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Retail Sales Model


good day

Automation of retail trade is a very typical task that various people of different specialties encounter in a particular profile. Accordingly, most of the technical problems arising in the context of this task are worked out quite thoroughly.

Nevertheless, we decided to take the liberty to consider the conceptual model of retail sales accounting.
The main subject of this article is the mechanism for transforming primary sales data into accounting documents of the ERP system. The article abstracts as much as possible from the specific systems that implement the described techniques, but the terminology used is partially borrowed from the open source ERP system OpenPapyrus (the approaches described there have been implemented and have worked perfectly for many years).

Despite the fact that I emphasize the market segment of retail sales, the same scheme applies equally to the restaurant business and, in part, to other segments of the business to be automated.


First of all, it should be determined, at least in general, the list of requirements imposed by various divisions of the retail enterprise on the infrastructure of automated accounting (in the context of our discussion):

OpenPapyrus Retail Sales Model

Now to the point

The diagram shows the main components of retail sales accounting and the curves of the direction of their interaction. It is important to note that none of the above components are optional: an attempt to remove one or more of them will lead to the “disability” of the sales accounting technology in a retail enterprise. Next, I will describe each of the elements of the scheme and at the same time argue the previous statement.

general description

If we consider the process in general, the mechanism of data transformation can be described as follows:

  1. Primary sales data comes to the ERP system from point-of-sale management subsystem.
  2. Incoming data about checks are usually grouped into cash sessions (shifts). If not (such cases are extremely rare), then we must artificially group them.
  3. Cash sessions are grouped into super sessions, which will be discussed in more detail below.
  4. The next phase is the consolidation of cash checks in the aggregator. Again, it is described in more detail below.
  5. The final phase: the transformation of consolidated sales data into accounting documents, modifying the balance sheet parameters of the enterprise (commodity balances, accounting entries, etc.).

Cashier Checks

Actually, the primary data of retail sales, passing through point-of-sale, are represented by cash vouchers. Here, the public is quite prepared because I do not see any reason to go deep into particular structures of cash vouchers and other technical nuances, especially since this goes beyond the scope of the article.

I will list the essential, in the context of the article, the features of cash checks:

Cash session

A grouping object that combines a sample of cash checks for a period of time. In Russian practice, almost (but not absolutely) cash session always coincides with the so-called Z-report (or interchangeable) of cash.

Cash sessions have the following important properties:

Cash Super Sessions

An important, complex and not obvious component of our scheme. Super Sessions group ordinary cash session, discussed above. This group has several objectives:

For the cash super sessions, since they are an artificial object, the extreme uniqueness of the algorithm and the rules for including ordinary sessions are extremely important.


The next element of our model, uncomplicatedly called an aggregator, as in a good pipeline, performs the function of grouping data from the cash vouchers included in the supersession already on more subtle attributes: goods, serial numbers and, possibly, warehouses.

The aggregator is the last echelon of preprocessing primary sales data before the final write-off.

The following question is quite expected: why should the aggregator be singled out as a separate component of the retail sales accounting model? Isn't it easier to group everything in a transient-object and put it on the “depletion” module of the write-off. Unfortunately no. The aggregator is a persistent object and performs an important function in managing the accounting deficit and in decommissioning production (mentioned above).

In the event of a deficit (for some reason, a greater quantity of goods passed through the cash registers, rather than being on the accounting balance), the aggregator fixes it and allows taking measures to eliminate it. It can be both manual actions and automatic.

I once put on display a detailed overview of the problems of accounting deficit . Therefore, I will not repeat his theses here.

Write-off documents

The final component of the model and, in fact, the ultimate goal of the process: accounting documents, write-off balances, generating accounting entries, displaying the processes of production of its own products, etc.

Documents write off cash sessions, it turns out, are divided into several classes that should be considered:

Retail Documents

The most significant and most understandable class of documents written off. These are simply documents reflecting the fact of the sale of goods through the cash desks, grouped by super sessions, goods, serial numbers, etc. When party accounting each line of such a document is tied to the lot (party).

Returns Documents

Addition to the previous class, reflecting refunds through cash.

The final sum document of the cash session

An optional class of documents that carries into the accounting plane all the necessary amounts associated with cash sessions.

The reasons for which such documents can be claimed stem from the fact that when translating cash checks into debit documents, there may be sum differences related to the following factors:

In addition, the sum document allows you to reflect many of the parameters of cash sessions, which are problematic to include in the sales documents write-offs. As such: the differentiation of amounts according to payment methods, detailed discounts, etc.

Production write-off documents

The above-mentioned production write-off based on sales results finds its final embodiment in this class of documents. In general, the technology of such a write-off is quite complicated, precise, and deserves a separate large article. Here I will only inform that the said documents relate to the so-called type of product modification: they contain both consumable raw materials and manufactured goods with cost balancing and other gusto.

Automatic shortage compensation documents

Another tricky optional class of documents written off cash sessions, designed to solve the problem of accounting deficit "through the knee." If the corresponding mechanism is allowed by the management of the enterprise, then the subsystem of writing off cash sessions can simply create artificial documents that come into deficient positions.
In addition to such vulgar application, this class of documents can perform more respectable functions. For example, to automatically transfer items stored in warehouses other than the main depreciation warehouse (trading floor).


As a conclusion, I will give several advantages of our model.

Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327622/

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