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Your recruitment is not social: features of social networks, lifehacks and tools for HR

Social networks are merciless. They are convenient for communication and for work. Separate personal and professional is becoming increasingly difficult. And we will not try, but we will try to figure out how companies can promote their employer brand in social networks competently, increase loyalty, attract candidates and make the coolest people. Let's go through the features of different social networks and SMM-tools.

What do we mean by social recruiting?

Any kind of communication with potential candidates: whether it is posting of vacancies, correspondence, promotion of a brand of the company, and also involvement of employees in broadcast of values ​​of the company. Yes, all this can be called social recruitment. In other words - all the activities of you and your employees to spread information about your company as an employer.

Why you should definitely use social networks for recruitment?

+ Because it is a search tool for "inaccessible" candidates.
We are talking about passive candidates when searching for talent - social networks can find those who are well hidden or are in a passive job search. There is no other way (of the same scope). This is a unique feature of social networks - how else can you attract a candidate who does not think about changing jobs, but who is right for you?

More than 60% of candidates are looking for work in social networks.

+ Because it's budget

Social networks involve spending money on advertising, for example. But it is not necessary to use this tool. You already have a unique resource - your employees who will help you in distributing content will be the first subscribers.

A competent approach to social networks and filling the page with content guarantees an influx of interested audiences. So at first you need to learn how to create content, post vacancies so that they catch the eye, repost to other job groups, so that candidates subscribe to your page. If you are going to just go hunting in social networks, you will need, of course, search skills, an understanding of boolean search. We'll talk about some life hacks below.

59% of recruiters say that candidates found on social networks stand out among others (resource: Jobvite)

+ Because it is a tool for the rapid dissemination of information

Once again, it’s not necessary to explain that the power and strength of social networks lies in the ability to share, share, embrace (the key word for social media. Coverage) is a huge number of people - such an effect will not happen if you leave a job working site and forget about it. Information will be distributed even better if it is accompanied by stories, research, employee stories, comments and other content. On the content strategy, we also will tell.

+ Because it is the right modern way of communication.

Companies that are paranoid about security, are very attentive to communications, anyway, sooner or later they come to social media. It will sound pathetic, but if you are not in social networks, then where? There is no better place on which candidates are waiting for you, ready to talk, open.

If you are an employer who communicates with the audience where it is convenient for her, and not just for you (email, working sites and this is the whole story), you will be loved.

The presence of a page on social networks suggests that you know how to contact the audience and how to tell her about who you are, what you are doing and why it’s great.

What social networks can I use?

Any. But each has its own specifics. If you learn to recognize your audience, create a portrait of an ideal candidate, closely monitor analytics, then you will soon figure out how to find the ideal channels to attract candidates. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is experiment.

And now the place for a joke:


Facebook is the most universal social network for recruitment at the moment, because there is a more adult audience here than, say, VKontakte. You can create a branded page, and soon there will be an opportunity to post vacancies and immediately collect feedback.

4 facts about Facebook:

- 28% of candidates in Russia are looking for work on Facebook, 56% of active candidates all over the world are looking for work on this social network;
- experts advise to devote to vacancies only 20% of posts, and no more;
- the news feed here is organized in such a way that you will not see all the posts of friends or communities you have subscribed to, but only those that the algorithm deems as interesting to you. Account your relationship with the author, your favorite type of publication, the popularity of the post.
- A diverse audience lives here, so here you can safely post a variety of jobs. The number of posts per day is about 4.

Pages to follow: McKinsey Russia , Boing Careers

Pages that are well designed:

Western Union: brand colors, beautiful, very simple and attractive.

Facebook use photos of employees - this is also a good option.


Linkedin is a social network for professionals, which in general is now inaccessible in Russia, but most of the recruiters and HRs successfully bypass the block. Here is a slightly different audience, a little more serious and coming here only for the purpose of networking, searching for professional information, establishing business contacts. This is not about friends and memes at all.

