after using the crowd-marketing service?

Promotion in this way allows you to get links: dofollow, nofollow, redirect, text, bezankornye, etc. The reference profile is obtained as diverse as possible. The approximate ratio of links is as follows:

reference profile

Question 6. These are fake reviews. And how do the search engines relate to this?

Search engines do not take into account reviews when ranking the site. They are needed in order to form a positive image of the company or to improve an existing reputation. Before ordering a service or product, any client almost always looks at what they say about the company.

As for writing fake reviews, not all companies follow this strategy. As a rule, users are reluctant to leave their opinion about the work of organizations on different resources, even if they really liked it. Therefore, some site owners take existing customer comments and place them on third-party sites.

There is a second option - writing comments based on existing customer opinions. In general, it will be clear what the advantages and disadvantages are in the work of the company.

As a rule, if the site comes to work, then we pay attention to the current reputation of the organization. We also have the right to act as a secret buyer and actively ask questions about the product or service manager. We request the numbers of current customers and ask a question about the quality of service. In addition, in the brief, honestly ask to write about the pros and cons of the organization. And if we find that the company has some small problems in business processes (not very polite managers or sometimes there are problems with deliveries), then gently mention this in our reviews. Well, not all praise.

Question 7. Who can I contact for a crowd: independently, an Internet agency or a freelancer?

If you have all the resources, you can do crowd marketing yourself. To start work in this direction, you need to find and select sites, assess their quality (attendance, activity, topicality, credibility), write a plan for posting and then begin to publish posts.

When choosing an Internet agency, such questions automatically disappear, since all the work is done by specialists. The only thing you need to do is agree on the details. In addition, after the work, you will be provided with a report on all publications.

As for freelancing, often the performer does not worry about where the information will be placed. Or vice versa, the client orders placement on certain sites, only they can be inanimate or little visited. In any case, all these nuances you will need to check. And we recommend then to work out the TZ for a freelancer in as much detail as possible so that the result will meet the expectations.

Question 8. Why do you need to promote your brand?

It's no secret that Yandex and Google have long wanted to abandon the reference ranking. And who knows, maybe in the future it will happen. Then site owners will have to advance from the point of view of the brand. The best of all reputation are positive reviews, which are an essential part of promotion through crowd marketing. Moreover, crowd-links are accurate and unobtrusive advertising of a product or service.

positive reviews

Question 9. How often do you need to do crowd marketing?

Crowd marketing is not a one-time action, they need to be engaged constantly. Let's imagine that you have already sown once on the grounds: posted reviews, talked on forums, etc. After that, natural comments about your organization will appear, but not with such activity as when working with crowds. Therefore, in order to fuel the interest of potential customers, you need to regularly appear in discussions on professional topics.

First, you can leave more references to the company, and secondly, the more often you hear about the organization, the more recognizable the brand will be.

Question 10. What is the result to expect from the service?

The service does not have an instant WOW effect. The first results should be expected in 2-3 months. You can track the effect using Yandex.Metrica reports. After this work, traffic from third-party resources should increase, as well as branded queries, direct visits to the site will increase and overall traffic from search engines will increase. Another nice bonus is the increase in the number of links. This indicator can be tracked using the Megaindex service or Yandex.Webmaster.

As you can see, crowd marketing is not only safe, but also useful for the site. However, it is important to know the measure in everything.

It is not necessary to place 500 links per day - this will no longer be considered a natural increase.

Do not use commercial anchors. You have at least once seen users in the forums apply the scheme:

- Air conditioning drip, I do not know what to do = (

- I recommend to contact the repair of air conditioners in Moscow cheap.

Only instead of underlining there is a link with a commercial anchor. Search engine robots know that, most likely, the user's response would be something like this:

- I also had this in the fall. Most likely with freon problem. You yourself can hardly fix it. Call the guys from Fast Repair. They will advise what to do - it's free. And on the repair itself, in principle, they have normal prices, here is site.ru/price

Do not post information for links and mindless spam. If you leave mentions on non-thematic or dead sites, the search robots will also notice this activity - of course, they will not give you a carrot.

Improve your resource, connect other promotion methods - an integrated approach is important. And then the road to the top of the top search results will not seem so difficult to you.

If you have any questions on crowd marketing, then ask them in the comments, I will try to answer as much as possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327680/

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