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Employee Motivation: Office Diplomacy Rules

In his book “Life among Elephants”, the American anthropologist D.-G. Ian tells how he spent several years among the semi-wild African aborigines, plunged into their lifestyle. Among others, the author makes a very valuable conclusion: we, modern civilized people, burden ourselves with artificial needs that come from the notorious “acceptable social status”. Although life in the jungle and extreme, but it vividly shows the price we pay for what is sometimes called the “warm stall”.

The same story takes place in the field of motivation in office life: we have been forced on some patterns and rules that the company and the employee must comply with. Motivation loses its shape and goes to extremes: for example, at an interview they can talk not about the project, but about the luxurious office and the opportunity to sleep during working hours. Let's try to soberly evaluate each element of motivation and figure out how to encourage an employee to work honestly and productively.

Not that we work this way ... But the motivation is painfully good!

We have been doing RegionSoft CRM and other business software solutions for many years, introducing corporate software, implementing cool integration projects, automating stores (and even hypermarkets), advising and educating customers, writing a lot about CRM and more. In general, we benefit the business honestly and responsibly. And we have a few ideas on how to deal with motivation, so that employees are allies, not opponents, and do not live by the principle “Yes, I should not just not work with such conditions, but also hurt them a little”.

Need work at work, payment in money

Whatever may be said, we all have two motivators - wages and working conditions. If they converge at one point, then for some time any employee works steadily, and then already acquires the possibility of advancement, growth, non-material motives and all the rest. Moreover, both with wages and with working conditions, everything is very ambiguous.


Let's start with the patient - namely, with money. In the classic case, any employee wants to get more, and the manager wants to pay exactly according to his work, plus a premium for processing or well-performed duties. But the first incident happens - overheating of salaries. On the one hand, not all specialists (and especially programmers) adequately assess themselves, on the other hand, employers struggle for personnel and lure often with overblown wages. The sense of self-importance among personnel increases, the motivation falls - the employer is lost, what to do with such a miracle.

In today's market it is difficult to find a solution. Although for young professionals there is one secret - to beat down arrogance. For example, a boy comes to the IP telephony testing project and proudly says that he owns all types of testing: functional, regression, automated, etc. Well, just like an article from Wikipedia reads. He asks for good money - so much gets an engineer with three years of experience. The test of the TCP / IP protocol stack fails, the bash commands haven’t been seen in person, we joke about -rm -rf - empty eyes. Digging deeper - no, not Wikipedia, just a very good theoretician and not an ounce of understanding how things work. Agrees to a small salary plus training for three months. And his specialist will grow up, and the guy taught a lesson of adequate self-esteem in the profession.

In general, theorists are a separate song. They know everything. No not like this. THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. You can write for 15 years in a programming language and not know what they are laying out, but give them a puzzle and ask them to write a class - everything, the silence and the text of the lectures in the eyes, misunderstood and unconscious. And if the theorists in commerce are not so bad, especially marketers, grown not on Boltology courses, but on Kotler's books, then theorists-programmers, engineers and testers are beyond good and evil. And do not tell that the institute was forced to solve problems and write code on leaflets. Programming is, of course, a little talent, but more practice and hammering on the keyboard: any example from the textbook should be disassembled in such a way that then there is no heart failure from the meeting with the compiler and 164 errors. By the way, for those who do not know, open source is a great base for training. This does not mean that you need to commit to Sugar CRM or large libraries - a small project is enough for a start.

By the way, we were not idle and came up with a cool implementation of the KPI mechanism (a system of key indicators, who does not know) in our CRM system , such as to motivate employees. All targets are displayed on the desktop of the program on the right in the form of progress bars for the day, week, month - and the employee clearly sees where he needs to pull up to get the bonus. It self-motivates and disciplines much more than head shouts.

VisionMobile and Intel conducted a joint study on the motivation of developers. It turned out such a pyramid:

A source

As you can see, money is far from the first place, which means that the salary really does not solve everything.

Office and time

But back now to the working conditions and to the mode of operation. Here the sides again go too far. We all saw the offices of Google, Yandex and other companies - they love to talk about it, including on Habré. About negotiation, gyroscopes and sleep capsules, for example. But the main thing is the technical equipment of the office, which underlies the comfortable work and health of the staff.

Companies may have a different scale, office space, number of employees, but equipment and conditions must be at a high level, especially in IT. For example, we in RegionSoft Developer Studio have several dedicated Internet channels, a dedicated server with a rack server and year-round maintenance of the microclimate in it, a modern expensive office interior, the office itself is owned, a powerful multi-split air-conditioning system, security at the reception, a modern business center etc. Our employees receive everything they need for comfortable work in the office and ensuring their vital activity during the working day.

Our developers work in the company for 10-15 years, and they like everything - this is the case when the factors “an interesting project + influence on a project + continuous development of skills” work together.

Someone considers the offices of large companies to be pampering, someone takes pictures and is proud, but in fact it is often just a lure that works with a bang. The guys in the companies work for 8-10 hours (someone more), they have no time to play table hockey or sleep in a capsule - units actually use it in moments of short rest. But the applicants see an office in which they want to stay and almost settle - and this is the motive of comfort. Yes, and get out of such a cozy office more difficult. However, this is a matter of taste.

