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First time (sketches from one workshop)

Reasonable Man - always frightened researchers with his incomprehensibility. All these emotions, interrupting logic; these ancient instincts that dominate rational behavior; plus children's deprivations and unpredictable subconscious associations.

- Yes, here's how to work with all this?

Fortunately, designers and usabilityists of the last century found a temporary solution: instead of a lively and unpredictable living person with billions of neural connections, they invented a Character in a test tube: a cardboard man with a single gyrus and simple and flat needs (from his Creator). And for the last 30 years, any design of an information system began with the verification of the designer’s thoughts with this inanimate doll for the approval of his own point of view through a ventriloquio session. To this day, such a scheme of transferring one's thoughts (and responsibility for the result) to the heads of fictional characters works everywhere.

Our conversation is based on anticipating a different epoch in the design approach, a premonition of the onset of Time One, when the umbilical cord of the designer’s own desires and personal experience of the project being created will be cut once and for all.

You can not enter the river without getting your feet wet

Why it was so important to write this one hundred thousandth article about “turning the face to a simple user”, which for five years now has filled the entire Internet. Yes, because simply turning the design head in the other direction is not enough. We need new, bold approaches.

For example, one of the closest to ideal methods is to commit an act of killing a designer in yourself, drown out your own flow of thoughts, stop your own desires, and repeat at least a thousand times with your hands, let those processes that you are going to improve for your user — and only then that magic will happen when someone else’s pain, other people's ideas come to life through practice.

Speaking more simply, the designer will never be able to write an application for cleaners, having not worked for less than a month with this same cleaner and trying to perform all her daily duties without exception. It is through such a mental suicide of the designer that the present market will come to the Russian market, and not the “smooth” usability. Just living someone else's life, someone else's pain directly, assessing the inconvenience, fatigue, fatigue and passing through the gradual mechanical memorization of complex operations through yourself with your body.


- But why is it so difficult? The man himself will tell.

A person is not a video camera, and can tell, only slightly embellished; and write, a little privriv. But nothing to write and say in a good interface its consumer should not, just use it for its intended purpose.

The user of the interface, the buyer of the product should not do anything that the system does not imply. If the interface is not voice - the user should not talk about it, if it does not contain questionnaire screens - there is no point in questioning it, taking the person out of the very stream in which he should stay according to the original idea.

A well-asked question always contains 90% of the answer, which means that having prepared the questions really well, the designer already knows all the answers to them. But words are worth nothing when there are deeds.

- Can I clarify here? And what if ... no, thanks, no longer needed.

Write - do not write

A year ago, it seemed that the salvation of the initial Ignorance of the designer can also be in text interfaces. They say that people in their mass are already trained and used to read and write using the keyboard, which means that it will be quite easy for them to turn any of their desires and needs into a coherent text.

The truth is in these words, it is really much easier for a person to drop a few lines, without being distracted from his global reflections:

- run the desired program
- order tickets for tomorrow,
- compare revenue by year broken down by month ...

- No, it is necessary so: make, that all in the world were full and happy! Out !

But it is too difficult for the machine to recognize and adequately execute such commands. There are too many languages, words, meanings, tenses, even intonations. Therefore, until the Emoji Revolution is completed, when humanity is finally transferred to communication only with pictures, pictograms and uniquely interpreted hieroglyphs, there will be as much sense from chat interfaces as they were 30 years ago when they were invented (that is, none).


But it seems that the solution will be found not in the written responses on the portals of auditors / respondents / design appraisers (yesterday only those who left Paris barbershop), but due to technical progress: now any person in real time can already deduce the process of conflict between different parts of his own brain in the process of making the current decision.


We can a lot

Science more than ever got close to the riddle of a person, and technologies allow to receive from the user not only prepared template answers, but to observe all its processes outside and inside the body 24 hours a day, which push him to make the necessary decision.


In theory, it seems that the design of the 21st century, armed with such terrific technology, should come out of the cardboard world into the open space of an infinite number of neural and social connections, but for a year now these expectations turn into a mega-disappointment - nothing like this happens.

The UX designer is still looking for the answer to the question “where does a person look”, and not “how he realizes (interprets, interprets, evaluates physiologically (including the reaction of sweat glands, changes in muscle tone and pupil size) - the only graphic object that millisecond is his focus

We can do much more than just track the pupils, but we don’t even do a hundredth of that.
- Why? Too expensive?

The focus is on the shopping center.

Have you ever wondered why people go to shopping centers today? Not conducting a quick survey, but just a couple of weeks silently wandering among thousands of people. They are able to buy a pair of socks on any working day in a second, but they spend the whole day on their own right. Why throw out your long-awaited day off - to wander through the corridors, to the agonies of choice, to an endless analysis of the price / quality ratio?


For the same, for what modern men go fishing. In fact, filling your house with fish is extremely simple: you can buy it in three steps from the house, order with delivery, get raw or already cooked, with a recipe, with bonuses, with miles to the card? What is wrong with these living people?

Evolution is wrong with us. Nature has not designed us for coworking, tablets and online stores. We are hunters and gatherers, and our only duty to the Universe is to loiter here and there, looking for affordable food and females, along the way killing all the animals that come to hand. All the rest is pure unplanned improvisation, even a system failure can be said.


Yes, aimlessly wandering around, exuding odors, sometimes, uttering sounds, pounce on food - this is a simple recipe for the perfect human pastime. And our whole body, each of its features - was sharpened just for that. And how do you now rate this uncomfortable truth on a ten-point scale?

