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SAP Forum 2017: New Scenarios for the Future with the Internet of Things

Last week, the SAP Forum was held in Moscow - the largest SAP event in the CIS, where our partners and customers gather and communicate annually. This year the theme of the Forum was digital transformation - how new technologies will change the business and the world around. We at SAP, together with our partners, decided to tell and show how with the help of new technologies it is possible to effectively change the usual working processes.

The subject of the Internet of Things and Digital Technologies became particularly noticeable at the SAP Forum this year - from the slogan of the Digital Now event to numerous demo sessions in the exhibition area. In this post we will talk about several solutions that should be monitored in the near future.


The Internet of Things for predicting repairs
A large booth at the Moscow event was dedicated to Leonardo, a new brand for a portfolio of services and technologies for the Internet of things, from infrastructure and logistics solutions to data storage and processing platforms. Some scenarios were presented at the SAP Forum: digital chisel to monitor the state of the face, predictive repairs on railways, excavator bucket recognition and the use of the Internet of things to prevent breakdowns, an intelligent oil field with equipment monitoring, a digital farm and Connected Cars (connected cars).

Forecasting repairs using the Internet of things is one of the most relevant and sought-after projects among our partners. The Forum presented a predictive scenario for railways using sensors and SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service, SAP HANA and SAP Cloud Platform solutions for collecting, storing and processing data from rolling stock and equipment in a single system. The built-in SAP mechanisms help to conduct statistical analysis and quickly change the program of scheduled repairs. Implementing the solution allows customers to reduce costs for materials, overtime, and increase employee productivity and employee productivity, as well as equipment availability.


Now this solution is used on the Italian railways. Trenitalia, using SAP solutions, developed a dynamic service model, which made it possible to reduce equipment costs and improve the availability and reliability of services for passengers. The system, developed for Trenitalia, uses SAP HANA to process large data from sensors in real time, as well as using machine learning to create a predictive model, which allows Trenitalia employees to correct engineering repair plans. The company expects that the ability to anticipate the occurrence of malfunctions and the need for maintenance will reduce the cost of this budget item by 8-10 percent - on a Trenitalia scale, this is a significant amount.

SAP VR Transportation Management VR application for warehouse and transportation management

Several new scenarios were presented at the SAP Labs R & D booth: virtual reality for warehouse and loading, life cycle contracts, artificial intelligence for traffic management and geo-information analytics for situational centers. We will tell a little more about the SAP solution for virtual reality.

SAP VR Transportation Management is a new pilot project for the use of VR in cargo and warehouse management. In the VR helmet, booth visitors could test two cases: vehicle loading control and a demo application for managing movements in the warehouse and tracking the movement. The solution allows you to simplify the loading of trucks with heavy objects to meet the requirements of weight distribution along the axes, as well as to track cargo from the warehouse to the recipient using the IoT components of the SAP Cloud Platform platform.


We expect that in the future, dispatchers will save time on planning, warehouse management and loading with this VR solution. The use of virtual reality when loading allows you to neatly distribute the load in the car for those orders where it is needed, as well as to track the transportation online.

We will describe in more detail about this application in a separate post in our blog.


Smart City Energy System on the SAP Cloud Platform

The SAP Forum presented a system for smart urban energy based on the SAP Cloud Platform, which allows you to manage the infrastructure of the city in real time. It can automatically turn on and off the lighting in the city, as well as adjust the optimal lighting configuration - for example, turn on or dim the lamps when the vehicle is moving. The solution also implemented a predictive repair system to optimize costs and predict equipment maintenance. When implementing solutions for smart urban energy, the human factor will decrease: data from sensors will flow directly to the infrastructure management system, and the operator will make decisions based on the information already received and analyzed.


What are the advantages of using smart energy systems in cities? This includes reducing energy costs by optimizing lighting, and simplifying infrastructure management processes. The use of the Internet of things in urban infrastructure also allows you to pre-plan maintenance, distribute traffic flows and reduce traffic in places where cars are crowded - in the city center, at shopping centers, stadiums, etc.
Karlsruhe in Germany was one of the first cities to apply this decision. You can watch the video presentation about the implementation in English on Youtube:

Smart Shop: Internet of Things to predict the behavior of customers based on the SAP Cloud Platform

One of the main questions for retail today is how to monitor the activity, interests and behavior of customers today? What product is in great demand today, when it is correct to replenish stocks? At the SAP Forum, we demonstrated a new “pilot” - “store of the future” with smart refrigerators and shelves. The case was developed jointly with the company Afanasy - a Russian manufacturer of food and beverages.

The solution was developed using the SAP Cloud Platform, RFID tags, special readers and sensors to monitor temperature, product availability in the refrigerator, location, etc. The system also helps to collect information for data processing in the analytical systems of the company.

Cooperation with Athanasius is not accidental - for a company engaged in the production of beverages, it is crucial to monitor the temperature regime in refrigerators. Compliance with the temperature regime of the special is important for the premium product of the company Afanasy - Live beer with a short shelf life. In addition, the use of the solution helps to control the implementation of agreements by partners in the retail sector - whether the goods are correctly laid out, how the refrigerator is filled, whether there are competitive goods and other details in it. A pilot scenario with smart refrigerators and shelves can be part of Afanasy’s large-scale project to automate the supply process - from the warehouse to the in-store refrigerator.

Oilfield control using the Internet of Things and Drones using the SAP Cloud Platform and SAP Predictive Analytics

Cooperation with Russian universities is one of the most important areas for SAP. The University SAP Alliance includes dozens of Russian educational institutions, three of them have opened the SAP Next Gen Lab innovation centers. In these laboratories, students and teachers can use SAP educational materials, as well as develop their own projects (including for SAP customers). The SAP Next Gen Lab based on the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas has developed a joint project to control the production and transportation of hydrocarbons.

The scenario involves the use of the control room, where the operators are located, and drones for visual observation of the production and assessment of the state of the equipment. Within the framework of the scenario, the operator (or operators) obtain information on the condition of the equipment and on the production process using sensors. Based on the information received, they can build forecasts, make decisions in emergency situations and assess the economic effect.

UAVs can be used to collect visual information about equipment that cannot provide information in digital form. Using the camera, the drone collects information that is processed using computer vision technology into a digital version. Further information is transmitted to the database with the appropriate labels of equipment and time. At the same time, a real-time graphic information is transmitted by the drone in order to provide the operator and the master with additional information for making decisions. During the development of the solution, the SAP Cloud Platform, SAP Predictive Analytics and SAP Cloud Platform Connectivity services were used.

These are just a few notable scenarios for the future and the Internet of things that were presented at the SAP Forum. You can already watch the recording from the plenary session on the event website , in the near future there will be presentations of partners, customers and SAP specialists from thematic sessions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/326974/

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