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To hell with motivation, you need discipline

If you want to do something, then there are two ways to achieve this.

The first, more common and largely incorrect option is to try to motivate yourself.

The second, very unpopular, but absolutely correct choice is discipline education.
This is one of the situations where adopting a different perspective immediately leads to excellent results. The few uses of the term “paradigm shift” are, in fact, justified, but this is one of them. This idea can be compared with insight.

What is the difference?

Motivation, generally speaking, is based on the erroneous assumption that a certain mental or emotional state is required to perform a task.

But this is absolutely the wrong way.

Discipline, on the contrary, separates external functioning from moods and feelings, and thus, ironically, bypasses the problem, consistently improving them .

The consequences are enormous.

Successful problem solving leads to internal states that chronic procrastinators consider a necessary condition for the beginning of problem solving.

Simply put, you do not have to wait until you reach the Olympic form to start training. We must train to achieve the Olympic form.

If the action is conditioned by feelings, then waiting for the right mood becomes a particularly insidious form of delay. I know this now too well and would very much like someone to point it out to me then — twenty, fifteen, or ten years ago — before I understood the difference in my own bitter experience.

If you wait for the desire to act, then you will be fools. This is how terrible procrastination funnels arise.

At its core, the motivation for striving towards something is the imposition of an infantile fantasy, that we should do only what we like . Then the problem can be formulated as: “How can I force myself to want to do what I rationally decided to do?” No, this is bad.

The correct question is: “How can I make my feelings irrelevant and do what I consciously want to do without reflexing because of it?”

The bottom line is to cut the connection between feelings and actions and just do it. After that, you will feel good, become mobile, energetic and active.

Motivation is a completely wrong way. I am 100% sure that this false message is the main cause of the epidemic of hanging out on the couch in one of their underwear in games with the Xbox and with myself, which has now spread to developed countries.

In reliance on motivation, there are psychological problems.

Since real life in the real world from time to time requires people to do something that no one in their right mind can feel delighted, “motivation” encounters an insurmountable obstacle, trying to arouse enthusiasm for things that do not objectively deserve it. Then the only solution, apart from inaction, is pushing people to abandon common sense. This is a very unpleasant, but, fortunately, erroneous dilemma.

The desire to arouse enthusiasm for, at its core, dull and soul-destroying actions is literally a form of deliberately crafted psychics — a voluntary insanity: “I’m SO ATTRACTED BY THESE ELECTRONIC TABLES; I TA-AAA-K LOVE MY WORK !! ”

I do not think that the light form of insanity caused in man by himself is the optimal driver of human activity. The reaction of the thymus gland through manifestations of depression is inevitable, since the human brain will not tolerate ill-treatment with itself indefinitely. There are stoppers and safety valves. There is a hormonal legacy, stretching from the past.

The most unpleasant thing that can happen is achieving success with the wrong initial message. This success will be only for a short time. The best scenario is to preserve sanity, which, unfortunately, is often misunderstood as a moral failure: “I still don’t like my senseless work of shifting the paper; I’m doing something wrong.” “I still prefer cakes rather than broccoli, and I can't lose weight; maybe I'm just a weak person. ” "I have to buy another book about motivation . " Bullshit! It is a critical mistake to even consider this problem from the position of motivation or its absence. The answer is: “Discipline! Not motivation! ”

There is another - practical - problem with motivation. She has a tiny shelf life, she needs constant updating.

Motivation can be compared to manually turning the engine start handle. At best, it saves and converts energy into a specific goal. There are situations (as a rule, one-off) when it is needed, and in which proactively obtaining a huge amount of mental and mental energy is the best course of action. The Olympics and prison shoots come to mind. But this is a terrible basis for regular day-to-day functioning and consistent long-term results.

On the contrary, discipline is like an engine, which, when it is running, really stably supplies energy to the system.

Productivity does not require any special state of mind. From the standpoint of consistent long-term results, discipline wins over motivation completely and in everything.

In general, motivation is trying to create a desire to act. Discipline encourages action, even if there is no desire.

Good feelings will be later .

Discipline is a system, whereas motivation is similar to goals. There is symmetry here. Discipline is more or less self-sustaining and constant, whereas motivation is a flash phenomenon.

How to develop discipline? Building habits - starting with the smallest possible cause that you can manage, even microscopically, and gain momentum, reinvesting the result into ever larger changes in your everyday life, create a cycle of positive feedback.

Motivation is a deadlock for performance. The main thing is discipline!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/326904/

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