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DevExtreme: now on GitHub and with a free license

We have two great news at once. DevExtreme , our suite of components for front-end development, moved to GitHub and became available for free for non-commercial use !

DevExpress & # x1F60D; Github

Our repository is not a fork or cropped version. This is a new home for DevExtreme, and there everything is for real - from source to test and build systems. Everyone will be able to watch how we fix bugs (wherever without them) and add new functionality , as well as participate in discussions.

Developing on GitHub is a pleasure. The mechanism of pull-requests with a convenient code review is what we lacked while we lived in the internal Mercurial repository. Now each change sees several pairs of eyes, which provides a greater level of transparency and allows the development processes to seamlessly integrate into the methodologies adopted in the team (© SeOd ).

In the early days, the repository looks empty, because when importing the code we collapsed the history of commits. But it will not last long! In addition to the traditional releases , which are not going anywhere, we will also issue Releases on GitHub and release pre-release and hotfix versions there as well. By subscribing to DevExpress / DevExtreme , for example, using the Sibbell service you will always be aware of our latest news.

Non-Commercial, Non-Competitive EULA

Until recently, DevExtreme was an exclusively paid subscription-licensed product.

We add the ability to use for free on a special Non-Commercial, Non-Competitive license .

The differences between the two licensing agreements and the limitations of the free version can be found here .

It is allowed to use the same installation packages npm , bower and NuGet (with the release of the nearest update, the meta information will be updated to reflect this). However, the new license does not cover the integration with Visual Studio and the wrappers for ASP.NET MVC included in the "Complete" and "Priority Support" editions ( comparative table ). Technical support through the Support Center is not available.


The process of entering GitHub rather big product, launched in the distant 2012 , deserves a separate story. At the time of the start of the movement in the direction of GitHub, we had a well-established infrastructure based on Mercurial and heavily modified CI based on CruiseControl.Net.

It was necessary to conduct a global revision of the code, remove ridiculous comments and other stupidities from the sources (something still leaked ), move from Mercurial to Git, ensure assembly not only on Windows ...

Part of the helper code was written in .NET, and the .NET Core release that took place not so long ago helped us a lot. Thanks to this new platform from Microsoft, we did not have to rewrite the code base from C # to something else.

Docker was indispensable. Continuous Integration occurs in containers , and we can not worry about setting up a test environment, no matter where the tests run, be it Travis CI, Shippable, Drone, or a developer’s laptop.

In general, it was a very interesting experience, which allowed us to take a fresh look and take the best of the existing tools for organizing the development process and continuous integration. Subjectively, everything resembled a dashing hakaton, stretched in time, when you can try a lot and expand your technological horizons.

The result we, as developers, very much. And on the second day after the publication, we were on the GitHub Trends page (of course, not without the help of colleagues, who also appreciated the convenience of a new home for DevExtreme).

We have a long way to work with the community. We look forward to seeing you in our repository. Feel free to fork and put the stars! 😊


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327470/

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