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UIKit + Viper or MVC healthy person

About a year ago I met such a wonderful pattern as the Viper . And now I want to talk about my problems, as well as about their solution.


Having read tutorios about Viper, I started trying to create a new project on it. As a result, my Viper looked like this:


A base class is signed next to each block. Arrows indicate links between objects (weak dotted line).
This scheme does not solve an extremely important problem. How to locate modules in UINavigationController? Due to the fact that the navigation stack needs to add heirs to the UIViewController class.

In this approach, some incompatibility of Viper and UIKit is evident.

How to make friends Viper and UIKit

First of all, you need to understand how to move from Apple MVC to Viper. MVC quite easily decomposed into view, presenter and interactor. But viper has an additional layer - the router. And at this point, I propose an alternative point of view (at least on the Internet, I have not seen anything like this).


It became noticeably more UI components. Now let's see why everything is so, well, or almost. As a basis for my reasoning, I will use this article .

It says:
Presenter / Presenter

Presenter is PONSO, which basically consists of logic to control the UI. It collects input from user interaction, so it can send requests to Interactor. Presenter also gets the results of Interactor and converts the results to the state that is most effective for display on the View.

Entities are never transferred from Interactor to Presenter. Instead, simple data structures that have no behavior are transferred from Interactor to Presenter. This prevents any real work in Presenter. Presenter can only prepare data for display on the View.

If, in the capacity of a presenter, to take not a PONSO, but a UIViewController, what will change? Yes, the presenter will be responsible for displaying the module, but only under the hood of the UIKit. All methods of the life cycle can be regarded on the same principle as the events from the view buttons. That is, the view tells the presenter that the viewdidload has happened and something can be done about it. All rendering logic remained on view.

Now let's take a look at the router (in the article it’s shown as wireframe. I usually divide it into router and moduleManager)

Wireframe / Frame

Routing handles navigation from one screen to another, as defined in the wireframes created by the interaction designer. The wireframe object is responsible for routing. The wireframe object owns UIWindow, UINavigationController, etc. objects. He is responsible for creating the Interactor, Presenter and View / ViewController and for setting the ViewController. Since Presenter contains logic to respond to user input, Presenter knows when to go to another screen. Wireframe knows how to do it. So Presenter is a Wireframa user.

There is a question. Why router can not be UINavigationController? Why do we still need a bicycle when UIKit has its own routers - these are UINavigationController and sympathizers. In such classes, the basic logic has already been laid.

What does this approach solve?

As an example, I created a small demo project . I hope for an objective discussion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327262/

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