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Getting a user is easy

In Russian, “to get” means both “to get” and “get bored”.

The other day I was brought to the blog of the publishing house MYTH. In one of the posts talked about books that will help learn to write. The books seemed to me not very correct, and I decided to comment on it under the post. To leave a comment, asked to specify the email. I indicated, commented, and in a couple of days I receive a letter:

“Blah blah blah, you were interested in our books, look also at our other books.”

Seriously? I just left a comment, I do not need your books. Myth decided that after the commentary I should marry them or at least love them.

It was perhaps the most treacherous attempt to get me. And instead of “get”, the myth turned out to “get bored”.

Based on this situation, I decided to write about notifications.

What to get

The only way to get it directly is to send a notification. Notifications - messages that the service sends without your initiative: push notifications, notifications in the product itself, email distribution, and even SMS messages.

Notifications have one goal - to get you back to the product. The reasons for which he was sent are different:


In an ideal world, the more often you send notifications, the more often the user will interact with the product. In reality, such tactics will lead to the opposite consequences. If you're lucky, the user will limit himself to turning off notifications or move the application to the "Useful" folder. In the worst case, the letter will be sent to spam, and the application will be deleted.

The quantity problem is related to transaction and communication notifications. It is especially acutely felt by the “old-timers” of services that have “overgrown” with connections: more followers, discussions, likes and retweets. If all these notifications are released, the user will be drowned. So thanks to Tweeter, Facebook and Instagram for “packing” alerts.

“Three new messages” is better than “New message” + “New message” + “New message”.

Just do not think that if you send a little, then there will be no problems. Forget about quality - one message is enough.


Most often, the problem of quality comes up on messages to engage. Unlike transactional and communicative, they are less “obligatory”. The user received a newsletter or push-message not because something happened and his participation is required, but because you want it. In essence, this is a product advertisement.

Shocking ad ... with boobs, for example, will get a lot of views. But how useful will such views be for the product? Moreover, in a few months, few people will remember what those boobs were about.

Make a useful and fair advertising. Otherwise, the user will be disappointed and the next time he will be skeptical about your product.

This is what happened with the MYTH. The newsletter arrived not very honest, and now I feel worse about publishing.


To understand if you are doing everything right, look at the metrics after receiving the message.

To begin with - negative:

It seems simple. Unless you take into account that correctly reading the metrics will prevent external factors. Take the same time lag, which allows new hypotheses. What if dissatisfaction appeared a few more posts ago? And if you delete "at the same time" with another, which also showered with guns?

Look at positive metrics:

Only immediately determine what is considered a “beneficial” action. If you inform the user about the accident on his way home, then viewing this message is a success? And if he looks at the message, and later will not go home at all?

Golden pill

She is not. You will have to look at all the metrics and in different situations trust different indicators. Sometimes you have to turn on your intuition and understand what meteorologists feel - to have tons of data, but not be sure of their interpretation.

Of course, it would be better if someone helped. For example, the operating system reported that this guy has already received too many messages from others - do not send him anything yet. Or the mail client will reassure that this guy always reads letters, but does not follow the links. But he copies them, and at the weekend opens. Or that you are not to blame - this week the user didn’t open anything at all, but went nuts and sent 100,500 emails to the trash immediately.

I suspect that such assistance will slightly violate a million laws, so I propose to stop dreaming. A banal question to the user will help to sweeten the pill: “We somehow sent you a message, how was it? Can we be more useful? ". Or "You have unsubscribed from us - what's wrong?"

Bitter truth

Notifications are only a tool. Like a hose, for example. A skilled gardener will water the field and harvest will grow on it. Unskillful - will flood everything to dogradish and ruin the crop. Yes, there will be a short-term benefit - at one time the monthly rate of watering was completed, but later nothing will grow in the swamp. To get the user, do not chase short-term indicators.

Do not invest in techniques that force you to open your application here and now, and do not fapayte on CR. Look at the metrics of ER - “proper engagement”.

Henry Modisett and his article Notification System Design (99+) for inspiration.
Yulia Nefedova from the MYTH, which promptly removed my mail from the mailing list.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327298/

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