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7 copywriting techniques to increase conversion

If you are reading this article, you probably want to sell something online.

Perhaps you are selling SaaS products or you are a freelancer who offers his services, but in any case, sales growth and the opportunity to reach potential customers interest you. Whatever you do, your success is based on effective copywriting.
But achieving conversion growth is not such an easy task, and you don’t have money for a good copywriter.

Advances in copywriting come with great experience. However, this does not mean that applying some of its tools in your work will fail.

Below are seven helpful tips for copywriters to help you improve website conversion.

1. Repeat and repeat

The more often we hear something, the more willingly we believe in it, regardless of whether it is true or not.

Just think: do you believe a lot in that blindly simply because as a child, your parents always talked about this?

What does this mean?

This means that the more you repeat, the more likely that readers will believe you. Of course, this does not mean that you can simply copy previously written text. Repetitions should not be so explicit.

The main task is to identify those phrases of your text that you would like your readers to remember, and repeat them as often as possible.

2. Borrowing (Without going beyond honesty, naturally)

No, this is not a call for the theft of competitor texts. This is a different kind of borrowing.

It's all about your market language.

To make your readers feel at home, it's best to use a language that is already spinning in their heads.

It happens that it seems to you that the author is reading your thoughts? You will learn the language of your target audience only if you study it.

Most likely, your target market is already familiar to you. If he is not familiar very well, then it is time to follow him. Check out Facebook groups where your potential customers are, check out the relevant forums, read the comments on the blogs they read, see the Kindle books they like.

Pay particular attention to the words and phrases they use, and add them to your text.

No need to guess what words should be used. Your market will tell you what it wants and what magic words will force buyers to get wallets.

3. Justification

On the topic of persuasion, Robert Cialdini wrote an excellent book, The Psychology of Influence. If you have time to read another book, I highly recommend this particular one.

The main thing is that.

It describes the study of 1978 (yes, and before the Internet there was life on earth). The work considered the use of the phrase “the fact is that” to justify one’s own actions.

In the course of the experiment, participants who were standing in a line were asked the same question in three ways:

  1. - Excuse me, please. I have five pages. Can I use the copier? The fact is that I am in a hurry.
  2. - Excuse me, please. I have five pages. Can I use the copier?
  3. - Excuse me, please. I have five pages. Can I use the copier? The thing is, I need to make copies.

What do you think, what question did the worst react to? On the third?

It was not there!

On the second. Why? Only because there was no phrase "the fact is that."

The researchers believe that this is due to the fact that we are programmed in a certain way to rely on experience when making decisions.

What is the conclusion?

When you say something about your product or about yourself, when you ask users to take any action, use phrases like "the thing is."

4. Let the reader say no

Readers do not like to be held hostage.

No need to drive anyone into a corner, to be held hostage by your site. Your page should attract the reader, but not aggressively.

When you ask the reader to do something, remember to remind him that he can refuse and leave the page at any time.

Give your users the right to choose, and you’ll make sure they choose you more often.

Suppose you want users to try the free version of your program.

Write something like: “To get access to the free article“ 137 ways not to destroy a goldfish ”enter your email address. If you don’t like it, you can unsubscribe whenever you want. We will not be offended.

5. Flaws on display

Users are interested to know from whom they buy the product. This is especially true for those who sell their own services. You not only sell a way to meet the needs of your potential client, but also yourself.

One without the other does not happen.

I understand. It is terrible to put yourself in a vulnerable position. Admit your flaws. Show that you do not fit all. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “a good brand repels as well as attracts”. It's true.

Be the first to say that your product will not cope with all the tasks.

Protect your few but loyal customers.

You do not fit perfectly with everyone.

You made mistakes, and when you point them out, they begin to be perceived as a person.
Do not be afraid to lose the opportunity to work with those who do not suit you.

For example, consider a phrase like: “If you need a developer who ensures that the application gets to the top of the Apple rating, this is not for me. I will work tirelessly to create an application that will please your users and become successful. But we will not make empty promises. And we can guarantee that ... ".

Much more believable, isn't it?

All this is also due to the fact that a person is programmed to recognize a lie. Even two-year-olds understand when they put noodles on their ears. Be honest. Make only those promises you can keep and show yourself as a person.

Everyone is more pleasant to work with people. We are not robots! For now.

6. Use open-ended questions.

Why are the series so tight?

Why can not take and close the novel, even when it is two in the morning, and tomorrow at work?
What do these questions have to do with your text?

The most direct. Nearly. I will explain.

When you watch series after series, or you can’t tear yourself away from a new book, there is a reason for that - unanswered questions.

At the very end of a series or chapter a new storyline appears. For us, it serves as a question that needs to be answered. Unanswered questions do not give rest.

How can one use this catchy property of unsolved questions?

It's simple. Ask questions or make statements that you do not immediately respond to. To get an answer and close the question, readers will have to do what you want.

For example, you sell billing software to earned entrepreneurs.

Instead of writing: “Invoicing without problems with our software” write something like: “What do all successful entrepreneurs know, and you don’t?” And then, to get an answer, the reader will have to subscribe to your e-mail list .

7. Awaken the imagination.

The imagination of the reader is a useful ally. Unfortunately, the text of most sites is boring. In order not to doze off, you have to drink coffee in liters. Your site can be saved from this fate.

How to exclude that your page does not become a commercial offer with a low conversion that can only cause sleep?

The reader should imagine how his life will be enriched when your product or service appears in it.

For example, suppose your application helps entrepreneurs transfer some small tasks to freelancers to free up an hour or two times a day.

Instead of talking about the merits of your employees or the merits of your software, we will do it differently - we will force potential clients to imagine their life if they start working with you by asking them questions like:

These are just a few examples, but they make the reader think about his life after buying your product. Much more interesting than the list of technical characteristics of your application.

Unleash the potential of boring text with these tips. Weak?

Did I forget any tricks? Tell us what you liked in the comments.

HOSTING.cafe offers tools for searching virtual and dedicated servers, shared hosting and SSL certificates.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327322/

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