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How to automate order confirmation if you are not Yulmart (spoiler: just like Yulmart)

What is the main problem of Russian online stores?

a) We have to work in a very competitive market, a little gape - the guys from the neighboring basement jumped you.
b) Prices have to be kept low, because there are always guys from a nearby basement who trade “gray” and pay wages in envelopes. And the client is not important, he wants to buy well and cheaply, and this is logical.
c) Prices have to be kept even lower, because there are Chinese and other online stores, where some of the goods are even cheaper, plus they do not pay taxes. Etc. etc.

It leads to quite a good reason: for the last two years, “White Wind” has closed, changed the owner of “Svyaznoy”, and some of the major players just publicly report losses from year to year.
Against this background, those who managed to optimize their expenses and automate part of their functions to the maximum benefit. We are engaged in automating calls and can tell you what is used “under the hood” of one of the few companies that is not just profitable, but also actively developing.

He is waiting for your call

The customer needs to call. It is very, very important for him to know that someone is on the other end of the screen, he is doing something there and after placing the order something starts to happen. Therefore, he is sitting, worried and waiting for a confirmation call.

Moreover, it is not the dialogue that is important, but the fact of the call itself. The person carefully listens to the composition of the order, the address and time of delivery, in most cases, nods his head and calms down. And if something is wrong, then settle the question even at the stage of the order.

Say me Yes"

Company call is also needed. To reduce logistical risks. If you do not call, the client can forget or make a backup order. That is, it is a disciplining step to confirm the intentions of both parties with a voice and the correctness of the data: the composition of the order, the amount and the address. According to Yulmart, an order confirmation is 40% of all calls made by the contact center in the “Delivery” direction for individuals.

There are three problems with the call center. These are: a) expensive; b) long c) unscalable for holidays, when sales increase several times. If suddenly Black Friday came, and customers decided to buy another TV, the call from the operator can be expected all day. And the robot just calls back within 5 minutes.


So that the delivery does not depend on the contact center, Yulmart decided to automate this process.

Information about the company:

Yulmart is the largest Russian private Internet company specializing in the e-commerce industry. The company is in the top 50 largest online retailers in the world according to Deloitte and in the top ten most effective Runet companies according to Forbes magazine. In 2017, the company Yulmart together with the Roskongress Foundation organized the “Russian House” - the official representative of domestic business at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The range of the company covers almost all categories of consumer goods and has over 12 million items. The Yulmart logistics network covers over 240 cities and has over 400 objects of various formats.

Formulation of the problem

In order for the Voximplant platform to call the Yulmart client, it must receive: an identifier, a shipping address, a date and a delivery interval. Next, the platform proceeds to call in accordance with the developed scenario ( scheme ).


Since our Voximplant platform is such a LEGO for telephony, let's see how we can assemble a callback mechanism to the client from several “cubes”:

require ( Modules . IVR );
var operatorPhone = " operator number " ;
var call, call2, customData;
VoxEngine . addEventListener ( AppEvents . Started , function ( e ) {
customData = JSON . parse ( VoxEngine . customData ());
call1 = VoxEngine . callPSTN ( customData . phoneNumber );
call1.addEventListener(CallEvents.Connected, handleCall1Connected);
function handleCall1Connected(e) {
call1.say("! " + customData.sum + ". : " + customData.orderList, Language.RU_RUSSIAN_FEMALE);
call1.addEventListener(CallEvents.PlaybackFinished, function (e) {
var mainState = new IVRState("mainState", {
type: "select",
prompt: {
lang: Language.RU_RUSSIAN_FEMALE,
say: " , 1. , 0. , ."
nextStates: {}
}, function (input) {
if (input == 1) {
// ,
} else if (input == 0) {
// ,
}, function (e) {
// ,
call2 = VoxEngine.callPSTN(operatorPhone);
VoxEngine.easyProcess(call1, call2);
view raw gistfile1.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub


In most cases, the callback arrives within a minute. Those. the customer has completed the design and he almost immediately receives a callback from the “iron woman”, or the men, at the choice of the store. Due to this, two things are achieved:

the client has not yet managed to switch to other matters and the call does not interfere with it;
it is immediately clear to the client that they are engaged in his order and will be brought as quickly as possible.

Both items set up a positive perception of the store.

I write “in most cases” because not all calls are handled that way. Inside the store has its own processing logic - not all orders fall into the “reverse callback”. However, most calls arrive quickly, especially since there is nothing special to linger there.

Another advantage of this decision, in addition to the obvious savings on living and dear people, is that during the period of active seasonal sales such a system is easy to scale: a robot on the drum, make 10 calls or 1,000, and then again 1,000 or "total" 10. If automation is configured, it just works.

Photo to Kata taken from the blog
The second photo is from here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/327014/

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