3 facts about LinkedIn:

- only 10% of candidates in Russia use Linkedin for job search, but more than 90% of recruiters and HR'ov regularly search for new employees here;
- Linkedin is an expensive social network, for those who really want to promote the employer's brand here, post vacancies, create advertising or write InMails;
- You can use this secret page to filter and search for candidates.

Pages on Linkedin that are worth paying special attention to: Playstation , Coca Cola .

And a well-designed HubSpot page on LinkedIn as an example. Just look at the faces of the company's employees :)

In contact with

VKontakte is a social network with a rather young audience. Here it is ideal to search for young professionals, to lead a group for potential graduate candidates.

3 facts about VKontakte:

- 55% of candidates in Russia use VKontakte for job search;
- VKontakte inexpensive advertising, as well as many opportunities for interaction and partnership with student groups (and not only);
- since the audience is quite young, we can easily posting jokes and memes - all of this is very welcome and spread.

VKontakte pages to follow: Coffeemania , MARS .

Here, too, special attention should be paid to the design of your corporate page. A great example is adidas. Everything is always in the same style, it looks good.


Instagram is a social network where, obviously, you should only bet on images.

4 facts about Instagram:

- 77% of Instagram users in Russia are women;
- here it is possible and necessary to talk about your company, to withdraw from this social network to a response or page for an application is meaningless, that is, Instagram is a tool for HR branding rather than hunting;
- if you set up an ad on FB, it will be shown to Instagram users;
here you can and should actively use the hashtag system for your employees or candidates (as they do in PwC, look for the hashtag #HumansofPwC).

Instagram pages to look for: Disney Careers , Hallmark Jobs , Marriot Careers .

And the excellent @StarbucksJobs page, which constantly talks about new employees and even gives advice about interviewing the company:

SMM tools that may be useful:

Well, we can not say about potok. In potok, you can automatically post vacancies immediately on Facebook, VK, and Linkedin. And the candidate, if he sees the vacancy, will be able to respond even from a mobile device. The form for the response will be branded with your logo, you can collect it for each vacancy.

In addition, we have the service Dreampost - here you can create a beautiful illustration of the vacancy. Soon we will fasten it to the potok, so that everything can be done at the same time.

The platform also analyzes the effectiveness of the sources: where candidates come from (and each particular candidate), where and for which vacancy it is more effective to post on work sites, and where it is more correct to use work sites. Demo access is available here .

Crystal knows
Crystal is an incredibly handy extension for Chrome. With it, you can find an individual approach to each candidate. Looking through the candidate's profile on LinkedIn, Facebook and other social services. networks, you will need to press only one button and the extension will analyze information about the candidate, his activity in the network and other social factors. The result is recommendations on how best to contact the candidate, how to work with him and, of course, how to better hunt him.

Analogs: FullContact for Gmail & Outlook Social Connector
These resources allow the user to instantly see the detailed profile of the interlocutor, which is based on LinkedIn data, by e-mail correspondence. This is really very convenient - there is no need to open additional tabs and search for the interlocutor in social networks.
Rapportive and FullContact are plugins that work for Gmail. And Outlook Social Connector, respectively, is designed for users of Outlook.

All of the above tools are designed to search for candidates in social networks for keywords with the possibility of adding the name of the position and the exclusion of special words. These are fairly simple resources that can really help with your search. For example, take a look at Recruitin.net. We drive in all the necessary information to form a request (depending on where it will search: Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter) and we get the results.

A great resource to test the effectiveness and accuracy of your job. It is like Hemingway, only for vacancies. It will help to throw out all unnecessary words, check everything stylistically and just pay attention to important aspects. An indispensable thing! We would advise it to everyone, but the snag is that Textio is intended to be edited in English only. So everyone who often works with a foreign job is welcome!

Service for the selection and search for content. Here you can see which news or articles on a keyword or topic have been actively searched by social network users recently, and maybe what material has become the most popular this year.

We have one very cool and interesting handbook about social recruitment as much as 80 pages. Download and read it for free here .

PS Yes, we know about specific resources for finding specialists. And, of course, in the know about GitHub, for example. Write about this separately, so do not rush to swear and comment: P

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327446/

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