What really matters to the developer in working conditions is the workplace and the work computer. The place should be comfortable and the way the owner of this place wants to see it, but the computer must fully comply with the activity - be powerful, equipped, with the working software installed. And then the employer needs to forget about the ponts - for example, if your software is written in 90% of cases under Windows, you should not buy a Macbook and install Windu on it. There are much more suitable for this development horses. The same story with monitors.

Another important thing - the mode of operation. Consider it in parts.

To declare that a person is able to code without a break 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, can either a despot leader or an idiot. To work effectively need productive rest. Only he should have reasonable limits, because procrastination occurs rather quickly - such are the peculiarities of us, ordinary people.

We have such employees

Now about the cliché motifs ...

... namely, what is being asked for at the interviews and what is offered for them.

Interesting project

There is such an interesting project motivation category. The wording sounds rather vague - to whom and why this project should be interesting? It is more correct to say that the project meets the current professional guidelines of the developer. For example, it is interesting for a novice programmer to apply his knowledge in combat conditions, to see how software works in production, to voluntarily or unwittingly get involved in a relationship with a client, product manager, etc. Mature professionals are interested in other things: a new technology stack, non-standard complex tasks, work on a prestigious project, or, conversely, the creation of something completely new.

Again, it’s at least unfair to say about an interesting project at the interview - almost no development manager will let a beginner dive 100%, and even an experienced specialist will be wary. Therefore, in order to avoid further demotivation, it is better to immediately clarify the dates and stages of entry into the project, to voice the code rules and code style, if they exist.

And the project should be inspiring - employees need to see the benefits they bring. This does not mean that you need to continuously port software to new programming languages ​​and change the DBMS, this means that the work must be useful and adequate in everything: from the content to the manual. If the work comes down to supporting the old code, digging into the law and striving to somehow ease the installation file, it is difficult for the company to count on the interest of the workers.

Well, about the benefits. Compare the two CRM-systems: the next “forever pre-release” cloud, which nobody needs, but already got to the IT forum and was praised by a high official, and the system that is installed daily, which requires improvements in interesting implementations. From the point of view of work, the first is for PR people, the second is for developers and merchants, they benefit and develop themselves. Everyone chooses for themselves, we all chose the second.

Well, of course, nothing lasts forever. Employees who are not declarative, but are really interested in the project and your software, may be interested in others. This motivation is important to maintain horizontal (and vertical) movements, periodic wage increases associated with employee success, and the ability to explore and experiment.

Growth opportunity

Growth opportunity is the motivation to which the employer treats rather casually. As a rule, a manager (if it’s not about a startup) always knows exactly where and how long the employee grows, and most importantly, how well he does. Therefore, do not promise the impossible: discuss with the applicant why promotion is important to him. It sometimes happens that people get settled into an office “simpler”, get a job or beg for a position there, so that from this position they can start in the company where there was just not enough leadership experience. However, if there is promotion in your company, movement of employees is practiced, then this is an excellent motivation that you need to remember and which it is important to use for one hundred percent.

Career growth - at first glance, the perfect motivator. But with him all is not easy. How often is promotion on the job ladder? The manager looks, evaluates and decides to make a senior programmer a project manager. And it may happen that the employee is not happy with the appointment: he likes to write code, he wants to develop in this, and not to have a scraper with team leaders, all R & D and a commercial director into the bargain. By the way, such a situation is common in hospitals: often practitioners refuse more financial administrative positions - their vocation is completely different. Yes, it is more difficult to ensure a competent technician’s growth than to pile on him a bunch of managerial work, but with the right progress you will get almost forever a loyal (and most importantly - enthusiastic!) Professional.

Very enthusiastic professional

Intellectual motivation

Intellectual motivation is a type of developer motivation in which he receives bonuses related to his personal professional development.

Training and learning materials are a great motivation for almost any employee. The older a person becomes, the more consciously he relates to learning, because in his head to replace the trigger “I walk couples, fucking beer” a new one is formed “I will go learn, improve my skills, I will earn more”. Training can be implemented in several forms:

This thesis is always met with stormy opposition: “I also didn’t train an employee for competitors!” There is a universal and very honest joke: “- And if we teach him and he leaves? “You, chief, fear that we will not teach him, but he will remain.”

Conferences, hakatons, mitapy - another controversial method of motivation. It is perfectly true that at such events the company shamelessly hunt employees, and employees travel with resumes on a flash drive. Here it’s a matter of the leader’s mind: if the conference is really specialized and you know that you can learn advanced solutions to existing problems from the speakers, send and promise to implement all valid ideas from the results of the conference. If a programmer breaks into a Swift mitap, and you have an enterprise development on Delphi, perhaps you should slow it down and pay attention to a new interest. Perhaps an employee should be loaded with new non-standard tasks.

Mentoring and internal coaching is an excellent method of motivation, combining both training and the development of public speaking skills and demonstration of the leadership qualities of an employee. If you often recruit staff or take students to practice, form a pool of mentors who a) will be proud of their responsibilities b) prepare a training plan and thereby reevaluate their skills c) hear newcomer questions d) switch to another matter.