So, when you plan to create another website for a shopping center, or a mobile application for visitors of megasupergipermarket, then you need to take into account several simple truths that ordinary users do not mention in the questionnaires, but their body just shouts about it to every self-respecting researcher:

- People do not perceive the cards, do not understand the numbers - they ponder them and realize gradually and not entirely.
- People do not instantly read a thought from an infographic, from a table or summary. We see them, we comprehend them with our mind, but we do not perceive them instantly. Because it is the second signal system, a thin under-formed layer on top of stable centuries-old reflexes,
- People want information from simple verbs: Run, Bite, Nale, Vote with your heart ...

Therefore, it is so useless to ask directly: “And what other functions with svaypami, pushes, vapes and crafting rounds - you do not have enough in life”. Ask to do the deed:

Practice 1
Show your phone. Delete now with me any of your applications to make room for new design features for shopping at your favorite supermarket. Maybe donate VKontakte or Yandex.Taxi to re-fill your personal time and phone memory with accurate indexes of our trade pavilions, discount alerts, promotions recommendations.

Human time and phone memory are the two resources that every new development attempts for you, so analyze for which place in the human routine you are applying for. Measure how much the temperature of the user will change after the offer to press Zuckerberg in his life. So this will be the first real genuine UX.

Usability of the past

Before the emergence of a painful stereotype that people interact with the world only through visual symbols, it was much more interesting to carry out full-scale user experience studies. For example, for many centuries in the eastern bazaars getting the right price for the goods was a whole duel, battle, versus between a cunning trader and a smart buyer.

Sometimes, the whole city came running to look at the next show about knocking out discounts, chanting “The Fifteenth Century, the Fifteenth Century”.


It was a great time, golden time of usability. There, everyone received their own individual price, earned by their own skills and social status, and no one left offended - and now discounts for everyone, just like that, without effort, without searching?


Today, a whole culture of bazaar fights forever buried soulless algorithms. The result was simply the sale, on the tenth time, of the same piece of code with the necessary logo attached to the next unfortunate customer, who in no way makes the life of humanity any better.

Our life is filled with meaning only in the process of searching for something, on the way to a blurred goal attracting in the distance. There is nothing better than a premonition of good luck, when we still do not know exactly what fate will bestow on us in a couple of seconds - tasty prey or a flock of predators. This is our life, purpose and passion. In this interest, the element of gamification. The designer, who is the first to realize this in 15-20 years, will get the entire market for himself.

Of course, the current primitive surveys allegedly show that people themselves are asking for more information about all products and discounts; and another chat with those who make a purchase in the next fitting room; and another option “Panic Button” in the app of the megastore to call security (conveniently: got the phone, caught the wifi, downloaded the app, launched it, went to the menu, clicked that the person in the corridor had a stroke - only 15 minutes of effort for the sake of the person ), and people still need easy navigation, because they do not want to stray, and in 3 seconds to find and buy the right product ...

And still children with a sore throat always want ice cream. One hundred servings, and that immediately a tablespoon. Will give?

So how to improve and simplify the buyers of their day off in the mall with the help of modern technology, how can they not simplify the purchase of goods themselves?

On Ozone, people buy goods when they have three seconds, and in shopping centers people need to spend the whole day on the hunt.
On Ozone, people buy goods when they have three seconds, and in shopping centers people need to spend the whole day on the hunt.
On Ozone, people buy goods when they have three seconds, and in shopping centers people need to spend the whole day on the hunt.
On Ozone, people buy goods when they have three seconds, and in shopping centers people need to spend the whole day on the hunt.


People go to fishing, to hypermarkets, and generally to any movement - for the sake of the movement, for the sake of the process, for the feeling of unity with other members of the herd, for the sake of silencing their own obsessive thoughts about the aimlessness of being and the death of God.

Look for a woman (another practice)

Imagine a sudden release of endorphins from a man in the street who suddenly found a purse with money on earth. Is it comparable to emailing that right now somewhere in Altufevo a person has lost a wallet? And then do an experiment:


a) At first, just tell your wife that tomorrow in Milan, a red dress will cost 15% less than usual in one of the shops and see if she will rush to order tickets to fly for this purchase. Record her behavior on video, record all search queries in the evening, evaluate pupils and sweat glands.

b) A month later, just buy your wife tickets to Milan for shopping without mentioning anything else. Write down her reaction on her return, her pupils, her story about how she “accidentally found this premium dress in one boutique with a 15% discount.”

Then compare the two videos.

The expenses are the same, the result is identical, so why on the video in front of you are practically two different women with different posture and even gait: the panther happy from the booty and the ordinary housewife?

Actually, after finding answers to the above questions, each of you can safely be given the title of Minister-Master in Design, Usability and Sociology , because this experiment alone speaks about the nature of living people a hundred times more than all the articles on the Internet available today Characters and inventing from the head of a variety of flow and even customer journey maps.

- But what based on this data, then you need to create an application?

This experience alone, of course, will not be enough. There should be more experience with practice, and all of them should record the final changes in revenue.

You can potest color navigation bars directly on the floor or price versions in the main hall, and people may want to touch the three-dimensional mannequins, pointing to their body that they would like to buy from clothing. Well, what, children's toys with touches are very popular, in children in general the tactile way of knowing for a long time dominates the visual.


So why not check out the theory that adults, too, subconsciously want to touch not the flat surface of the smartphone, brushing the next notification, but the bodies. Ideally, of course, to the bodies of living fashion models: “I would like to buy my panties for my wife here on March 8 with laces.”

Who knows what will be in the end, who tested, who at least tried to go beyond push-notifications? The time of the first in this market has not yet come. The theory has never been superseded by practice. And this is just a mega-frustration.

Thank you for your time!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327646/

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