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Do advertising on the Internet - quickly or correctly?

Product promotion is usually accompanied by complex and expensive site development, as well as building a long-term strategy to attract visitors and convert them into buyers.

At the same time, about 50% of all logical calculations are based only on the assumption of project participants about what their clients really need.

The process itself is most often associated with the use of contextual advertising, websites, search engines and social networks. However, many of those who deal with them, have no idea about the procedure for the development of sites and subsequent promotion.

The right way

For an ordinary store, manufacturing company or service company, the approach will be approximately as follows:

It would seem that about three months and 150-200 thousand rubles. to develop the site, then at least another two months to work with search engines and contextual advertising, and here it is, profit! However, things are not so simple.

Despite the fact that this path is not known to everyone, hundreds and even thousands of competitors go through it, while places in ad units and search results of Yandex and Google do not become over the years. So even with this approach, there are no guarantees regarding the achievement of the desired result, and for enterprises that have only a few dozen orders per month, a similar approach in sales may even lead to a crash.

Many examples in the field of Internet marketing confirm that academically correct websites, created by investing substantial funds, do not always provide project participants with the desired result, and much cheaper and less expensive competitor designs can be very effective.

In this regard, I will immediately note that in this case the most valuable resource is the time spent, and the main result is customer feedback.

Thus, if you do not have a constant influx of customers, the conditional 500 thousand rubles. to create and promote the site, as well as time within six months to test hypotheses, put in order the text, software and design, it makes sense to pay attention to a simpler, but no less effective study of calls, letters and orders received from customers.

And having understood the true needs of your audience, you will be able to choose a more complicated path.

Fast track

We study the search results

In addition to intense struggle with hundreds of competitors for a place in the top ten, you can use simpler promotion options.

After examining the search results for 10-20 phrases describing your business, you will find a lot of sites already on the first lines of issue, on the pages of which you can indicate your phone number and link to the site after discussing the conditions with the owners.

In addition to links and phone numbers, you can place a banner or your own article. Many owners of such sites already have experience in communicating with advertisers and price lists.

The price usually starts from 500 rubles. for posting links (forever) and comes to tens of thousands.

To make the right choice, you need:

Directories, boards, ratings

In Google, and especially in Yandex, in terms of the set of phrases used to search for commercial offers, the sites of information aggregators, such as bulletin boards, reference books and other information resources, are in issue. Including projects themselves search engines.

As a rule, the placement of information on such resources is inexpensive, and the life of the ad is not less than a month. Through the popular ad portals, even multimillion-cost plants are sold. It makes sense to pay attention to the indicators of the volume of the audience: the presence of competitors on these portals and the number of views of their ads.

Over time, working with 15–20 resources is reduced to interacting with two or three portals, where you already know regular customers.

Rent sites

Next, we will discuss the lease of resources already promoted in the region, devoted to a wide variety of topics: plastic windows, real estate, organization of holidays and so on, i.e. about sites with an audience that you can "buy for a while"

Rental sites have several disadvantages. The main one is that you get the site the way it is, with the possibility of making only minimal changes to product groups and contacts.

However, the advantages are also enough: a rented site (promoted for 200 thousand rubles) can be tested for a much more modest amount per month, to evaluate feedback, and in the future, it is possible to agree on its purchase.

The price of rent, depending on the attendance of the resource and the degree of competitiveness of the subject matter, varies from 10–15 thousand rubles. per month up to several hundred thousand.

We strongly recommend to look for reviews about the site owner, and at profile forums where other forum users can vouch for your potential partner.

Yandex Advertising Network (YAN)

The Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) is the millions of partner resources that host contextual advertising. Every day you see this using e-mail, Yandex, Rambler, Mail.ru, etc.

In the event that you have a “wrong” obsolete site (which is objectively no worse than those your competitors have) or a landing page, you can use the “punching method” of YAN.

For example, if you are engaged in the selection of used cars for the order, then your potential customers are probably interested in parts, tires, radio, tuning, repair, painting, etc. Another option - the sale of country houses.

Future owners are interested in where to buy a plot, which house to choose, which materials to use, who will be the contractor, which is better to buy furniture and household appliances, which bath house to put, which garage to build, how to create a garden and a garden, and much more. According to phrases and phrases peculiar to completely different topics, the same people who are interested in many interrelated concepts are looking for information, and not at all a narrow niche where hundreds of competitors are “treading water”.

What does it have to do with YAN? Unlike search results, where pop-up ads almost always strictly correspond to the subject, in the advertising network we are shown information based on the history of our search.

Anyone who was looking for information on these topics in one ad unit can meet offers for the purchase of bricks, seedlings, and washing machines.
This means that instead of competing in a small area, where everything is advertised on the phrases associated with the selection of cars (and where the cost of a click is high, because the product is expensive), you go beyond this circle and show (partially or almost completely) to the same ad audience in the cheaper segment.

So you can significantly save on advertising. In any case, the person interested in your offer will click on the ads, and you will constantly remind yourself on the resources regularly visited by the potential client that he is used to using.

Feedback can be received within two to three weeks for 25–30 thousand rubles. If you have a normal site and a good product with an adequate price, then an outdated design is forgivable.

Examples from practice

Example 1. The company for the selection of cars with mileage

Before our cooperation, the main channels for attracting customers to the company were the social network VKontakte, contextual advertising on Avito and word of mouth.

We started working in May: we collected statistics on search queries (about 30 thousand phrases of the relevant subject related to cars, spare parts, traffic police fines, etc.); set up an advertising campaign in YAN, approved the text of ads; we set up accounting for target actions on the site (selection requests, verification of owner numbers, calls, etc.) and began to collect statistics.

The graphs presented in Fig. 5 and 6, turned out somewhat "ragged" due to the uneven distribution of budgets by month.

According to the co-owner of the company, advertising in the YANL in terms of efficiency is not inferior to advertising on Avito, but it costs much less.

In September, as an experiment, an advertising campaign was conducted in issuing “Yandex” in one of those regions where their office is located.

Yandex.Direct data on the number of clicks and expenditures on contextual advertising in issuing

Yandex.Direct data on clicks and YAN expenses

In fact, we provide much more traffic than from the issue, and much cheaper.

Example 2. Houses made of timber

Working with one manufacturer of glued timber houses for quite a long time, we decided to experiment, besides promoting the main site, with the landing page.

Since the number of well-made landings is not inferior to the number of "correct" sites, which were discussed at the beginning of the article, we thought that we should focus on the main thing - the projects of houses and the advantages of the manufacturer.

As a result, we chose the simplest solution - a few examples of projects and a form where the user needs to specify his phone and e-mail. After filling out this form, a link to the catalogs in pdf format will be sent to him by email. It turned out the usual pattern, which hundreds of Internet.

Further, we acted in the same way as in the previous example: we collected several tens of thousands of key phrases, put up ads showing the advantages of the company and projects, and launched an advertising campaign. The form itself was integrated with CRM, where all contact details fall.


The correct option and the fast option have, in principle, the same probability of success - 50/50. At the present time, rapidly changing technologies, fashion, design, ways of advancement can be faced with a situation where no one will need a “long-term construction project” according to the correct algorithm.

That is why it is better to use the fast option of receiving feedback from the buyer and then, based on the experience gained, engage in classical promotion.

The main thing is to have a clear and realistic goal, and there will always be a tool to achieve it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327402/

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