Remember the cartoon? Great story about the coach and motivation

If there is no one to mentor and you are a stable small company (this is just the history of our RegionSoft Developer Studio ), then develop internal trainers. They can tell salespeople and PR people about new products and functions - this is how you will be able to bring new products to the market much faster, and salespeople will be technically seized and will not faint away from asking to tell why the desktop is better than the cloud and how the SIP background works.

Motivation in everything

Motivation is different for everyone: merchants want one, developers want another, technical support third. If you focus on everyone, you can go crazy, and it is useless - by experience, you can not please everyone. So, you need to find a balance and proceed from some universal principles. Everything was invented before us: the principles of humanity and mutual respect.

Appreciation and gratitude - perhaps the most important thing in the moral motivation of employees. Do not forget to thank the staff for their work, successes, achievements - do it in person, at meetings, on the corporate portal. Although we are opponents of gamification, this is just an excellent base for a game management system: employees can give each other virtual bonuses and exchange them for something (for example, time off or days to leave).

Do not be afraid to thank in advance, even if 3% of the project is done, this motivates you to work. If a person is adequate, he will always try to justify trust. It’s never too late to call on the carpet, but you need to be motivated on a timely basis.

And be sure to talk with the staff. Take time to chat with them in an informal meeting or one-on-one (especially in difficult situations). So you protect yourself from lies, rumors and omissions, and at the same time you can get full information about the problem.

Teamwork is another controversial motivation tool. It is difficult to build a team of introverts, each of whom considers himself an ultra pro. Nevertheless, it is the team that is the most effective organization of the work of developers, even if they are geographically removed. But it should be a team without lazy and snitching back.

By the way, sometimes they talk about a process that can be called "motivational resuscitation," and that is why they use it only in emergency cases. This is a game of ambition and professional Pontah: within the team, competition is provoked and everyone feels pressure on everyone. As a rule, this leads to the most productive work of each. But it is important to understand how you will let go on the brakes and will not let the conflict with the dismissals flare up.

Hi, Vasya, the doctor said that you can hear me, despite the fact that you look like a vegetable. Actually, I came to tell you that you can recover as much as you like, because Petya did everything well. He even found a bottleneck in your code and said that now everything should work twice as fast.

It's impossible! Urgently to the office! Running!

Trivia decide. Allow employees to fulfill their sweet or everyday habits at work, but not to the detriment of others. For example, let the enthusiastic chew on the workplace, brew mate in calabash, take short breaks for stretching or even run along the embankment for half an hour. These rituals are absolutely not costly for you, but will create additional comfort for staff cleaner than a sleep capsule or a juice bar with passion fruit juice. Because it is their way of life and you respect it. And yes, do not forget about the social package - in the end, food, part of the subscription to the sport and VHI do not cost so much, and the employee already has something to lose. Important! Never reproach the staff with these particular moments, do not be petty.

Be interested in the hobby of employees - sometimes it is very useful for the company and they are ready to demonstrate and apply the skill. For example, if your engineer has a blog on Habré, ask him to write to a corporate blog, show how his skill is useful to the company. It boosts self-esteem. This approach makes you almost friends. But, if you see that a person is removed and seeks to delimit work and passion, in no case do not penetrate into the personal sphere.

By the way, there are employees to whom no motivation is applicable and they destroy the team from the inside. It's all obvious: to leave the sooner, the better and without any regret. They love to whine and put pressure on pity - do not give in, it will be uncomfortable for both employees and you.

In general, it may seem that motivation is such a succession of freedoms and concessions on the “just to keep” principle. No, you should not turn work into anarchy and blackmail, especially since it is easy to move out before that. It is important to negotiate - including on hard formalities: coding standards, code style, processes, TK development, reporting, intermediate and final control formats, use of tools, etc. And if your introversion engineers do not like meetings, they should not be canceled, it is important that all participants in the process be a team and accept what they personally think is something foreign.

In general, the main key to the success of a company is respect and real interest in this success. At both sides.

We have work

We have vacancies in Nizhny Novgorod (development, office) and in the regions (intelligent salespeople, remote)
In Nizhniy Novgorod:

Delphi programmer - work in the department of software solutions development, participation in the development of standard solutions and projects, integration solutions.

Web developer - work on the creation and support of web-services, SAAS-technologies, web-sites, integration projects.

Consider everyone, including young developers who want to develop in the most combat conditions and practice under the guidance of a very experienced engineer. You will learn not just the development, but also learn how to compare it with business objectives - in general, enterprise-hardcore.

Write a letter, send a resume and portfolio to contact@regionsoft.ru

By the way, there is such:

1C programmer - work in the implementation of projects based on 1C: Enterprise 8, integration solutions.

In Russia:

We are looking for reliable and savvy salespeople on the remote in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and other cities. We will train, we will explain and we will support. In fact, you will have an interesting and stable job right from home. If there is technical experience - we will tear off with hands.

Write to contact@regionsoft.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327430/

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